Global fry-up.

Run, Deniers, run.

0.05C is well outside margin of error, just complete and utter bollocks from the bullshit meister. Further September in the UK was nothing special. Since 1659, there have been 122 Septembers as warm or warmer. The hottest, in order, were 2006, 1729, 1865 and 1949.

The hottest day last month was 15th Sept, which reached 27.4C, well below the record of 31.3C set in 1906. The coldest night was the 28th, with 3.0C. Extremely cold September nights are now very uncommon.

NOAA have been regularly tampering with the temperature records, it used to be that 1934 and 1998 were the hottest years ever!! Hopefully when David Legates starts there he'll kick some arses!!



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Paranoid retreat monkey.

As the causes of temperature rise have to be addressed to avoid the predicted disaster- and you're one of them- then you and your ilk need to be addressed.
Old king coal has surrendered to solar, says global power report

Solar power has been declared "the new king of electricity" by the International Energy Agency in its annual energy outlook report, which finds it is already cheaper than power generated by new coal and gas developments in most countries and is providing, "some of the lowest-cost electricity ever seen".

For the first time since the industrial revolution, coal-fired power will constitute less than 20 per cent of the world's energy by 2040, according to one scenario in the report, which found the end of the coal era has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Comrade maggot- it's past time to hang up your Davy lamp and set your canary free.
Have a good scrub, old chap.

Haw, haw.............................haw.
Of course, it's not all shrinking ice shelves, dead coral and loss of species;

Polluted air killing half a million babies a year across globe
State of Global Air report says indoor air quality causing two-thirds of the deaths and affecting health in the womb

What we have to do is to reject the lie that economic ' growth ' is good for us. Fuck the electric car and fuck the airline industry. As for expanding the military- are you totally out of your tree ?
Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest date on record
Delayed freeze in Laptev Sea could have knock-on effects across polar region, scientists say

For the first time since records began, the main nursery of Arctic sea ice in Siberia has yet to start freezing in late October.

The delayed annual freeze in the Laptev Sea has been caused by freakishly protracted warmth in northern Russia and the intrusion of Atlantic waters, say climate scientists who warn of possible knock-on effects across the polar region.

Ocean temperatures in the area recently climbed to more than 5C above average, following a record breaking heatwave and the unusually early decline of last winter’s sea ice.

The trapped heat takes a long time to dissipate into the atmosphere, even at this time of the year when the sun creeps above the horizon for little more than an hour or two each day.

Graphs of sea-ice extent in the Laptev Sea, which usually show a healthy seasonal pulse, appear to have flat-lined. As a result, there is a record amount of open sea in the Arctic.
Arctic sea ice at record low October levels: Danish researchers
For the month of October, measurements show an 8.2 percent downward trend in ice over the last 10 years.


Sea ice in the Arctic was at record lows for October as unusually warm waters slowed the recovery of the ice, Danish researchers said on Wednesday.

Diminishing sea ice comes as a reminder about how the Arctic is hit particularly hard by global warming.

Locate a Denier and kick its ass.
Super Typhoon Goni batters Philippines, one million evacuated
Weather agency forecasts ‘catastrophic violent winds’ and intense rains as Goni slams into eastern Philippines.


A super typhoon has barrelled into the eastern Philippines bringing “catastrophic” winds and intense rains as about a million people were evacuated in its projected path including in the capital, Manila, where the main international airport was ordered closed.
Scientists link record-breaking hurricane season to climate crisis
Evidence is not so much in the number of tropical storms the Atlantic has seen, but in their strength, intensity and rainfall

Climate scientists say that this year’s record-breaking hurricane season and the “unprecedented” double blow for Central America has a clear link to climate crisis.

“In a 36-hour period [Eta] went from a depression to a very strong category 4,” said Bob Bunting, CEO of the nonprofit Climate Adaptation Center. “That is just not normal. Probably it was the fastest spin up from a depression to a major hurricane in history.”

The evidence of the influence of climate crisis is not so much in the record-breaking 30 tropical storms in the Atlantic so far this year, but the strength, rapid intensification and total rainfall of these weather systems.

“The warmer ocean waters that climate change brings are expected to make the stronger storms stronger and make them rapidly intensify more frequently and at a greater rate,” said Dr Jeff Masters, a meteorologist and contributor to Yale Climate Connections. “These things have already been observed, particularly in the Atlantic, and it’s going to be increasingly so in coming decades.”
Devastation in Thailand.

Maggot's scorn for the natural world is coming to bite his old English ass.

Haw, haw.............................haw.

Maybe there'll be a couple of snakes in his thigh boots.
Australia storms: Byron Bay's Main Beach 'all but disappeared'

Byron Bay's famous beach has all but disappeared, as extreme weather batters Australia's east coast, officials say.

Main Beach - a popular tourist destination - had already been depleted due to previous erosions.

But local mayor Simon Richardson said "severe weather" and "massive swells" were smashing what was left. "We're watching our beach disappear," he said.

A 1,000km (620 mile) stretch of coast is being hit with torrential rain and "abnormally high" tides.

The Australian government is still in denial. It's led by a right-wing religious nut. Sound familiar ?
The Australian government is still in denial. It's led by a right-wing religious nut. Sound familiar ?

You're such an stupid twat, I've a friend that lived on the Gold Coast for 40 years, only the BBC, Guardian and ignorant peasants like you think that's unusual.
You're such an stupid twat, I've a friend that lived on the Gold Coast for 40 years, only the BBC, Guardian and ignorant peasants like you think that's unusual.

Like yourself, Vera- your imaginary friend is a wanking Denier.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
Countries adapting too slowly to climate breakdown, UN warns
Report says not enough funding is being made available to deal with effects of extreme weather

Millions of people around the world are facing disaster from flood, droughts, heatwaves and other extreme weather, as governments fail to take the measures needed to adapt to the impacts of climate breakdown, the UN has warned.

The blame for the slow reaction can be laid squarely at the feet of the likes of the Brit maggot and other self-serving eco-criminals . A legal punishment for them has not yet been devised- but it will come.