Global fry-up.

Dickhead. The planet has never been ' cold' compared to it being ' hot'. The core is still cooling down.
Quit stuffing this Denier crap into the forum , maggot, you're just a pest.
If he believes that ' cold ' kills more people than global warming then Alex Epstein is a twat.
Friend of yours, maggot ?

Haw, haw......................haw.

You're such an ignorant bastard, shit for brains

Global Warming Is Actually Sparing Lives …Cold Kills 17 Times More Than Heat, According To Lancet

But what is usually overlooked is that cold claims many lives, writes Reichmuth. “In winter, for example, there are always reports of frostbite victims. […] People who freeze to death because of cold are literally just the tip of the iceberg, however. […] In terms of numbers, people who die from the indirect consequences of cold temperatures are much more significant.”

Here, Reichmuth cites researcher Roland Rau at the Institute of Sociology and Demography at the University of Rostock in Germany, He told German n-tv television: “When it’s cold, the risk of both respiratory infections and cardiovascular disease increases. You have a 50 percent higher risk of dying from a respiratory disease in winter than in summer.”
You're a total loss, maggot. If you believe that all the ramifications of the effects of heat and cold on human health have actually been calculated then you're as daft as the eccentrics you delight in following.
Now go check your 'fridge settings to avoid iffy chicken.

Haw, haw...........................haw.

Back then we had a world war instead of a world conference. The insane warmongers are still at it............and the ecocidal corporations, right , maggot ? How's your malignant portfolio doing ?
Two nudist socialists are sitting on a porch.

The first one asks, "Have you read Marx?"

The second one replies, "Yes, I think it's these wicker chairs."
Greed and Consumption: Why the World is Burning


Collective problems require collective solutions. Italy’s heat cannot be pinned down on a few arsonists and California’s wildfires are not simply the fault of an ineffectual mayor. Global warming is, in large part, the outcome of a destructive pattern instigated and sustained by capitalism. The latter can only survive through unhindered consumption, inequality, greed and, when necessary, war. If we continue to talk about global warming without confronting the capitalist menace that generated much of the crisis in the first place, the conversation will continue to amount to nil.

Aye to that.

There are many eloquent ways to tell us that we are killing our planet/ourselves. The Denier Choir doesn't want us to hear any of them.
That ought to be criminalized.

This will be incomprehensible to the Denier Choir. In fact, it's quite staggering how much simple and essential philosophy is incomprehensible to the Denier Choir. They are killing us- and their own.