Global fry-up.

We're getting to the point wherein psychologists are looking at the motivators of ' denial '.

Clearly, profit has been the motivator in the past- as evidenced by the article, above- as it has benefited the polluters and , in turn, those on the polluters' payroll. Some of these 'scientists ' are happy to expose their paymasters now that all doubts about anthropogenic global heating have been dismissed by mainstream and reputable scientists. They are old, their careers are finished and their money has been made. It wasn't illegal to lie at the time so they have nothing to lose by owning up- their reputations being trashed already.
No, the interest now is in the likes of friend maggot and his diminishing Denier Choir. It seems that there is a strong emotional component to their denials at this late, late stage. After all, they've spent years sucking in the lies and regurgitating them as ' scientific fact ' - maggot has hundreds of such cut-and-paste pseudo-scientific posts- so they do have an emotional attachment to the fantasy world that they've created. Ego comes into it too- as admission and apology don't come easy- and also, to an observable extent- fear. They are becoming scared by the turn of events and their vulnerable Deniers position within them.
Of course, it doesn't help the crisis they've created by holding their feet to the fire- but it is deeply satisfying, isn't it.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw..........................haw, haw.........................haw, haw...................................haw.

I see that McMoonshi'ite is attempting to employ Stephan Lewandowsky tactics, nothing new there!
The arsehole had to run away from Australia in the end.
Start with the two Naomis, Klein and Oreskes. No doubt McMoonshi'Ite wants to fuck Oreskes!!


I've read Naomi Klein's books. She's a borderline Marxist on economics. In her article Disowned by the Ownership Society she argues that the best way to get people to back Socialism and the Left is to turn owners into renters as one example.
What Alaska’s shrinking island means for all of us

Life at 50C: Surviving in Kuwait's 'unbearable' heat

Why forest fires in Siberia, Russia threaten us all

Madagascar: 1.5m face hunger because of drought

Time is running out for the Maldives -

In India’s Sundarbans, communities shrink as their island sinks

‘The time for change is now’: demonstrators around the world demand action on climate crisis
Up to 100,000 people expected at Glasgow march amid criticism over heavy policing at Cop26 summit

People on almost every continent were gathering for marches and rallies on Saturday to mark a Global Day for Climate Justice, halfway through the Glasgow climate change summit.

I dare say that , if the establishment does not respond with an effective and practical alternative to ' growth '- then sabotage is going to feature strongly in future events.
Pacific north-west storm wreaks havoc, with one dead and Vancouver cut off

Fears death toll will rise after record rainfall destroys highways and leaves tens of thousands in the US and Canada without power

Pacific north-west floods latest: one dead amid warnings of catastrophic flooding; Abbotsford residents told to evacuate

They're calling it ' the new normal '. Make it ' the new normal ' for polluters to pay for it.
Minnesota Will Pay Homeowners to Replace Lawns with Bee-Friendly Wildflowers, Clover and Native Grasses


Minnesota just allocated nearly a million dollars in incentives for people to transform their lawns into bee-friendly wildflowers, clover and native grasses.

The state is asking citizens to stop spraying herbicide, stop mowing so often, and let their lawns re-wild into a more natural state.

Maybe somebody would care to start a thread about Current Climatic Positives.
Don't forget your troll-ban list.
More than 50 feared dead in Kentucky's worst ever tornadoes

The US National Weather Service has issued tornado warnings for areas in states including Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri and Illinois.

Dozens feared dead in Kentucky as tornadoes tear across US states
Kentucky governor warns of mass casualties at damaged candle factory, with fatalities also reported in several other states.

It doesn't matter how many dumbasses remain that are climate deniers- the message is to take cover.
We're told that a Kentucky tornado was ' on the ground for two hundred miles '- a phenomenon never before recorded.

' Groan ' away, maggot, you denier dullard.
We're told that a Kentucky tornado was ' on the ground for two hundred miles '- a phenomenon never before recorded.

' Groan ' away, maggot, you denier dullard.

1. that hasn't yet been confirmed, detailed data analysis will need to be done

2. Yes, it has been recorded. Tri-State went 219+ miles almost 100 years ago.
1. that hasn't yet been confirmed, detailed data analysis will need to be done

2. Yes, it has been recorded. Tri-State went 219+ miles almost 100 years ago.

Go argue with the US Weather Service. Let me know if you win.
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