Global fry-up.

Australia declares natural disaster after heavy rains cause flooding
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Global climate change caused by man is very real; it would take the post pathetic of idiots to deny it, but unfortunately, we've got most of them right here in America.

Even acknowledging and admitting to the problem won't help much, however.

We're asking a current generation to make sacrifices in order to avert total catastrophe for subsequent generations.
How many are actually willing to do that?

For most, it's just easier to live the way we know how to live and just not procreate.
That relieves guilt for screwing your own progeny.

People who do procreate and still don't support climate reform are the real disgusting troglodytes.
They drop babies like it means nothing and don't give a fuck what happens to them.
I don't recognize any rights for people like this.
For all I care, you can shoot the motherfuckers for sport. It's better than shooting innocent wildlife.
This forum already knows that I value life qualitatively, not absolutely...right?
These are some of the people that make their fortunes at the expense of your environment, your life and those of your families.

Banks pledge to fight climate crisis – but their boards have deep links with fossil fuels

Analysis finds 77% of directors on boards of seven US banks have ties to ‘climate-conflicted’ groups, as banks continue to finance projects like the Line 3 oil pipeline

US banks are pledging to help fight the climate crisis alongside the Biden administration, but their boards are dominated by people with climate-related conflicts of interest, and they continue to invest deeply in fossil fuel projects.

Three out of every four board members at seven major US banks (77%) have current or past ties to climate-conflicted companies or organizations – from oil and gas corporations to trade groups that lobby against reducing climate pollution, according to a first-of-its-kind review by climate influence analysts for the blog DeSmog.

Ethical banking is such an easy alternative.

Best Ethical Banks in the US
There are numerous ethical banks that environmentally and socially responsible consumers can choose from. Below, you will find a list of the top ethical banks in the US.

Bank Description
Aspiration Aspiration is a digital-only green bank that lets individuals spend, save, and invest with a conscience. California
Amalgamated Bank Amalgamated Bank is America’s largest union-owned socially responsible bank that provides accessible banking services and advocates for worker’s rights and high standards of corporate governance. New York
Beneficial State Bank Beneficial State Bank is a community development bank that offers banking services to underserved SMEs, non profits, affordable-housing developers, and community facilities. California
City First Bank City First Bank is a community development bank that provides financial services to underserved communities in Washington, DC. Washington, DC
Mascoma Bank Mascoma Bank is an environmentally and socially conscious community bank that invests in green initiatives and donates to philanthropic ventures. New Hampshire
Spring Bank Spring Bank is a community development bank that primarily services low-income earners and small businesses with the aim to create positive social change. New York
Sunrise Banks Sunrise Banks is a socially responsible bank that provides affordable financial services and donates a percentage of its profits to social impact initiatives. Minnesota
Just another major bush fire- in Ireland- in April.

Slieve Donard: Firefighters tackle Mourne Mountain blaze for second day


Mr Jennings said they were battling a "significant gorse fire" in challenging terrain.

"We have a major fire burning, it is extremely visible. We have extreme heat and the crews are having to walk in with their gear, it is difficult to walk in in normal conditions.

"My priority is to protect life and property, no property is immediately at risk. My concern is my firefighters.
Scott Morrison, the Murdochs and the crime of the century

It’s not entirely Scott Morrison’s fault that he managed to look like a dissembling idiot at President Joe Biden’s leader’s summit on climate change last week.

He probably hasn’t read a word of the science about global warming and the grim future that awaits his children and grandchildren.

That’s not an excuse, but it tells us the scientists and bureaucrats who advise him and other politicians have been falling down badly on their jobs.

Those people who actually know what’s going on have allowed themselves to be intimidated by Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch and their bullies, who in turn have been collaborators in the crime of the century.

That the fossil fuel industry managed to turn global warming into a political issue – Left saying it’s happening, Right saying it’s not – might have been tactically brilliant, but it was also a vast global crime.

A looming catastrophe verified by scientists was turned into just another political debate to protect the profits of oil, gas and coal companies.


If you're one of those dazed schmucks who've been deceived into believing that there is no man-made global warming then ol' Zionist Rupe is probably the cause of your discomfort and forthcoming isolation.
If you're one of those dazed schmucks who've been deceived into believing that there is no man-made global warming then ol' Zionist Rupe is probably the cause of your discomfort and forthcoming isolation.

Why is the frost/freeze line in North America moving south?
Funny how you castigate the Daily Mail, yet use it as evidence when it suits you! Stick to Joo baiting, it's more your bag!!

Doesn't Moon blame Da Joos for this? :eek:

Surely all those olive groves they're burning in Israel constitute the primary cause of the New Ice Age.

I mean Global Warming.

I mean Climate Change.

What are they calling it this week again...?
Doesn't Moon blame Da Joos for this? :eek:

OK, schmuck, let's see what you've got.

Firstly, find just one post wherein I blame Jews, per se, for anything at all .

When you can't find one retract this herd-mentality ' antisemitic ' shit- or stand accused of being a smear-mongering liar.


Texans’ current chill was caused by rapid heating in the stratosphere, the second-lowest section of the atmosphere, 8-50km (5-30 miles) above the Arctic. Known as “sudden stratospheric warming”, it causes the polar vortex—a ring of cold air that encircles the poles—to weaken, lessening the forces that keep cold air corralled at high latitudes. This increases the movement of cold air southward and warm air northward, allowing low temperatures to sweep into typically warm areas such as the southern United States. (This phenomenon works both ways. Britain, for example, will probably be blasted with unseasonably warm air from Morocco in the coming weeks.)

This incident was notable in the trend of ' sudden stratospheric warming ' More to come, folks. Keep them SUV's a-revvin'.
OK, schmuck, let's see what you've got.

Firstly, find just one post wherein I blame Jews, per se, for anything at all .

When you can't find one retract this herd-mentality ' antisemitic ' shit- or stand accused of being a smear-mongering liar.

You seem a little uptight Moopie - have a martini!

One olive or two? :thinking:
Speed at which world’s glaciers are melting has doubled in 20 years
Glacier melt contributing more to sea-level rise than loss of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, say experts

The melting of the world’s glaciers has nearly doubled in speed over the past 20 years and contributes more to sea-level rise than either the Greenland or Antarctic ice sheets, according to the most comprehensive global study of ice rivers ever undertaken.

Scientists say human-driven global heating is behind the accelerating loss of high-altitude and high-latitude glaciers, which will affect coastal regions across the planet and create boom-and-bust flows of meltwater for the hundreds of millions of people who live downstream of these “natural water towers”.

Between 2000 and 2019, glaciers lost 267 gigatonnes (Gt) of ice per year, equivalent to 21% of sea-level rise, reveals a paper published in Nature. The authors said the mass loss was equivalent to submerging the surface of England under 2 metres of water every year.

This was 47% higher than the contribution of the melting ice sheet in Greenland and more than twice that from the ice sheet in Antarctica. As a cause of sea-level rise, glacier loss was second only to thermal expansion, which is prompted by higher ocean temperatures.
Doesn't Moon blame Da Joos for this? :eek:

Surely all those olive groves they're burning in Israel constitute the primary cause of the New Ice Age.

I mean Global Warming.

I mean Climate Change.

What are they calling it this week again...?

Dilbert says it best.



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