Global fry-up.

Europe just experienced its hottest ever summer – EU climate change service


A wildfire burns a forest in the village of Villa, Northwestern Athens, on August 18, 2021

A report issued on Tuesday by the EU’s climate monitoring group revealed that this year’s summer was 0.1 degree Celsius hotter than previous record-breaking seasons in 2010 and 2018.

While the difference may only seem marginal, the average surface air temperature from June to August was close to 1.0 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above the 1991-2020 trends, making it the warmest summer on record. Copernicus’ data goes back to the 1950s, but other available records can stretch back as far as the mid-19th century.

Denier morons can 'groan ' below. Futile little shits.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of Europe, dumbass.
18 0f the hottest years ever recorded occurred in the last 20 years.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
Hurricanes are more numerous and more powerful than in the past.
Nope. Check out the National Hurricane data. No significant change other than normal variance. BTW, hurricanes and cyclones need COLD air and warm water.
We have gone through the names assigned for them and use greek letter designations for the extra.
There are no extra. The National Hurricane Center no longer uses any alphabet. They just name storms freely now.
We have far more serious fire problems that are happening earlier and more severely than in the past.
Where? The SOTC? Maybe they should do something about the arsonists, and manage the brush and forests like they used to.
What climatologists predicted is happening.
A hurricane is not climate. It is weather. A wildfire is not a climate. It is some twit starting a fire or a lightning strike. The High Priests of the Church of Global Warming are 'predicting' after the fact.
Yes- and there are still plenty of corporate drones, small-scale 'investors ', malignant morons and establishment dumbasses that claim it isn't.
They are , in truth, a threat to our lives and well-being and I want them dealt with through legislation.

You want to really start a war over your religion, don't you?
Into the Night Soil

A hurricane is not climate. It is weather. A wildfire is not a climate. It is some twit starting a fire or a lightning strike.

And as I said- there are still plenty of corporate drones, small-scale 'investors ', malignant morons and establishment dumbasses who are incapable of joining the dots.

Haw, haw......................................haw.

Into the Night Soil

And as I said- there are still plenty of corporate drones, small-scale 'investors ', malignant morons and establishment dumbasses who are incapable of joining the dots.

Haw, haw......................................haw.

A hurricane is not climate. It is weather. A wildfire is not a climate. It is some twit starting a fire or a lightning strike. There are no 'dots'.
Into the Night Soil

A hurricane is not climate. It is weather. A wildfire is not a climate. It is some twit starting a fire or a lightning strike.

And as I said- there are still plenty of corporate drones, small-scale 'investors ', malignant morons and establishment dumbasses who are incapable of joining the dots.


Trumpist ?

Haw, haw......................................haw.
Last edited:
Into the Night Soil

And as I said- there are still plenty of corporate drones, small-scale 'investors ', malignant morons and establishment dumbasses who are incapable of joining the dots.


Trumpist ?

Haw, haw......................................haw.

Plenty of Marxist eco-zealots, like yourself, that grasp at any straw to justify their Alinsky bullshit.
maggot- which of these best characterizes you ;

And as I said- there are still plenty of corporate drones, small-scale 'investors ', malignant morons and establishment dumbasses who are incapable of joining the dots.
Solar panels and water canals could form a real power couple in California


California has around 4,000 miles of canals that shuttle clean water throughout the state. New research shows that these canals can do way more than bringing California’s residents with drinking water—paired with solar panels, these canals might also be a way to both generate solar power and save water.

This new study presents an analysis from researchers at the University of California Merced and University of California Santa Cruz that quantifies the economic feasibility of building a “solar canal” system in the state.

Sure to inflame ecocidal nuke-nuts.
Climate crisis leaving ‘millions at risk of trafficking and slavery’
Droughts and floods forcing workers from rural areas, leading to their exploitation in cities, report warns

Millions of people forced to leave their homes because of severe drought and powerful cyclones are at risk of modern slavery and human trafficking over the coming decades, a new report warns.

The climate crisis and the increasing frequency of extreme weather disasters including floods, droughts and megafires are having a devastating effect on the livelihoods of people already living in poverty and making them more vulnerable to slavery, according to the report, published today.

You'd think it would be sobering for Deniers when climate refugees start putting up tents on their neat, Monsanto- controlled suburban lawns- but no. The conditioning is terminal.
PM admits he used to be a climate sceptic

Boris Johnson has acknowledged that he has altered his views about the climate crisis over recent years, saying, “the facts change and people change their minds”.

“I don’t want to encourage you, but if you were to excavate some of my articles from 20 years ago you might find comments I made, obiter dicta, about climate change that weren’t entirely supportive of the current struggle, but the facts change and people change their minds and change their views and that’s very important too,” he said, adding: “The fact is the UK is leading the world and you should be proud of it.”

As recently as 2015, Johnson claimed “global leaders were driven by a primitive fear that the present ambient warm weather is somehow caused by humanity; and that fear – as far as I understand the science – is equally without foundation”.

He also wrote an article in 2013 suggesting the government should consider preparing for a mini-ice age caused by solar activity, drawing on a discredited theory by the climate denier Piers Corbyn – brother of the former Labour leader. And in the same year, Johnson said windfarms – now a key part of the government’s plan to transition to net zero – couldn’t “pull the skin off a rice pudding”.

He should still be punished for the time he has wasted and the lives he has ruined.
This, in a way, is an astonishing article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. That fucker has been spewing alarmist bullshit for many a long year. He is now discovering what the Germans have already realised that they are fucked without sufficient gas to keep the economy going, time to dust off the fracking plans.

AEP Finally Wakes Up To The Green Nightmare

For years he has been forecasting the rapid demise of fossil fuels, yet now he realises how critical they are:

British manufacturing leaders fear an industrial collapse over the winter as spiralling gas and electricity prices overwhelm the country’s energy defences.

Wafer-thin gas reserves have left the British economy almost uniquely vulnerable to an extreme global supply squeeze, and dangerously reliant on cross-Channel interconnectors that may be curtailed if Europe itself faces power blackouts and serious industrial stoppages.

Andrew Large, the outgoing chairman of the Energy Intensive Users Group, said: “It is potentially catastrophic. We’re already seeing plant closures at a time of year when the weather is still warm and domestic heating is low. Fast forward two months and this could be an acute crisis.

“CF Fertilizers have already stopped output and they account for 40pc to 60pc of the UK supply, which could have disastrous effects on the supply chain. The steel, cement, ceramics, glass, industrial chemicals, and the paper sector are all at risk. Individual companies are facing the very serious question of whether they can continue to operate.”

Gas futures contracts on the ICE exchange have risen fourfold over the last year to 165 pence per therm, while intraday electricity prices have become unhinged. Last week the National Grid was having to pay £4,000 per megawatt hour to secure back-up electricity at short notice.

The cost squeeze threatens to abort the economic recovery just as the furlough scheme winds down and fiscal stimulus fades. In a worst case scenario it could lead to systemic havoc akin to the industrial paralysis and candle-lit evenings endured in the 1970s, something that no government or prime minister can survive.

“There is a wider gas supply crunch across Europe and the question of storage retention is becoming geostrategic,” Mr Large said. "In an extreme situation countries are going to be looking at the letter of the law to see if they can take unilateral action. The UK may have to take what comes.”

The UK has slashed its strategic gas storage to barely 1.7pc of annual demand by closing the Rough facility off the Yorkshire coast, subcontracting the costly task of storage to Germany and the Netherlands. Clive Moffatt, a gas consultant and former adviser to the Government on energy security, said: “It should be nearer 25pc.”

Data from Gas Infrastructure Europe show that the UK has less than nine terawatt hours of storage compared to 75 terawatt hours in the Netherlands (with a quarter of the population). Dutch storage is nevertheless unusually low for this time of the year at 52pc of capacity, compared with 85pc to 90pc normally. The stocks are 113 terawatt hours in France, 148 in Germany and 166 in Italy.

Mr Moffatt said he warned that closing Rough was a dangerous decision in key meetings with British officials but the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy dug in its heels. “They refused to listen and kept saying that we had diversity of supply: they misunderstood the responsiveness of liquefied natural gas to short-term shocks,” he said.

“We are now extremely vulnerable and I’m afraid the situation is going to get worse. Prices could go through the roof. You can’t rely on the interconnectors. Contracts can be rescinded and suppliers can declare force majeure: end of story. The EU made this very clear during the negotiations over Brexit,” Mr Moffatt added.

“We could easily see a three-day working week. The Government has been playing dangerous games with the grid and has allowed a situation to develop that is outside their control. It’s terribly depressing.”

Gareth Stace, director-general of UK Steel, said power prices had already reached “extortionate” levels and was forcing a partial suspension of operations across the sector. “Even with the global steel market as buoyant as it is, these eye-watering prices are making it impossible to profitably make steel at certain times of the day and night. The situation gets more urgent each and every day,” he said.

Europe is facing its own problems. The Norwegian fertiliser group Yara is curtailing output of ammonia, which relies on gas as a feedstock. Richard Ewing from ICIS said the dominoes are likely to fall across the Continent as far as Ukraine, with producers switching to the US wherever possible. Abundant shale gas in Texas, Pennsylvania, and the Dakotas means that locally consumed US gas costs a quarter of European levels.

A surge in European carbon prices to €60 a tonne – shadowed in the UK with an extra £18 premium – has compounded the shock and accounts for a fifth of the rise in electricity costs. This is now leading to open political revolt in Spain, Poland and other EU states. The European Steel Association said last week that the bloc risks being priced out of the competitive global market.

Mr Large said it is becoming a question of manufacturing survival in this country. “The UK has the most expensive industrial energy in Europe. We are running the very serious risk of meeting our carbon targets by deindustrialising the British economy,” he said.

Everything has gone wrong at once for the UK’s energy system. A wet cold spring depleted European gas inventories. The pandemic disrupted global gas output. Shipping is in convulsion. Exploding Asian demand for LNG has forced Europe to compete for scarce supplies, causing a tripling of spot prices in Europe in the past five months to a record $22 MMBtu.

Vladimir Putin has taken advantage of the crunch to try to pressure the EU to certify the new Nord Stream 2 pipeline on his political terms, restricting the normal summer top-flows through Poland and the Ukraine needed to rebuild Europe’s stocks. Gazprom is working to rule with minimum contractual volumes.

Thierry Bros, former gas strategist at the French economy ministry and now at Science Po in Paris, said: “Mr Putin relishes teaching the Europeans a hard lesson for pietistic grandstanding on their green deal. Brussels is talking day and night about dirty ‘fossil gas’, and the Russians are pissed off.

“They are saying to Europe: ‘you don’t want our ‘fossil gas’? Well, see what happens when you don’t get it’. This is purely geopolitical. They normally push 55bn cubic metres a year and this year it is running at 40bn cubic metres. That is what is missing from the European system.”

Mr Moffatt said the British Government had failed to come to terms with the implications of greater reliance on intermittent renewable power, especially since it was also phasing out coal and running down nuclear power.

More offshore wind and solar, coupled with the switch to electric vehicles, requires large amounts of gas on tap for flexible "peaker" plants able to respond with quick dispatchable power at certain times.

Large strategic gas reserves become even more critical under a net-zero strategy, not less – at least in the first phase up to the mid-2030s. Declining North Sea gas output further puts the spotlight on gas inventories.

The UK is now at the mercy of global events. A slowdown in the Chinese property, cement, and steel sectors might come just in time to cool the Asian market for LNG and free up cargoes for Europe. Mr Putin might restore pipeline top-up flows at any point, concluding that a full-blown crisis in Europe could ultimately backfire for Russia.

It is an invidious situation for Britain to find itself in. Downing Street can only hold its breath, and hope.
Global wildfire carbon dioxide emissions at record high, data shows
Figures from EU monitoring service for August are highest since it began measurements in 2003

August was another record month for global wildfire emissions, according to new satellite data that highlights how tinderbox conditions are widening across the world as a result of the climate crisis.

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service of the EU found that burning forests released 1.3 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide last month, mostly in North America and Siberia. This was the highest since the organisation began measurements in 2003.

After a July record of 1258.8 megatonnes the previous month, scientists are concerned that areas with dense vegetation are becoming a source rather than a sink of greenhouse gases.

What does Ambrosia Evens-Pilchard think about that, maggot ?

Haw, haw................................haw.
Into the Night Soil

And as I said- there are still plenty of corporate drones, small-scale 'investors ', malignant morons and establishment dumbasses who are incapable of joining the dots.


Trumpist ?

Haw, haw......................................haw.

A puzzle is not wildfire, hurricanes, or the weather.