Global fry-up.

Let's assume for discussion that the whole anthropogenic CO2 emissions is the problem here...




Which nation(s) are the problem here?
Why should the US rejoin the Paris Climate Accords?

Now, if we go to the other side of the coin and look at those that are screaming the loudest for more CO2 reduction....



What we find is some very disingenuous lying going on...

You want to play scientist. Cute.
Global warming doesn't mean world-wide uniform rises in temperatures. The warming of some areas will affect the climatic machinery to produce falls in temperature elsewhere.

Buzzword fallacies. Define 'global warming'. Define 'climate change'. Define 'climatic machinery'.
You want to play scientist. Cute.

No science here. Move along...move along...

No math here either. Charts of random numbers are quite meaningless.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, global atmospheric CO2 content, global sea level, where CO2 came from, or the emissivity of the Earth.

No gas or vapor, including CO2, is capable of warming the Earth. You can't create energy out of nothing. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap light. You cannot reduce entropy in any system. You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. You cannot change the Stefan-Boltzmann law by adding a frequency component or a sequence to it.
Prosperity comes at 'devastating' cost to nature

A landmark review has called for transformational change in our economic approach to nature.

The long-awaited review by Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta, of the University of Cambridge, says prosperity has come at a "devastating" cost to the natural world.

The report proposes recognising nature as an asset and reconsidering our measures of economic prosperity.

It is expected to set the agenda on government policy going forward.

At its heart is the idea that sustainable economic growth requires a different measure than Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


The truth of it is spreading like wildfire.......................if you'll pardon the expression.
Into the Night Soil

Temperature is a scalar value, not an array.

That may well be true of the big thermometer stuck up your fool ass.

Haw, haw............................haw.
'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds
Pollution from power plants, vehicles and other sources accounted for one in five of all deaths that year, more detailed analysis reveals

Air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil was responsible for 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, a staggering one in five of all people who died that year, new research has found.
Atlantic Ocean circulation at weakest in a millennium, say scientists
Decline in system underpinning Gulf Stream could lead to more extreme weather in Europe and higher sea levels on US east coast

The Atlantic Ocean circulation that underpins the Gulf Stream, the weather system that brings warm and mild weather to Europe, is at its weakest in more than a millennium, and climate breakdown is the probable cause, according to new data.

Further weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) could result in more storms battering the UK, more intense winters and an increase in damaging heatwaves and droughts across Europe.

Scientists predict that the AMOC will weaken further if global heating continues, and could reduce by about 34% to 45% by the end of this century, which could bring us close to a “tipping point” at which the system could become irrevocably unstable. A weakened Gulf Stream would also raise sea levels on the Atlantic coast of the US, with potentially disastrous consequences.