Global fry-up.

Go argue with the US Weather Service. Let me know if you win.

Go argue what with them? I stated observable facts. And every news report on it is them saying they need to look at the data to confirm it was the same tornado that travelled that far and not, as often happens, a group of tornadoes close together in the system, with different ones hitting near each other to make the appearance of that length.

Tri-State tornado happened, and happened in 1925. 219 miles or more. That's observable and established fact.
I see you in denial and spouting niggardly details from your spurious factbook- and I see a whole load of dead bodies, destruction and folk on the ground saying that there's never been anything like it and I say to myself- wtf is this Gondwanaland poser trying to prove ? Even the ' 200 miles on the ground ' report might turn out to be an underestimation. You don't make any sense.

Take your tape-measure and split.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
you're an alarmist whackjob without anything to support you.

Gondwanaland- how do you feel now that the official figures on the scale appear to determine that you're a posturing twat ?
maggot clone. It looks like you're going to be- deservedly- pilloried.

Haw, haw.............................haw.

So where are we at - dozens of tornadoes across six states December ?
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Gondwanaland- how do you feel now that the official figures on the scale appear to determine that you're a posturing twat ?

How am I a posturing twat, you dumb fucktard? The official figures don't refute anything I stated.
maggot clone. It looks like you're going to be- deservedly- pilloried.

Next time actually quote me so I get notified instead of ghostposting like a little fucking pussy.

Haw, haw.............................haw.

So where are we at - dozens of tornadoes across six states December ?

In December, hm?

1967, 37 tornadoes F2 or higher were recorded in December.

1957, 28 tornadoes F2 or higher recorded in December.

It's not unusual to have dozens of tornadoes recorded in December.
I see you in denial and spouting niggardly details from your spurious factbook- and I see a whole load of dead bodies, destruction and folk on the ground saying that there's never been anything like it and I say to myself- wtf is this Gondwanaland poser trying to prove ? Even the ' 200 miles on the ground ' report might turn out to be an underestimation. You don't make any sense.

Take your tape-measure and split.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.

Backtalking like a fucking coward who can't @ me like a man. The only thing I see here is you bleating talking points from your climate change herdmasters. You don't give a fuck about the people that died, only how you can use it to push your climate change bullshit.
How am I a posturing twat, you dumb fucktard? The official figures don't refute anything I stated.

In December, hm?

1967, 37 tornadoes F2 or higher were recorded in December.

1957, 28 tornadoes F2 or higher recorded in December.

It's not unusual to have dozens of tornadoes recorded in December.

Picayune posturing.
You don't give a fuck about the people that died,

You're clearly off your rails- as all Deniers are . These major indicators of impending climatic catastrophe have relegated you from the comic to the irrelevant.

At least 100 feared dead after tornadoes devastate midwestern US


Unusually high temperatures and humidity created the environment for such an extreme weather event at this time of year, said Victor Gensini, a professor in geographic and atmospheric sciences at Northern Illinois University.

“This is an historic, if not generational event,” Gensini said.

If early reports are confirmed, the twister may have touched down for nearly 250 miles (400km), he said, a path length longer than the longest tornado on record, which tracked for about 220 miles (355 km) through Missouri, Illinois and Indiana in March 1925.

Biden told reporters that he would be asking the Environmental Protection Agency to examine what role climate change may have played in fuelling the storms, and he raised questions about the tornado warning systems.

“What warning was there? And was it strong enough and was it heeded?” he said.

" Take cover from what ?"

Get lost, poser.
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I'm hearing it termed ' 'the biggest tornado storm in US history ' . Any picayune posturers care to delve into their Denier Diaries to refute that ? And what would you prove if you could ? That there isn't anthropogenic climatic upheaval ?
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C'mon, maggot- surely you can do better than your ass-covering ' Groan '

Don't you have a characteristic aditorial to smokescreen with ?

Haw, haw............................haw.
You're clearly off your rails- as all Deniers are . These major indicators of impending climatic catastrophe have relegated you from the comic to the irrelevant.


Get lost, poser.

So you have no evidence for your bullshit. Got it.

The only reason there were that many deaths is because there are that many more people alive today. If the Tri-State tornado had hit today, it would have likely killed even more than this one, simply because there are more people available to hit in the path. More deaths =/= climate change, more deaths = population growth.
Can't address the facts, because you're too much of a pussy.

Tornadoes in December are not unusual, nor are large amounts of them in December unusual. Take your climate BS and shove it up your dick.

Tornadoes in December are NOT the norm, creepo. Check your Denier Diaries- after you've fucked off.
So you have no evidence for your bullshit. Got it.

The only reason there were that many deaths is because there are that many more people alive today. If the Tri-State tornado had hit today, it would have likely killed even more than this one, simply because there are more people available to hit in the path. More deaths =/= climate change, more deaths = population growth.

Your wriggling is just as pathetic as your posturing. The news is the news. Go argue with the reportage , picayune prick.
Backtalking like a fucking coward who can't @ me like a man.

Deluded corporate pimp;

At least 100 feared dead after tornadoes devastate midwestern US


Dozens more people are missing and entire towns were destroyed by about 30 tornadoes on Friday.

Local congressman James Comer, working with rescuers in the ruined town of Mayfield, said the tornado there was the widest ever seen.

"It's the most devastating storm damage I've seen in my entire life. We've had tornadoes that have been the same length as this tornado but we've never had one with the width of this tornado," he said.


Such major events outside of the spring and summer months are extremely rare.


Take cover from what? This isn't unusual climate-caused weather.
