Global fry-up.

I like to squash morons in pairs.

'Sand cleaning' means that the sand is cleaned off , you interlocked turds.
Solar energy is used to produce the electrostatic charge which clears the panels of sand and dust.

You dumbasses thought it meant sand-blasting.

Guess where the solar energy comes from.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw.......................haw.

Go fly Boeing.

Electrostatic charge attracts sand and dust. Why would you use such a thing? Further, electrostatic charge can burn out the panel. It's essentially a diode exposed to sunlight. Electrostatic charges can puncture the junction, killing the device.
What pandemic? 0.3% of the population infected (using CDC inflated numbers) is not a pandemic.

Define 'global warming'.

It is. It is undergoing test flights now. Each one has landed successfully and passed most of it's tests. They are still resolving a few minor problems. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I see them flying regularly here.

EASA Completes Boeing 737 MAX Test Flights

EASA today revealed that it has completed its test flights of the Boeing 737 MAX in Canada. The data will be analyzed before a meeting of the Joint Operations Evaluation Board next week. This will see representatives from a group of aviation authorities evaluating the aircraft ahead of a return to service
Definitely worth a repeat;

I like to squash morons in pairs.

'Sand cleaning' means that the sand is cleaned off , you interlocked turds.
Solar energy is used to produce the electrostatic charge which clears the panels of sand and dust.

You dumbasses thought it meant sand-blasting.

Guess where the solar energy comes from.

Go fly Boeing.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw.......................haw.
Into the Night Soil;


Assumption of victory fallacy.
Two feet of rain in 24 hours. Parts of Europe devastated by huge rainstorm. Entire streets of houses just............washed away.


French authorities have deployed about 1,000 firefighters, four military helicopters and troops to search for at least eight people who are missing after devastating floods from record rains hit a mountainous border region with neighbouring Italy.

The storm moved overnight across southeast France and then struck northern Italy, causing major flooding on both sides of the border.

Many people missing in severe floods in Italy and France
Sudan floods threaten ancient archaeological site, experts say
Displacement, despair and disease in flood-ravaged Sudan
Emergency workers in Italy recovered two bodies on Sunday in northern Liguria that they feared may have been washed away as a result of the heavy downpours on Saturday.

In France, the storm ravaged several villages around the city of Nice on the French Riviera. Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi called it the worst flooding disaster in the area in more than a century.

“The roads and about 100 houses were swept away or partially destroyed,” he told French news channel BFM after flying over the worst-hit area by helicopter.

“I have been particularly shocked by what I saw today,” French Prime Minister Jean Castex told a news conference after visiting affected areas.

Rescue efforts were concentrated on the Roya Valley where firefighters hoped to find survivors and give assistance to people whose homes were destroyed or inaccessible.

About 10,500 homes were left without electricity, French energy company Enedis said. France declared the region a natural disaster zone.

Residents clear a street following a mudslide in Garessio, Piedmont, after storms lashed the region [Vincenzo Pinto/ AFP]
In Italy’s Piedmont region, officials reported a record 630mm (24.8 inches) of rain in just 24 hours in Sambughetto, close to the border with Switzerland. The Piedmont regional chief, Alberto Cirio, called on the government to declare a state of emergency.
The water level in the River Po jumped by three metres (9.84 feet) in just 24 hours. Italian firefighters also rescued 25 people trapped on the French side of a high mountain pass due to the flooding.

In Venice, a long-delayed flood barrier system successfully protected the lagoon city from a high tide for the first time on Saturday, bringing big relief following years of repeated inundations.

All normal. Nothing to see here.
Sudan declares 3-month state of emergency over deadly floods
Floods have killed at least 99 people this year and caused total and partial collapse of more than 100,000 homes.

Authorities in Sudan have declared a national state of emergency for three months and designated the country a natural disaster zone after flooding that has killed dozens of people.

Lena el-Sheikh, Sudan’s minister of labour and social development, said in addition to 99 deaths, floods this year have injured 46 people, inflicted damage on more than half a million people and caused the total and partial collapse of more than 100,000 homes.

“This isn’t the first time the Nile has flooded its banks, but those affected say it’s the worst they’ve ever seen,” Al Jazeera’s Hiba Morgan, reporting from the capital, Khartoum said, adding that at least half a million people have been forced out of their homes as a result of the major rise in the Nile’s water levels.


100,000 homes . That's quite a lot, isn't it ?
Couldn't that dam they are threatening & bitching about in Ethiopia have helped hold back some of the flood waters??
September was world's 'hottest on record'


September was the warmest on record globally, according to the weather service Copernicus.

It was 0.05C hotter than September last year, which in turn set the previous record high for the month.

Scientists say it’s a clear indication of temperatures being driven up by emissions from human society.

Copernicus, which is the European Union's Earth observation programme, said warmth in the Siberian Arctic continues way above average.

And it confirmed that Arctic sea ice is at its second lowest extent since satellite records began.

Run, Deniers, run.
Just like 2020’s January and May, September hottest on record
Unusually high temperatures recorded off Siberia, in the Middle East, and in parts of South America and Australia, data shows.


First it was January, then May, and now September.

New data by the European Union’s Earth Observation Programme showed on Wednesday that last month was the world’s hottest September on record, with unusually high temperatures recorded off Siberia, in the Middle East and in parts of South America and Australia.

It means that this year has now seen three months of record warmth, while June and April were virtually tied for first, according to the programme’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

Extending a long-term warming trend caused by emissions of heat-trapping gases, high temperatures this year have played a major role in disasters from fires in California and the Arctic to floods in Asia, scientists say.

Say it isn't true, Comrade maggot.

The Earth is changing faster than at any point in modern history as a result of human-caused global heating. From the mid-19th century, when we began burning fossil fuels on an industrial scale, we have been modifying our atmosphere and causing the planet to heat up.

Scientists have forecast that if the world's temperature passes 2C above pre-industrial levels, the consequences will be catastrophic, with hotter temperatures, rises in sea level, disruption to ecosystems and more extreme weather.

This page will track a selection of the planet’s vital signs, from carbon dioxide levels to Arctic sea ice, and automatically update from reliable feed sources, providing a visual representation of the climate crisis.