Global fry-up.


You won't find the Denier Choir helping climate refugees.
Boris Johnson should explain his climate conversion
A personal account of why he changed his mind about global warming would help win sceptics to the cause of Cop26

The Yiddish word chutzpah was famously defined as describing the man who, having killed both his parents, requests clemency on the basis that he’s recently been orphaned. So it was on a cloud of chutzpah that Boris Johnson arrived in New York to tell the world it needed to grow up.


Haw, haw, haw, haw...................................haw.
Capsule of 1765 air reveals ancient histories hidden under Antarctic ice

An ampoule of Antarctic air from the year 1765 forms the centrepiece of a new exhibition that reveals the hidden histories contained in polar ice to visitors attending the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow.

These ice cores have allowed Binitie to display in Glasgow, at what is widely acknowledged to be a pivotal moment for the planet, the purest possible air trapped in ice from another such moment, just before modern humanity began its unwitting destruction of the atmosphere, the stark consequences of which are now being faced.

The Polar Zero exhibition at the Glasgow Science Centre features a cylindrical glass sculpture encasing the air, extracted precisely from 1765 – the date that many historians pinpoint as the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. A second cylinder presents an ice core containing tiny bubbles of air that were trapped as snow fell and compacted, and which now reveal the horrifying rate of increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since that date.

You have to laugh. Almost every country in the world is gathered together to fight the threat to humanity that the Brit maggot claims doesn't exist.

Haw, haw, haw, haw.......................................haw.
Johnson takes private jet from Cop26 to London to attend dinner
Labour accuses PM of ‘staggering hypocrisy’ over flight from Glasgow to go to Daily Telegraph reunion at private club

Boris Johnson has been accused of “staggering hypocrisy” after it emerged that he flew back to London from the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow by private jet to go to a dinner at a men-only private members’ club.

Now that it's established, world-wide, that anthropogenic global heating is a reality and a potentially catastrophic death-blow to ' civilization ' as we know it it's time to start prosecuting those whose emotional and egotistical denials reduce our chances of survival. Actual legal prosecution will come later- identification can start right away.
Now that it's established, world-wide, that anthropogenic global heating is a reality and a potentially catastrophic death-blow to ' civilization ' as we know it it's time to start prosecuting those whose emotional and egotistical denials reduce our chances of survival. Actual legal prosecution will come later- identification can start right away.

Established by whom, a bunch of political hack "scientists" at the UN?
Established by whom, a bunch of political hack "scientists" at the UN?

It's now well-known that the fossil fuel parasitic corporations have been paying drone ' scientists ' to produce ' calming ' horseshit for decades - just to brainwash consumer capitalists like you.

The Campaign Against the Climate: Debunking climate change denial
The shocking exposure of a multi-million-dollar, 30-year denial campaign that has undermined science and cast doubt on the dangers of climate change.

You're either a victim or a corporate crook. Whatever- you don't have an argument to offer- so get lost.
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It's now well-known that the fossil fuel parasitic corporations have been paying drone ' scientists ' to produce ' calming ' horseshit for decades - just to brainwash consumer capitalists like you.

What other conspiracy theories do you believe in? Just curious...

You're either a victim or a corporate crook. Whatever- you don't have an argument to offer- so get lost.

Thank you for the gratuitous ad hominem.
We're getting to the point wherein psychologists are looking at the motivators of ' denial '.

Clearly, profit has been the motivator in the past- as evidenced by the article, above- as it has benefited the polluters and , in turn, those on the polluters' payroll. Some of these 'scientists ' are happy to expose their paymasters now that all doubts about anthropogenic global heating have been dismissed by mainstream and reputable scientists. They are old, their careers are finished and their money has been made. It wasn't illegal to lie at the time so they have nothing to lose by owning up- their reputations being trashed already.
No, the interest now is in the likes of friend maggot and his diminishing Denier Choir. It seems that there is a strong emotional component to their denials at this late, late stage. After all, they've spent years sucking in the lies and regurgitating them as ' scientific fact ' - maggot has hundreds of such cut-and-paste pseudo-scientific posts- so they do have an emotional attachment to the fantasy world that they've created. Ego comes into it too- as admission and apology don't come easy- and also, to an observable extent- fear. They are becoming scared by the turn of events and their vulnerable Deniers position within them.
Of course, it doesn't help the crisis they've created by holding their feet to the fire- but it is deeply satisfying, isn't it.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw..........................haw, haw.........................haw, haw...................................haw.