Global fry-up.


Haw, haw........................haw.

Which is it, dude? Are the seas rising or not?
Dry air, low elevation helped create record-breaking hot spell in Lytton, B.C.

Not quite right.

Dry air has no temperature. Humidity is not temperature (although measuring it does involve a couple of thermometers).
The Lyton BC airport is at 926 feet ASL at the threshold of the runway. Not a particularly low altitude.
There are cities and weather stations on the coast that were a lot cooler during that heat wave.

Yes, it was dry air in Lyton at the time. The effect was caused by offshore winds driven by a very strong (it lasted three days) Utah high pressure area, coupled with mountain wave compression effects (that puts Lyton, BC on the lee side of a mountain range), and one week after summer solstice.
The pattern also dragged hot dry air from the southern deserts in the States up over the area.

In three days, it was gone. Onshore winds finally prevailed again, and the usual cooler air that comes with it.
Not quite right.

Dry air has no temperature. Humidity is not temperature (although measuring it does involve a couple of thermometers).
The Lyton BC airport is at 926 feet ASL at the threshold of the runway. Not a particularly low altitude.
There are cities and weather stations on the coast that were a lot cooler during that heat wave.

Yes, it was dry air in Lyton at the time. The effect was caused by offshore winds driven by a very strong (it lasted three days) Utah high pressure area, coupled with mountain wave compression effects (that puts Lyton, BC on the lee side of a mountain range), and one week after summer solstice.
The pattern also dragged hot dry air from the southern deserts in the States up over the area.

In three days, it was gone. Onshore winds finally prevailed again, and the usual cooler air that comes with it.

That's ludicrous, are you saying that deserts have no temperature?
An Estimated 1 Billion Sea Creatures Cooked to Death in the Pacific Northwest Heat Wave
“A mussel on the shore in some ways is like a toddler left in a car on a hot day."


There’s bad news for crustacean lovers. Some researchers are estimating that more than 1 billion sea creatures—including clams, mussels, barnacles, and snails—basically cooked to death during the record Pacific Northwest heat wave.

Then there are the dead animals which depended upon the shellfish- and the animals that depended upon those- right up to the fishermen, with their 4x4s, diesel winches and engines- with no catch.
Amid rain and floods, China sends military to stop 'imminent' dam collapse in Henan

China floods: Thousands evacuated as rail stations and roads submerged

More than 10,000 people in Henan province have been evacuated to shelters following the record rainfall.

At least 12 people have died in the city of Zhengzhou since the flooding began, authorities there confirmed.

More than a dozen cities have been affected with main roads forced to close and flights cancelled.

Henan province, which is home to some 94 million people, has issued its highest level of weather warning following an unusually active rainy season.

Many factors contribute to flooding, but a warming atmosphere caused by climate change makes extreme rainfall more likely.
Top US scientist on melting glaciers: ‘I’ve gone from being an ecologist to a coroner’

Diana Six, an entomologist studying beetles near Glacier national park in Montana, says the crisis has fundamentally changed her profession

I don’t think people realize that climate change is not just a loss of ice. It’s all the stuff that’s dependent on it. The ice is really just the canary in the coalmine. To have 97, 98 degrees in Glacier national park for days on end is insane. This is not just some fluke.

“There are many years where the snow is gone so early that you just don’t see it in the mountains. And water getting that warm is absolutely devastating to fish and algae.

“Life doesn’t just deal with this. When I went up Glacier with my students a few weeks ago, the flowers were curling up. At some of the lower elevations, glacier lilies were shriveled, lupins didn’t even open. The flowers should extend for another three weeks and they’re already gone. Any insects or birds that depend upon them, like bees or hummingbirds are in trouble, their food is gone. Bird populations have just baked.

“There have been total losses of a lot of baby birds this year. You see these ospreys and eagles sitting on top of the trees in their nests and those young, they just can’t take the heat. Year after year of that and you lose your birds.

“People seem to think of extinctions as some silent, painless statistic. It’s not. You look at birds that can no longer find fish because they’ve moved too far off shore. They’re emaciated, they’re starving to death. We are at the point that there’s nothing untouched.


If I had to choose between saving a drowning cat or a drowning Denier I'd rescue the cat and write an urgent letter to the emergency services.

Haw, haw............................haw.
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