APP - Globalism: The Enemy Of Our Freedom


A friend of mine's father is the author:

I immigrated to America 45 years ago. Born in Bavaria, Germany in 1928, I was subject to Hitler’s National Socialistic education system as I grew up. My father was a farmer when the Gestapo arrested him in 1942. He was not Jewish but anti-Nazi. He suffered for three years in the concentration camp of Dachau and barely survived it. Fortunately, the American army rescued him in 1945. My fate was much different but equally as evil. At the age of 16, I was forced by those Nationalistic Socialists (Nazi’s) to fight a war I didn’t understand. I survived that war and two additional years as a POW in a Gulag in Siberia. During that time, I lived under Communism in Russia and was forced to attend regular socialistic brainwashing classes. The Communists tried to recruit young boys like me to become part of what they called “The Peoples Movement.” I will never forget the day a KGB man told us that in the next millennium we would have “world wide socialism”. He declared that communism and National Socialism do not work because these systems will always have other nations as an enemy. That is why he stated that we must have “global unity”, the only way to solve the problems of humanity. He declared that Socialists would infiltrate the capitalist countries through their news media, entertainment industries, educational system, and legal system. He predicted that all it will take is a few generations. My thought was “Hitler all over again!”

He said these things in 1947. I did not believe it could happen then, but with the way of the world today and the attitudes that are prevailing right here in America, I submit that these Socialists have indeed infiltrated America. There is a talk radio host that calls them the “enemy within” and I could not agree more.

When I use the term “enemy of our freedom”, I mean the approaching world socialism or “global unity” as its proponents call it now. This worldwide movement is the result of Socialists and former Communists and National Socialists (left over Nazis) who are working together towards world socialism. The largest obstacle has been the West and America in particular. With its free system of capitalism and rule as a Democratic Republic, it has remained too powerful for complete domination. In a true Democratic Republic, the government is dependent on its citizens. In socialism, people are dependent on their government. I know. I have lived both.

Previous to, but most obviously after the end of WWII, these “World Socialists” have succeeded in infiltrating capitalist nations and in so doing they have changed the governments of most European countries. They have also succeeded in many other nations around the globe such as China, South Africa, and North Korea. To a lesser degree, they have also affected America. Here, they do not call themselves Socialists because that might scare some people in this country. Instead, they call themselves “Liberals” and their movement “The New World Order”. While most Americans are comfortable with the term “Liberal”, my intimate familiarity with their language declares them to be World Socialists!

They sell all the right ideas: equality, health, and peace. What they mean, however, is “let the state worry about these issues. You are to simply be a worker and contributor to the state.” To them,” equality” really means that you may not have more than your neighbor has, “health” means that the state will determine what kind of medical attention you need (after all, they are paying for it), and “peace” will be yours as long as you do as they say. Is this freedom? No! This is slavery! Can they sell this type of propaganda to us in the open? No again! They must infiltrate and change the way our young people think. They must encourage our youth to challenge their cultural heritage, causing unrest and rebellion to the status quo of our nation’s morals and standards. They are succeeding, but we do not have to let them continue in their success. Our Constitution provides the weapons to stop them. Behind many that lead this movement is a deep contempt for America and her free system. They believe that Capitalism is the evil responsible for all wars and famine, and yet their own history of corruption and brutality that has been the cause of numerous wars, murder, suffering, and famines seems to escape them. If we had a news media that would have treated President Roosevelt the way we allow our media to treat President Bush, we would all be speaking German today and goose-stepping to Hitler and his successors. I am not asking that we gag the press, but as a people we should stop tolerating their sensationalizing and slanting of information and insist they simply report the news and let us make up our own minds! Of course, that is exactly what the socialists don’t want. They despise a free-minded, self-governing people who refuse to be recipients of their propaganda machines.

Many politicians today are not truly our representatives, but men and women with a Socialist agenda who are dictating what is “good” for the people instead of the other way around. The Socialists are trying more than ever to pitch their sell of a “better world” and are abusing our own democratic system to that end. The socialist “Think Tank” works well. They have successfully taken control of the Democratic Party and have changed its goals. They make promises to the masses for universal health-care and free welfare programs paid for by the hard working citizens whom they say “owe them” a free ride. Trust me, Socialists have never cared about the individual and history proves this point. It has always been the Democratic free systems (capitalist) of private ownership which has truly improved people’s lives. Today, when you listen to these Socialists (Liberals), they sound like they are the only true Democrats while everyone else is “Right Wing” or “Extremist.” This results from having learned well from their past failures and their skill in using language and emotion to sway the people.

I am often dismayed at how lethargic many Americans seem to be about what is going on, but then I remember that most Americans have not lived the real Socialist dream and like frogs being slowly boiled alive, the realization may come too late.

Many of these Global Socialists are also atheists and are convinced that to realize their goal of world socialism they must accomplish these changes:

1. Abolishment of all religions and cultures that are not in alignment with a socialistic world order. They think that religion and certain cultures are a “dumbing down of the people”. They believe that it keeps people in the dark ages and interferes with modernism. They contend that the best way to abolish religion is to incite wars between them. Consider the support that Islam is receiving from the Socialists at this time. Odd, to say the least, since Islam is dogmatically the most anti-socialistic religion of them all. 2. Removal of patriotism. The abolishment of American patriotism in particular is very important to the Globalists. They begin by labeling patriotic Americans as “extremists and inhumane capitalists” and go on to tell us that patriotism is counter-productive to world peace. They will hide the fact that their system has a Fascist component. That will be revealed when they force us to bow and scrape to their one-world order, or else! 3. Create a relative morality where the ideas of commitment and family are re-defined. In their system, there are no moral absolutes. After all, if God is dead, then who has the right to impinge a moral standard? The Liberals of infiltrated Hollywood have for years pushed an amoral standard and our youth and society are paying the price! 4. A classless society. To accomplish this, Socialists are working both sides of the aisle. They are telling the poor and often minority races that they are “entitled” to the wealth of the predominantly rich white because they have kept them in slavery. The more affluent who have worked hard and earned their money are being told to feel guilt for their “greediness” and that they must share the fruits of their labor with the poor. How many times have brutal revolutions been fed this meal so that those seeking to usurp the wealthy could employ the downtrodden to do their dirty work in order to then dominate the very poor they claimed to care about? Russia, France, and Italy are examples, and may we never forget how Hitler used the wealth of the Jews to incite their slaughter!

No, I am not an activist of any kind or a right-wing extremist as the Liberals call it. All I hope for is an America that remains sovereign and free for future generations. I am merely an old man, and maybe I don’t know how to communicate my experiences in a convincing way, but believe me, putting a picture of an American flag in the back of your car window is not enough. We need to vote responsibly and show our love of country. We need to vote for people who defend our constitution, and not interpret it for their own agendas.

I escaped Siberia in 1947 at the age of 19 and walked over 5000 miles through many countries including Iran and Iraq. I met poor Moslems in Kurdistan. They were not anti-Christian then, and they saved my life. I walked for a year to get home, hungering for a freedom that helped sustain me in prison, a freedom I could no longer find in my homeland. Today, Socialists who call themselves “Social Democrats” now control all of Europe. Do you ever wonder where all those National Socialists (Nazis) and SS men went?

I immigrated to America in 1959 because it was the only country in the world that had a constitution guaranteeing the freedom of an "individual”. I have worked hard all my life. I became a patriotic American citizen in 1965 and have lived the American Dream. I raise my flag every day out of love and respect for this great nation, gave up my native tongue for English and will forever defend the capitalist system of free enterprise through hard work! Our American constitution is a treasure worth fighting to defend. American patriotism is not just a mere fancy to those of us who have seen and lived the hopeless ideals of socialism, or lost a loved one because of it. Socialism, and its cousins Communism and Fascism, will always fail to deliver because they depend on the state instead of the individual. Ultimately, this leads the state to impose its will, even by force, upon the will of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson said “no other country could destroy America; it can only be done from within”. I say “This country has been successful and free for more than 200 years, let’s keep it that way”.

(Article)They sell all the right ideas: equality, health, and peace. What they mean, however, is “let the state worry about these issues. You are to simply be a worker and contributor to the state.” To them,” equality” really means that you may not have more than your neighbor has, “health” means that the state will determine what kind of medical attention you need (after all, they are paying for it), and “peace” will be yours as long as you do as they say.(End)

No, what they mean is the individual has not solved these problems so another course of action is necessary.

No, “equality” does not mean you can not have more than your neighbour. Equality means you can not sit by while your neighbour suffers an illness and can not afford health care while you whine about how no one ever worked as hard as you did.

No, “health” does not mean the State will determine what medical attention ones needs. It means medical personnel will deliver the necessary care and the government will pay the individuals. If anyone took the time to Google they would see countries like Canada, countries with universal health care, do not decide what care will be given nor which doctor will provide it.

As for “peace”, yes, people will be at peace knowing they aren’t thrown to the capitalistic wolves.

Equality. Health. Peace. We do know the lies and propaganda spread about universal health care are exactly that, lies! That can be easily determined by a quick Google on Canada’s health care. Health care that has been in force for the last (40) forty years.

That doesn’t lend much credibility to your equality and peace arguments.

(Article) Can they sell this type of propaganda to us in the open? No again! They must infiltrate and change the way our young people think. They must encourage our youth to challenge their cultural heritage, causing unrest and rebellion to the status quo of our nation’s morals and standards. (End)

You bet they must! Just like the heroes who stood up and said, “Hell no! We won’t go!” during the Viet Nam War’s systematic massacre of our youth brought on by disgusting, repulsive, war- mongering, fat asses in leather chairs.

A war brought on by a lie! The Gulf Of Tolkin Incident.

(Article) No, I am not an activist of any kind or a right-wing extremist as the Liberals call it. All I hope for is an America that remains sovereign and free for future generations. I am merely an old man, and maybe I don’t know how to communicate my experiences in a convincing way,….(End)

We have seen what your generation has done. Maybe not you, personally, but the people who espouse freedom and the “American Way” that you so gloriously defend.

Whether it’s the Gulf of Tolkin or the mushroom cloud from Iraq we’ve seen what you defend. Whether it’s a guy sleeping in a cardboard box under a bridge or a young, family man going to work in pain because he doesn’t want to use the family’s food money for a doctor’s visit we know what your vision of freedom is.

Thank-you, but no thank-you. We’ve heard the lies, be them concerning war or health care. People, like myself, have lived them. People, like myself, know they were lies and now the rest of the citizens will be shown so they can see for themselves.

You bet they must change what our young people were taught. The lies. The deceit. The death and destruction. The carnage has to stop and to be blunt it is offensive to see an old man support such hideousness just because he was fortunate enough to enjoy a good life.


A friend of mine's father is the author:

I immigrated to America 45 years ago. Born in Bavaria, Germany in 1928, I was subject to Hitler’s National Socialistic education system as I grew up. My father was a farmer when the Gestapo arrested him in 1942. He was not Jewish but anti-Nazi. He suffered for three years in the concentration camp of Dachau and barely survived it. Fortunately, the American army rescued him in 1945. My fate was much different but equally as evil. At the age of 16, I was forced by those Nationalistic Socialists (Nazi’s) to fight a war I didn’t understand. I survived that war and two additional years as a POW in a Gulag in Siberia. During that time, I lived under Communism in Russia and was forced to attend regular socialistic brainwashing classes. The Communists tried to recruit young boys like me to become part of what they called “The Peoples Movement.” I will never forget the day a KGB man told us that in the next millennium we would have “world wide socialism”. He declared that communism and National Socialism do not work because these systems will always have other nations as an enemy. That is why he stated that we must have “global unity”, the only way to solve the problems of humanity. He declared that Socialists would infiltrate the capitalist countries through their news media, entertainment industries, educational system, and legal system. He predicted that all it will take is a few generations. My thought was “Hitler all over again!”

He said these things in 1947. I did not believe it could happen then, but with the way of the world today and the attitudes that are prevailing right here in America, I submit that these Socialists have indeed infiltrated America. There is a talk radio host that calls them the “enemy within” and I could not agree more.

When I use the term “enemy of our freedom”, I mean the approaching world socialism or “global unity” as its proponents call it now. This worldwide movement is the result of Socialists and former Communists and National Socialists (left over Nazis) who are working together towards world socialism. The largest obstacle has been the West and America in particular. With its free system of capitalism and rule as a Democratic Republic, it has remained too powerful for complete domination. In a true Democratic Republic, the government is dependent on its citizens. In socialism, people are dependent on their government. I know. I have lived both.

Previous to, but most obviously after the end of WWII, these “World Socialists” have succeeded in infiltrating capitalist nations and in so doing they have changed the governments of most European countries. They have also succeeded in many other nations around the globe such as China, South Africa, and North Korea. To a lesser degree, they have also affected America. Here, they do not call themselves Socialists because that might scare some people in this country. Instead, they call themselves “Liberals” and their movement “The New World Order”. While most Americans are comfortable with the term “Liberal”, my intimate familiarity with their language declares them to be World Socialists!

They sell all the right ideas: equality, health, and peace. What they mean, however, is “let the state worry about these issues. You are to simply be a worker and contributor to the state.” To them,” equality” really means that you may not have more than your neighbor has, “health” means that the state will determine what kind of medical attention you need (after all, they are paying for it), and “peace” will be yours as long as you do as they say. Is this freedom? No! This is slavery! Can they sell this type of propaganda to us in the open? No again! They must infiltrate and change the way our young people think. They must encourage our youth to challenge their cultural heritage, causing unrest and rebellion to the status quo of our nation’s morals and standards. They are succeeding, but we do not have to let them continue in their success. Our Constitution provides the weapons to stop them. Behind many that lead this movement is a deep contempt for America and her free system. They believe that Capitalism is the evil responsible for all wars and famine, and yet their own history of corruption and brutality that has been the cause of numerous wars, murder, suffering, and famines seems to escape them. If we had a news media that would have treated President Roosevelt the way we allow our media to treat President Bush, we would all be speaking German today and goose-stepping to Hitler and his successors. I am not asking that we gag the press, but as a people we should stop tolerating their sensationalizing and slanting of information and insist they simply report the news and let us make up our own minds! Of course, that is exactly what the socialists don’t want. They despise a free-minded, self-governing people who refuse to be recipients of their propaganda machines.

Many politicians today are not truly our representatives, but men and women with a Socialist agenda who are dictating what is “good” for the people instead of the other way around. The Socialists are trying more than ever to pitch their sell of a “better world” and are abusing our own democratic system to that end. The socialist “Think Tank” works well. They have successfully taken control of the Democratic Party and have changed its goals. They make promises to the masses for universal health-care and free welfare programs paid for by the hard working citizens whom they say “owe them” a free ride. Trust me, Socialists have never cared about the individual and history proves this point. It has always been the Democratic free systems (capitalist) of private ownership which has truly improved people’s lives. Today, when you listen to these Socialists (Liberals), they sound like they are the only true Democrats while everyone else is “Right Wing” or “Extremist.” This results from having learned well from their past failures and their skill in using language and emotion to sway the people.

I am often dismayed at how lethargic many Americans seem to be about what is going on, but then I remember that most Americans have not lived the real Socialist dream and like frogs being slowly boiled alive, the realization may come too late.

Many of these Global Socialists are also atheists and are convinced that to realize their goal of world socialism they must accomplish these changes:

1. Abolishment of all religions and cultures that are not in alignment with a socialistic world order. They think that religion and certain cultures are a “dumbing down of the people”. They believe that it keeps people in the dark ages and interferes with modernism. They contend that the best way to abolish religion is to incite wars between them. Consider the support that Islam is receiving from the Socialists at this time. Odd, to say the least, since Islam is dogmatically the most anti-socialistic religion of them all. 2. Removal of patriotism. The abolishment of American patriotism in particular is very important to the Globalists. They begin by labeling patriotic Americans as “extremists and inhumane capitalists” and go on to tell us that patriotism is counter-productive to world peace. They will hide the fact that their system has a Fascist component. That will be revealed when they force us to bow and scrape to their one-world order, or else! 3. Create a relative morality where the ideas of commitment and family are re-defined. In their system, there are no moral absolutes. After all, if God is dead, then who has the right to impinge a moral standard? The Liberals of infiltrated Hollywood have for years pushed an amoral standard and our youth and society are paying the price! 4. A classless society. To accomplish this, Socialists are working both sides of the aisle. They are telling the poor and often minority races that they are “entitled” to the wealth of the predominantly rich white because they have kept them in slavery. The more affluent who have worked hard and earned their money are being told to feel guilt for their “greediness” and that they must share the fruits of their labor with the poor. How many times have brutal revolutions been fed this meal so that those seeking to usurp the wealthy could employ the downtrodden to do their dirty work in order to then dominate the very poor they claimed to care about? Russia, France, and Italy are examples, and may we never forget how Hitler used the wealth of the Jews to incite their slaughter!

No, I am not an activist of any kind or a right-wing extremist as the Liberals call it. All I hope for is an America that remains sovereign and free for future generations. I am merely an old man, and maybe I don’t know how to communicate my experiences in a convincing way, but believe me, putting a picture of an American flag in the back of your car window is not enough. We need to vote responsibly and show our love of country. We need to vote for people who defend our constitution, and not interpret it for their own agendas.

I escaped Siberia in 1947 at the age of 19 and walked over 5000 miles through many countries including Iran and Iraq. I met poor Moslems in Kurdistan. They were not anti-Christian then, and they saved my life. I walked for a year to get home, hungering for a freedom that helped sustain me in prison, a freedom I could no longer find in my homeland. Today, Socialists who call themselves “Social Democrats” now control all of Europe. Do you ever wonder where all those National Socialists (Nazis) and SS men went?

I immigrated to America in 1959 because it was the only country in the world that had a constitution guaranteeing the freedom of an "individual”. I have worked hard all my life. I became a patriotic American citizen in 1965 and have lived the American Dream. I raise my flag every day out of love and respect for this great nation, gave up my native tongue for English and will forever defend the capitalist system of free enterprise through hard work! Our American constitution is a treasure worth fighting to defend. American patriotism is not just a mere fancy to those of us who have seen and lived the hopeless ideals of socialism, or lost a loved one because of it. Socialism, and its cousins Communism and Fascism, will always fail to deliver because they depend on the state instead of the individual. Ultimately, this leads the state to impose its will, even by force, upon the will of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson said “no other country could destroy America; it can only be done from within”. I say “This country has been successful and free for more than 200 years, let’s keep it that way”.

He lived it have not. That makes him the expert and you the circle jerk. :)

I love that word "expert". Remember, "X" stands for the unknown so we have an "unknown spurt". :)

Sure, he lived it. I bet he worked harder than anyone else, sacrificed more than everyone else, lived a more moral and just life than anyone else.....

Heard it all before.
No, what they mean is the individual has not solved these problems so another course of action is necessary.
Yes, that is EXACTLY the central complaint against the movement that modern liberalism has chosen to follow. Perfectly put in a nutshell the sheer unadulterated arrogance of the socialist mind. You no longer trust individualism. Individuals are incapable of solving problems for themselves, so the state must step in and do it for them, whether they want the "help" the state has to offer, or not.

No, “equality” does not mean you can not have more than your neighbour. Equality means you can not sit by while your neighbour suffers an illness and can not afford health care while you whine about how no one ever worked as hard as you did.
Equality means that no individual has opportunity denied them, nor opportunity enhanced for them through oppressive or selective actions of the state against or for any particular grouping of peoples. Any other definition is wishful thinking that is impossible to put into practice.

No, “health” does not mean the State will determine what medical attention ones needs. It means medical personnel will deliver the necessary care and the government will pay the individuals. If anyone took the time to Google they would see countries like Canada, countries with universal health care, do not decide what care will be given nor which doctor will provide it.
This is where the biggest lie of the universal care proponents comes into play. While it is true that the doctors and their patients will decide the course of treatment (they do so now, the denial of which is another lie told by the liberals), the government WILL be deciding which courses of treatment will be paid for, and which will not. If you universal care proponents think such a system is going to give carte blanche payments to any and all treatments under any circumstance dictated by a physician, you REALLY need to consider investing in the major development project I have going in some SE swamp lands.

The government IS going to decide what will and will not be paid for. Functionally it will be NO different that an insurance company deciding the same. (It's not like insurance companies have the authority to DENY a treatment - they can only refuse to pay for it.) The difference will be that instead of a bunch of profit minded bean counters deciding which treatments will be paid and which will be refused, it will be a bunch of job-elevating government bureaucrats, backed by politicians whose only real concern is the next election.

I'll take the profit minded bean counters. At least they realize an insurance company with too poor a reputation will lose profits. When the bean counters' motives are politically driven, who knows WHAT they will decide. Though the recent government backing - at the hue and cry of the entire medical field - of a study recommending a reduction in breast cancer screening should be a strong indicator which way thing lie with government in charge of what will be paid for.

As for “peace”, yes, people will be at peace knowing they aren’t thrown to the capitalistic wolves.
What a bunch of fucking mindless drivel. While unfettered capitalism has its drawbacks, we have not been under a true capitalistic system since before FDR took office. What we have been living under is a bastardized melding of corporate oligarchy to support the powerful, and socialist derived institute of forced dependency for those needing help.

Equality. Health. Peace. We do know the lies and propaganda spread about universal health care are exactly that, lies! That can be easily determined by a quick Google on Canada’s health care. Health care that has been in force for the last (40) forty years.

That doesn’t lend much credibility to your equality and peace arguments.

A war brought on by a lie! The Gulf Of Tolkin Incident.
Again, you don't have a fucking clue what equality means. You want every one to be a bunch of mindless state driven drones, and call that equality. THough I guess everyone except the power elite being in the same government boot heel is KIND of equal.

There is a reason equality and health are addressed separately. Why do you insist on lumping them back together, other than the fact that you insist on calling equality what it is not?

Yes, there are many lies told about universal health care. A bit less than half of them are told in opposition.

And, remind me, because the stainless steel ass I have from taking a bullet over there sometimes confuses me. Which party, led by which political philosophy, was behind the Vietnam fiasco? Which political movement heavily involved with the self-same "liberal" economic policy was responsible for the reprehensible treatment our returning soldiers received upon returning from that slime infested rat hole? You want to talk about Vietnam as an example of peace/anti-peace double standards, go look in the fucking mirror. The people doing the "hell no, I won't go" chants that you idolize were the same people voting for the ASSHOLES that SENT US THERE! They were also the same ones leading the social movement to treat us like dirt when we came back, and voted for the assholes and the anti-military (including military health care) budget cuts that made treating us like dirt official government fiscal policy.

We have seen what your generation has done. Maybe not you, personally, but the people who espouse freedom and the “American Way” that you so gloriously defend.

Whether it’s the Gulf of Tolkin or the mushroom cloud from Iraq we’ve seen what you defend. Whether it’s a guy sleeping in a cardboard box under a bridge or a young, family man going to work in pain because he doesn’t want to use the family’s food money for a doctor’s visit we know what your vision of freedom is.

Thank-you, but no thank-you. We’ve heard the lies, be them concerning war or health care. People, like myself, have lived them. People, like myself, know they were lies and now the rest of the citizens will be shown so they can see for themselves.
Yea, you've heard lies, alright. And you eat them like popcorn, and regurgitate them faithfully under trite phrases like "capitalistic wolves". The generation preceding yours (an assumption derived from the phrase "your generation") did some good, and made mistakes. MOST of those mistakes were in trying to follow the idiocy of economic socialism with out compromising liberty. Too bad you, as well as they, can;t see the truth that if you want government control of the economy, you have to control ALL aspects of the economy or it WILL run away from you. trying to control only parts of the economy while letting others run free is like trying to only control some parts of an ecology. It's going to run amok.

Unfortunately, controlling all aspects of the economy includes controlling those who contribute to the economy. Thanks, but I'll risk the "capitalistic wolves" and retain my liberties. Being one of the (relatively) few who know what poor REALLY is, I also know it was and is better being poor and free, than a "equal" cog in the socialist state.

You bet they must change what our young people were taught. The lies. The deceit. The death and destruction. The carnage has to stop and to be blunt it is offensive to see an old man support such hideousness just because he was fortunate enough to enjoy a good life.
Indeed. Look at the primary lesson of the socialist. Leading the good life is due to fortune. Hard, diligent, unflagging effort has nothing to do with it. Not to mention that the VAST majority of people we have labeled as "poor" do not know the meaning of the word. No wonder you support program after program after program whose intent and design is to minimally improve the economic status while forcing dependency and punishing initiative, thus assuring the "recipients" stay at the economic level government wants them to be.

Can things be better? Sure, as nothing is ever perfect. Submission to the state because "individuals haven't solved these problems" is, however, the WRONG answer if we want to remain a society dedicated to liberty.

He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, will lose both, and deserves neither.
I love that word "expert". Remember, "X" stands for the unknown so we have an "unknown spurt". :)

Sure, he lived it. I bet he worked harder than anyone else, sacrificed more than everyone else, lived a more moral and just life than anyone else.....

Heard it all before.

When you're an really put on the dog.

"X" is his middle initial. Correctly written it would be G, FX. Last, first, middle.
Yes, that is EXACTLY the central complaint against the movement that modern liberalism has chosen to follow. Perfectly put in a nutshell the sheer unadulterated arrogance of the socialist mind. You no longer trust individualism. Individuals are incapable of solving problems for themselves, so the state must step in and do it for them, whether they want the "help" the state has to offer, or not.

How does the individual know the circumstances of others? They don’t and some individuals are not only greedy but use information about others for their own gain.

How is one to obtain help if privacy has to be protected? People tend to form “clicks”. Who voluntarily helps the outcast in a small village?

Equality means that no individual has opportunity denied them, nor opportunity enhanced for them through oppressive or selective actions of the state against or for any particular grouping of peoples. Any other definition is wishful thinking that is impossible to put into practice.

There isn’t anything impossible to put into practice. “The State”, or authority, is nothing more that a random selection of citizens including racists, bigots, homophobes, the greedy, the bitter…… name it.

That is why programs are necessary on a national level. Equality can not be properly exercised on a local level due to regional prejudices.

This is where the biggest lie of the universal care proponents comes into play. While it is true that the doctors and their patients will decide the course of treatment (they do so now, the denial of which is another lie told by the liberals), the government WILL be deciding which courses of treatment will be paid for, and which will not. If you universal care proponents think such a system is going to give carte blanche payments to any and all treatments under any circumstance dictated by a physician, you REALLY need to consider investing in the major development project I have going in some SE swamp lands.

We come back to equality. Everyone is entitled to the same care under a universal plan. Most insurance companies have exclusions. For example, if one engages in certain risky activities or if they have pre-existing conditions.

The ironic thing is people want the government to interfere with insurance companies to eliminate pre-existing conditions restrictions. Hello??? If the government has to improve insurance company operations maybe the government is more capable of running medical insurance to being with?

While unfettered capitalism has its drawbacks, we have not been under a true capitalistic system since before FDR took office. What we have been living under is a bastardized melding of corporate oligarchy to support the powerful, and socialist derived institute of forced dependency for those needing help.

What we have been under is nothing short of subliminal suggestions coupled with outright lies about how our fellow man is a lazy bum and anyone who doesn’t “make it” doesn’t deserve a decent life.

Our training to be competitive through things like sports in school is taken to the absurd in society. While the football teams will go for pizza after a game and a player on one team may help a student on the opposing team with academic work competitiveness becomes cutthroat as we enter society. The competitiveness stays and the co-operation disappears and that’s exactly what the “powers that be” want. They don’t want co-operation among society members because that brings strength.

Unfortunately, controlling all aspects of the economy includes controlling those who contribute to the economy. Thanks, but I'll risk the "capitalistic wolves" and retain my liberties. Being one of the (relatively) few who know what poor REALLY is, I also know it was and is better being poor and free, than a "equal" cog in the socialist state.

Another misconception or outright lie from those who know better. Helping people has little to do with controlling those who contribute to the economy and that’s where people deliberately throw out threats of socialism.

Make money any way you want. Do what you want. The people who want you to help are not overly concerned about how you make your money or how you live your life. Just contribute to the help of others.

Don’t confuse helping others with Socialism. One has nothing to do with the other.

Indeed. Look at the primary lesson of the socialist. Leading the good life is due to fortune. Hard, diligent, unflagging effort has nothing to do with it. Not to mention that the VAST majority of people we have labeled as "poor" do not know the meaning of the word. No wonder you support program after program after program whose intent and design is to minimally improve the economic status while forcing dependency and punishing initiative, thus assuring the "recipients" stay at the economic level government wants them to be.

Again, no one is trying to enforce dependency. Happy, healthy people do not aspire to be on government programs. The implication is absurd.

Yes, many people did work hard for what they have and many others got breaks. The child brought up in the ghetto or on the wrong side of the tracks didn't have a father who knows the hiring manager at the large company in town.

There are many “injustices” and they can’t all be addressed but helping people financially can be addressed without interfering in the lives of the helper. It’s not about losing ones freedom. It’s not about government control. It’s about greed. Contribute to the less fortunate and then disappear and do whatever you want. There is no submission involved. In fact, most would prefer if the contributor did contribute and then go away. :lol:


Yes, that is EXACTLY the central complaint against the movement that modern liberalism has chosen to follow. Perfectly put in a nutshell the sheer unadulterated arrogance of the socialist mind. You no longer trust individualism. Individuals are incapable of solving problems for themselves, so the state must step in and do it for them, whether they want the "help" the state has to offer, or not.

Equality means that no individual has opportunity denied them, nor opportunity enhanced for them through oppressive or selective actions of the state against or for any particular grouping of peoples. Any other definition is wishful thinking that is impossible to put into practice.

This is where the biggest lie of the universal care proponents comes into play. While it is true that the doctors and their patients will decide the course of treatment (they do so now, the denial of which is another lie told by the liberals), the government WILL be deciding which courses of treatment will be paid for, and which will not. If you universal care proponents think such a system is going to give carte blanche payments to any and all treatments under any circumstance dictated by a physician, you REALLY need to consider investing in the major development project I have going in some SE swamp lands.

The government IS going to decide what will and will not be paid for. Functionally it will be NO different that an insurance company deciding the same. (It's not like insurance companies have the authority to DENY a treatment - they can only refuse to pay for it.) The difference will be that instead of a bunch of profit minded bean counters deciding which treatments will be paid and which will be refused, it will be a bunch of job-elevating government bureaucrats, backed by politicians whose only real concern is the next election.

I'll take the profit minded bean counters. At least they realize an insurance company with too poor a reputation will lose profits. When the bean counters' motives are politically driven, who knows WHAT they will decide. Though the recent government backing - at the hue and cry of the entire medical field - of a study recommending a reduction in breast cancer screening should be a strong indicator which way thing lie with government in charge of what will be paid for.

What a bunch of fucking mindless drivel. While unfettered capitalism has its drawbacks, we have not been under a true capitalistic system since before FDR took office. What we have been living under is a bastardized melding of corporate oligarchy to support the powerful, and socialist derived institute of forced dependency for those needing help.

Again, you don't have a fucking clue what equality means. You want every one to be a bunch of mindless state driven drones, and call that equality. THough I guess everyone except the power elite being in the same government boot heel is KIND of equal.

There is a reason equality and health are addressed separately. Why do you insist on lumping them back together, other than the fact that you insist on calling equality what it is not?

Yes, there are many lies told about universal health care. A bit less than half of them are told in opposition.

And, remind me, because the stainless steel ass I have from taking a bullet over there sometimes confuses me. Which party, led by which political philosophy, was behind the Vietnam fiasco? Which political movement heavily involved with the self-same "liberal" economic policy was responsible for the reprehensible treatment our returning soldiers received upon returning from that slime infested rat hole? You want to talk about Vietnam as an example of peace/anti-peace double standards, go look in the fucking mirror. The people doing the "hell no, I won't go" chants that you idolize were the same people voting for the ASSHOLES that SENT US THERE! They were also the same ones leading the social movement to treat us like dirt when we came back, and voted for the assholes and the anti-military (including military health care) budget cuts that made treating us like dirt official government fiscal policy.

Yea, you've heard lies, alright. And you eat them like popcorn, and regurgitate them faithfully under trite phrases like "capitalistic wolves". The generation preceding yours (an assumption derived from the phrase "your generation") did some good, and made mistakes. MOST of those mistakes were in trying to follow the idiocy of economic socialism with out compromising liberty. Too bad you, as well as they, can;t see the truth that if you want government control of the economy, you have to control ALL aspects of the economy or it WILL run away from you. trying to control only parts of the economy while letting others run free is like trying to only control some parts of an ecology. It's going to run amok.

Unfortunately, controlling all aspects of the economy includes controlling those who contribute to the economy. Thanks, but I'll risk the "capitalistic wolves" and retain my liberties. Being one of the (relatively) few who know what poor REALLY is, I also know it was and is better being poor and free, than a "equal" cog in the socialist state.

Indeed. Look at the primary lesson of the socialist. Leading the good life is due to fortune. Hard, diligent, unflagging effort has nothing to do with it. Not to mention that the VAST majority of people we have labeled as "poor" do not know the meaning of the word. No wonder you support program after program after program whose intent and design is to minimally improve the economic status while forcing dependency and punishing initiative, thus assuring the "recipients" stay at the economic level government wants them to be.

Can things be better? Sure, as nothing is ever perfect. Submission to the state because "individuals haven't solved these problems" is, however, the WRONG answer if we want to remain a society dedicated to liberty.
When you're an really put on the dog.

"X" is his middle initial. Correctly written it would be G, FX. Last, first, middle.

I know the correct way. First name, last. Last name, first. Middle initial at the end.

George Carlin explained all that when recanting the story about the heart attack victim filling out the form at emergency. :D
There is no submission involved.

Of course there is submission is involved. If you don't pay what the government wants you to pay. You go to jail.

Why does lefty goodness always boil down to statist totalitarianism?
Individuals can't be trusted because they don't have all the information about others?

And the government can be trusted because it has all the information?

So you just flat out don't agree with the constitution and it's orientation towards individual empowerment?
Individuals can't be trusted because they don't have all the information about others?

And the government can be trusted because it has all the information?

So you just flat out don't agree with the constitution and it's orientation towards individual empowerment?

Not quite sure what you're referring to as far as empowering the individual.

Helping an individual is empowering them. Similar to what agencies do that help victims of family abuse. They help the individual by empowering them.
Not quite sure what you're referring to as far as empowering the individual.
The Bill of RIghts.
Helping an individual is empowering them. Similar to what agencies do that help victims of family abuse. They help the individual by empowering them.

And individuals can help other individuals too. We don't need an authoritarian "more knowledgeable" state.

The bureacratic elitism you seem to favor is exactly what keeps bureacrats detached. The state becomes their method of personal power, and all their arguments become perverted, as their selfishness and egotism increase exponentially with their power.

power corrupts.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Do you invision that one day the people of the world will agree on what kind of government works best?

Do you invision a time some day in the far future that the worlds countries all work together to improve their commom home?

Do you invision the world lasting long enough for this to ever happen?
Of course there is submission is involved. If you don't pay what the government wants you to pay. You go to jail.

Why does lefty goodness always boil down to statist totalitarianism?

Why do people associate contributing to the help of others with Socialism? It is the Right who want to dictate how people should live. All the Left asks is for one to contribute financially and then go about their lives as they see fit.
Do you invision that one day the people of the world will agree on what kind of government works best?
No. It will always be split along the lines of totalitarianism versus freedom. The elites will always be totalitarian.
Do you invision a time some day in the far future that the worlds countries all work together to improve their commom home?
we do to an extent. But allowing a global government to dictate energy usage has nothing to do with improvement and all to do with totalitarian power.
Do you invision the world lasting long enough for this to ever happen?

It has lasted long enough for international cooperation.

Cooperation is not playing favorites, and restricting western economies based on a misguied notion of social justice.
They want the church to do it and the church (all of them) cant handle it .

They have irrational fear of teh government.

Somehow when it comes to people who form a government they are evil.

But Oh boy people are hired to run a Corporation well those folks are like angels.

Its irrational and it starting to become very clear to the world.
No. It will always be split along the lines of totalitarianism versus freedom. The elites will always be totalitarian.
There will always be humans who will seek this power to abuse it but what if we manage to come to a time when the various governments figure out a clear type of government with a clear set of rules that keeps these types away from the wheels of power.

we do to an extent. But allowing a global government to dictate energy usage has nothing to do with improvement and all to do with totalitarian power.
You missed the point of the question, you twisted it into something different with your own fear.

It has lasted long enough for international cooperation.

Cooperation is not playing favorites, and restricting western economies based on a misguied notion of social justice.

This is tantamount to saying "this new cooperation better give me what I want and fuck the other guys needs'.
They want the church to do it and the church (all of them) cant handle it .

They have irrational fear of teh government.

Somehow when it comes to people who form a government they are evil.

But Oh boy people are hired to run a Corporation well those folks are like angels.

Its irrational and it starting to become very clear to the world.

Im an atheist and im anti new world order.

The fear of government is warranted. The biggest murderes in human history are governments.

Asshole CEOs are assholes too. And they gain alot of their power through corrupt governnance, which you somehow believe is incorruptible.

Globalism is dead. Only fascists like you want it, on the left and right. Normal people are rejecting both paths to fascism.
globalism so far:

Each nation's economy is individually analyzed, then, says Stiglitz, the Bank hands every minister the same exact four-step program.

Step One is Privatization - which Stiglitz said could more accurately be called, 'Briberization.' Rather than object to the sell-offs of state industries, he said national leaders - using the World Bank's demands to silence local critics - happily flogged their electricity and water companies. "You could see their eyes widen" at the prospect of 10% commissions paid to Swiss bank accounts for simply shaving a few billion off the sale price of national assets.

And the US government knew it, charges Stiglitz, at least in the case of the biggest 'briberization' of all, the 1995 Russian sell-off. "The US Treasury view was this was great as we wanted Yeltsin re-elected. We don't care if it's a corrupt election. We want the money to go to Yeltzin" via kick-backs for his campaign.

Stiglitz is no conspiracy nutter ranting about Black Helicopters. The man was inside the game, a member of Bill Clinton's cabinet as Chairman of the President's council of economic advisors.

Most ill-making for Stiglitz is that the US-backed oligarchs stripped Russia's industrial assets, with the effect that the corruption scheme cut national output nearly in half causing depression and starvation.

After briberization, Step Two of the IMF/World Bank one-size-fits-all rescue-your-economy plan is 'Capital Market Liberalization.' In theory, capital market deregulation allows investment capital to flow in and out. Unfortunately, as in Indonesia and Brazil, the money simply flowed out and out. Stiglitz calls this the "Hot Money" cycle. Cash comes in for speculation in real estate and currency, then flees at the first whiff of trouble. A nation's reserves can drain in days, hours. And when that happens, to seduce speculators into returning a nation's own capital funds, the IMF demands these nations raise interest rates to 30%, 50% and 80%.

"The result was predictable," said Stiglitz of the Hot Money tidal waves in Asia and Latin America. Higher interest rates demolished property values, savaged industrial production and drained national treasuries.

At this point, the IMF drags the gasping nation to Step Three: Market-Based Pricing, a fancy term for raising prices on food, water and cooking gas. This leads, predictably, to Step-Three-and-a-Half: what Stiglitz calls, "The IMF riot."

The IMF riot is painfully predictable. When a nation is, "down and out, [the IMF] takes advantage and squeezes the last pound of blood out of them. They turn up the heat until, finally, the whole cauldron blows up," as when the IMF eliminated food and fuel subsidies for the poor in Indonesia in 1998. Indonesia exploded into riots, but there are other examples - the Bolivian riots over water prices last year and this February, the riots in Ecuador over the rise in cooking gas prices imposed by the World Bank. You'd almost get the impression that the riot is written into the plan.

And it is. What Stiglitz did not know is that, while in the States, BBC and The Observer obtained several documents from inside the World Bank, stamped over with those pesky warnings, "confidential," "restricted," "not to be disclosed." Let's get back to one: the "Interim Country Assistance Strategy" for Ecuador, in it the Bank several times states - with cold accuracy - that they expected their plans to spark, "social unrest," to use their bureaucratic term for a nation in flames.

That's not surprising. The secret report notes that the plan to make the US dollar Ecuador's currency has pushed 51% of the population below the poverty line. The World Bank "Assistance" plan simply calls for facing down civil strife and suffering with, "political resolve" - and still higher prices.

The IMF riots (and by riots I mean peaceful demonstrations dispersed by bullets, tanks and teargas) cause new panicked flights of capital and government bankruptcies. This economic arson has it's bright side - for foreign corporations, who can then pick off remaining assets, such as the odd mining concession or port, at fire sale prices.

Stiglitz notes that the IMF and World Bank are not heartless adherents to market economics. At the same time the IMF stopped Indonesia 'subsidizing' food purchases, "when the banks need a bail-out, intervention (in the market) is welcome." The IMF scrounged up tens of billions of dollars to save Indonesia's financiers and, by extension, the US and European banks from which they had borrowed.

A pattern emerges. There are lots of losers in this system but one clear winner: the Western banks and US Treasury, making the big bucks off this crazy new international capital churn. Stiglitz told me about his unhappy meeting, early in his World Bank tenure, with Ethopia's new president in the nation's first democratic election. The World Bank and IMF had ordered Ethiopia to divert aid money to its reserve account at the US Treasury, which pays a pitiful 4% return, while the nation borrowed US dollars at 12% to feed its population. The new president begged Stiglitz to let him use the aid money to rebuild the nation. But no, the loot went straight off to the US Treasury's vault in Washington.

Now we arrive at Step Four of what the IMF and World Bank call their "poverty reduction strategy": Free Trade. This is free trade by the rules of the World Trade Organization and World Bank, Stiglitz the insider likens free trade WTO-style to the Opium Wars. "That too was about opening markets," he said. As in the 19th century, Europeans and Americans today are kicking down the barriers to sales in Asia, Latin American and Africa, while barricading our own markets against Third World agriculture.

In the Opium Wars, the West used military blockades to force open markets for their unbalanced trade. Today, the World Bank can order a financial blockade just as effective - and sometimes just as deadly.

Stiglitz is particularly emotional over the WTO's intellectual property rights treaty (it goes by the acronym TRIPS, more on that in the next chapters). It is here, says the economist, that the new global order has "condemned people to death" by imposing impossible tariffs and tributes to pay to pharmaceutical companies for branded medicines. "They don't care," said the professor of the corporations and bank loans he worked with, "if people live or die."

By the way, don't be confused by the mix in this discussion of the IMF, World Bank and WTO. They are interchangeable masks of a single governance system. They have locked themselves together by what are unpleasantly called, "triggers." Taking a World Bank loan for a school 'triggers' a requirement to accept every 'conditionality' - they average 111 per nation - laid down by both the World Bank and IMF. In fact, said Stiglitz the IMF requires nations to accept trade policies more punitive than the official WTO rules.

Stiglitz greatest concern is that World Bank plans, devised in secrecy and driven by an absolutist ideology, are never open for discourse or dissent. Despite the West's push for elections throughout the developing world, the so-called Poverty Reduction Programs "undermine democracy."

And they don't work. Black Africa's productivity under the guiding hand of IMF structural "assistance" has gone to hell in a handbag. Did any nation avoid this fate? Yes, said Stiglitz, identifying Botswana. Their trick? "They told the IMF to go packing."