Global Warming, Climate Change, politics, religion, or science?

Hey look, your Trump Administration is "fear mongering for political purposes"

"Last month, deep in a 500-page environmental impact statement, the Trump administration made a startling assumption: On its current course, the planet will warm a disastrous 7 degrees by the end of this century."

"A rise of 7 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 4 degrees Celsius, compared with preindustrial levels would be catastrophic, according to scientists. Many coral reefs would dissolve in increasingly acidic oceans. Parts of Manhattan and Miami would be under water without costly coastal defenses. Extreme heat waves would routinely smother large parts of the globe."

"Despite President Trump's skepticism, federal agencies conducting scientific research have often reaffirmed that humans are causing climate change, including in a major 2017 report that found "no convincing alternative explanation."

Assuming you're right what do you think would be an effective solution?
Let me take a stab at this...some sort of carbon tax.

There ya go. That's the ticket.

And political control through fear mongering...

No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth... period. That is what the laws of thermodynamics, the stefan-boltzmann law, and etc. tell us...

Global Warming advocates also have no way of measuring the temperature of the Earth... And in doing so, they commit numerous fallacies.
And political control through fear mongering...

No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth... period. That is what the laws of thermodynamics, the stefan-boltzmann law, and etc. tell us...
You are one of the few that seems to be well read on the topic. Are you familiar with this?
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And political control through fear mongering...

No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth... period. That is what the laws of thermodynamics, the stefan-boltzmann law, and etc. tell us...

Global Warming advocates also have no way of measuring the temperature of the Earth... And in doing so, they commit numerous fallacies.

Water Vapor would like to have a word with you.
You are one of the few that seems to be well read on the topic. Are you familiar with this?

I'm not actually, as I'm honestly quite new to learning about these things, but the more I learn, the more I see how much of a hoax this global warming nonsense is.
The global warming protagonists are still out there, still saying the 'globe is warming' or the 'climate is changing' and it's all caused by Man.

This is a religion attempting to become a State Religion. It is a religion involving politics.

This thread is here to discuss the politics, the religious nature of the believers, the mathematics, and the science.

Like the Ozone Hole scare of yesterday, there is a lot of fear mongering for political purposes.

I am an A-Agnostic when it comes to AGW. The ozone hole thing has actually started improving since the attack on CFC's (which, BTW could be responsible for some of the warming being seen in recent years)
These climate change mass genociders have been caught lying and fudging the data countless times.

This obsession is their excuse to hate and destroy humanity.
Scientists have collected the data showing that global warming and man's impact is a fact and dangerous to our survival. there is no discussion about It. it has been proven. Question is what do we do ?
Like I posted before. If by some chance global warming has nothing to do with man, then cutting down on pollution and fossil fuels will change the planet, making it cleaner and safer. If it is real, we may be able to save the planet and mankind. The only wrong move is to do nothing and continue polluting the land ,air and water.
Very true. I will add that many of these people seem to not even realize that they are practicing a religion, as they seem to narrowmindedly view religion as "blind belief in god(s)"...

The funny thing is, these people claim that global warming is scientific, yet it is anything BUT scientific... It is instead much more political and religious, if anything...

Agreed. It is, after all, not possible to have any theory based on a void argument. That is what the use of a buzzword as the main subject of the argument does. It IS possible to have a religion based on it though!
Global warming is only backed by 98 percent of scientists. Backed by NASA. Backed by almost every industrial country. Backed by all evidence .Not backed by Republicans and fossil fuel advocates. Global warming proof is science and data.

Science has no proofs. It does not use consensus. It is not a government agency, nation, or a political party. It is not data. It is not an observation. No theory of science contains any observation as part of that theory. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.

Global Warming is a buzzword. It is not defined by anything other than itself. It is meaningless. It is not possible to have a theory, must less a valid argument of any kind, based on a void argument.
NASA is not what it once was. It once flew a spacecraft to the Moon an back. Today, they can't even get off the ground. The Church of Global Warming is not believed by every single scientist of NASA, or of any industrialized nation. You are making a compositional error involving people as the class...bigotry.

You have no evidence. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.

Fossils don't burn. We don't use them for fuel. I am not an advocate for using fossils for fuel.