Global fry-up.

Tornadoes in December are NOT the norm, creepo. Check your Denier Diaries- after you've fucked off.

Yes, they are the norm. Especially in La Nina years like we are in now, dumbfuck. I listed two different years, well before 'global warming', where dozens of tornadoes occurred in december. You blind as fuck as well as dumb as fuck?

I didn't even pick years with even higher ones, like 1982 with almost 100 December tornadoes.

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Now then- how about Biden cancels the annual handouts of billions of dollars to treacherous Israel and spends it on the Midwest instead ?

Who has the guts to agree.
Yes, they are the norm. Especially in La Nina years like we are in now, dumbfuck. I listed two different years, well before 'global warming', where dozens of tornadoes occurred in december. You blind as fuck as well as dumb as fuck?

You're yesterday. Remove yourself, picayune prick.
Now then- how about Biden cancels the annual handouts of billions of dollars to treacherous Israel and spends it on the Midwest instead ?

Who has the guts to agree.
I didn't even pick years with even higher ones, like 1982 with almost 100 December tornadoes.
View attachment 21499

Insignificant, apparently. You read too much 'Real Climate Science '

Haw, haw............................haw.

Since 1950, there have only been 19 F/EF4 tornadoes in the U.S. during the last month of the year and only 2 F/EF5 tornadoes.

The last EF4 tornado to strike the U.S. during the month of December was during the Christmas Outbreak of December 2015.

The last EF5 tornado to strike the U.S. during the month of December was in 1957.

As I said, take your Denier Diaries and argue with the reportage. Anybody still arguing against anthropogenic global warming is a nut.
During the first nine months of 2021, there have been 18 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disaster events across the United States. The disaster costs for the first nine months of 2021 are $104.8 billion, already surpassing the disaster costs for all of 2020 ($100.2 billion, inflation-adjusted to 2021 dollars). The total costs for the last five years ($691.7 billion) is nearly one-third of the disaster cost total of the last 42-years (1980-2021), which is $2.085 trillion (inflation-adjusted to 2021 dollars). This reflects a 5-year cost average of nearly $140.0 billion/year — a new record — as shown above by the black line.

The number and cost of disasters are increasing over time due to a combination of increased exposure (i.e., values at risk of possible loss), vulnerability (i.e., how much damage does the intensity (wind speed, flood depth) at a location cause) and that climate change is increasing the frequency of some types of extremes that lead to billion-dollar disasters (NCA 2018).

Anybody still arguing against anthropogenic global warming is a nut.
Insignificant, apparently. You read too much 'Real Climate Science '
Yes, the fact that there were storms in December is indeed insignificant.

Don't know what Real CLimate Science is, I provided you a direct link to actual data, you dumb cunt.
Haw, haw............................haw.

As I said, take your Denier Diaries and argue with the reportage. Anybody still arguing against anthropogenic global warming is a nut.

Anyone still arguing AGW extremism is a braindead limpdick.
US tornadoes: Before and after satellite pictures show extent of destruction
Dozens have been confirmed dead in five states and communities across the United States are counting the cost of a series of tornados, one of which may have touched down for nearly 250 miles (400km).


The extent of the destruction caused by a series of tornadoes that may have killed up to 100 people in the US has been laid bare by satellite images.

Dozens have been confirmed dead across five states and many more are missing after the storms, which included one twister that could have carved the longest track on record.

Along the 250-mile (400km) path it scored across the landscape, homes, factories, warehouses and civic buildings were flattened and often obliterated.


Anyone still arguing AGW extremism is a braindead limpdick.

You'll be hoist on your petard.
Beyond the human toll, the outbreak was exceptional for several meteorological reasons.

First, there is little precedent for the path length of the quad-state tornadic storm, which carved a 250-mile course through northeast Arkansas, southeast Missouri, northwest Tennessee and western Kentucky. The storm exhibited evidence of rotation even longer, for about 11 hours and 600 miles, according to Jack Sillin, a meteorology student at Cornell University:

While it is still not clear whether the storm spawned just a single tornado or several twisters, a rotating storm of that duration is very unusual any time of year.

The tornadic storm was extreme not only for its duration but also for its intensity. Evan Bentley, a tornado specialist at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center, tweeted that radar data would indicate it unleashed winds of 190 to 205 mph, suggesting it would rate as an EF4 or top-tier EF5 on the 0-to-5 Enhanced Fujita scale for tornado intensity. Meteorologists at the Weather Service are surveying the storm damage to assign an exact rating; the process could take a few days.

If the storm rates as an EF5, it would join only two other December tornadoes this strong.

Bentley also tweeted that the tornadic storm was rotating at an average speed of 94 mph for four hours, while noting that published research shows “only 1.5% of all tornadoes” spin at such speeds.

Radar data also revealed that the storm lofted debris for more than three hours, which is practically unheard of. Sometimes, radar detected debris above 30,000 feet, an incredibly rare occurrence. There have been numerous reports of items hurled by the storm found more than 100 miles away.

Only a highly anomalous storm environment could support such an extreme situation. Often, in December, the amount of fuel available to storms is limited, which is why violent tornado outbreaks aren’t more common. But on Friday, temperatures over the zone where the storm erupted were record-setting. The high temperatures, 20 to 30 degrees above normal, fast-forwarded the atmosphere to conditions more typical of April.

Many other atmospheric intricacies also contributed to the severity of the event, but it would not have been possible without the record-setting warmth.

As temperatures warm because of human-induced climate change during winter, it might mean the odds of such events increase in the future.

A modeling study published in the journal Earth’s Future last month concluded that environments conducive to thunderstorms will increase 5 to 20 percent for every 1.8 degrees of temperature increase, “with higher latitudes, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, showing much larger relative changes.”

Take your climate BS and shove it up your dick.

Go give yours a good spanking.

Haw, haw................................haw.
Beware ‘Scientific “CON-sensus” !

The Theory of Relativity was denounced as preposterous by nearly ALL mathematicians and physicists until the experimental proofs started coming in and thus the theory was falsified.

Consensus is NEVER Science, only fools think otherwise.

The “Scientific Method” is the ONLY path to truth.
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Beware ‘Scientific “CON-sensus” !

The Theory of Relativity was denounced as preposterous by nearly ALL mathematicians and physicists until the experimental proofs started coming in and thus the theory was falsified.

Consensus is NEVER Science, only fools think otherwise.

The “Scientific Method” is the ONLY path to truth.

What a clown !

Sorry to spoil your fun but this isn't the pandemic the Left has been hoping for,...

Get lost, maggot- you're done.
US tornadoes: Before and after satellite pictures show extent of destruction
Dozens have been confirmed dead in five states and communities across the United States are counting the cost of a series of tornados, one of which may have touched down for nearly 250 miles (400km).


The extent of the destruction caused by a series of tornadoes that may have killed up to 100 people in the US has been laid bare by satellite images.

Dozens have been confirmed dead across five states and many more are missing after the storms, which included one twister that could have carved the longest track on record.

Along the 250-mile (400km) path it scored across the landscape, homes, factories, warehouses and civic buildings were flattened and often obliterated.

You'll be hoist on your petard.

Ah, still too much of a coward fucking pussy to actually tag me.

Your link doesn't support your AGW extremism

Go give yours a good spanking.

Haw, haw................................haw.

Cowardly cunt continues being a cowardly cunt and not @ ing me. WHat a fucking pussy. Yet another link that doesn't provide actual support for your AGW bullshittery.
Cowardly cunt continues being a cowardly cunt and not @ ing me. WHat a fucking pussy. Yet another link that doesn't provide actual support for your AGW bullshittery.

Arseholes like Moonshi'ite think that scientific theories can be determined by politburos, obviating the need for real research altogether.