Dems always attack the messenger
Quite true. It's called bulverism...a fallacy.
They can't attack science because they simply deny it. The Church of Global Warming does not allow for science. It must discard, for example, the 0th law of thermodynamics, the 1st law of thermodynamics, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. It also must deny statistical and probability mathematics.
They attribute that a Magick Holy Gas somehow adds energy to the Earth, ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
They attribute that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow trap heat, warming the surface and cooling the upper atmosphere, and that a colder Magick Holy Gas can somehow warm an already warmer surface (making heat flow backwards). All this of course ignores the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
They attribute that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow trap light, preventing it from leaving Earth. This, of course, is in direct violation of the Stefan-Boltzmann law and Planck's law.
They figure that they can quote a detailed temperature of Earth, using only 7500 thermometers scattered in a non-uniform manner over the surface of the Earth and not reading them at the same time by the same authority. They ignore the observed potential gradient of temperature that can easily reach as much as 20 deg F per mile. They consistently commit math errors by failing to provide unbiased raw data, the margin of error calculation, or declaring a variance, or selecting from the raw data by randN or normalizing by paired randR. All of this is required in statistical math. They conveniently ignore that IF those thermometers were uniformly spread across the surface and read at the same time (eliminating location grouping bias and time bias), the result would be one thermometer measuring an area the size of Virginia. In other words, mathematically, they're guessing.
Any idiot that tries to tell you they know the temperature of the Earth is making shit up.
Any idiot that tries to tell you the total snow and ice on Earth is making shit up.
Any idiot that tries to tell you the total concentration of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere is making shit up.
Any idiot that tries to tell you the current precipitation on Earth is making shit up.
Any idiot that tries to tell you the temperature or pH of the world's oceans is making shit up.
The Church of Global Warming will condemn anyone that does not join them. They are a fundamentalist style religion. As far as they are concerned, I am the Great Satan. I will do what I can to see this religion destroyed.
Science actually DOES change all the time. New theories are thought up, tested and formalized into mathematical form. Theories become falsified and are no longer theories of science. Science is nothing more than a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I think they actually know that their audience consists almost exclusively of morons.
They certainly believe that. They're wrong, of course. People like you and me throw that belief in the dung heap.
Hence, why work hard addressing the science when bashing the right is all their audience wants to hear?
The True Believer (a member of the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Green, the Church of Covid, the Church of Karl Marx), treats anyone challenging their religions as EVIL, similar to the way fundamentalist Christians treat Satan and his followers as EVIL. To them, anyone challenging their religion is to be shunned, ridiculed, jailed, and put to death (preferably by slow torture).
Stalin referred to such believers as 'useful idiots'. They were useful in his plan to seize all power and rule by dictat. One established as dictator, of course, the Useful Idiot has no use anymore, and they suffer with the rest. Dissidents are sent to the Gulag or executed.
Moon, for example, choose the route if ridiculing. He never attempts to present any counterargument. He just throws insults and ridicules. He is a Useful Idiot. He will suffer with the rest, though he is a True Believer in these religions. He will spend much time in this thread just talking to himself to chant his faith. I generally ignore him.