APP - Globalism: The Enemy Of Our Freedom

The Bill of RIghts.

How does helping people contravene the Bill of Rights?

And individuals can help other individuals too. We don't need an authoritarian "more knowledgeable" state.

Yes, we do because individuals do not know who requires help. Also, individuals tend to help those like themselves and ignore those who hold opposing opinions and/or lifestyles.

If that wasn't the case then social programs would never have come into existence. There would be no need for SS or welfare or unemployment or any other program.

Similar to countries that have universal medical. Every country started out with a "pay or suffer" system and those that changed never reverted.

Society has changed. People don't even know their neighbor let alone the majority of people in the community. Years ago, everyone knew everyone else because people didn't move around like they do today. People knew who needed help in their community. That's not the case today.

The bureacratic elitism you seem to favor is exactly what keeps bureacrats detached. The state becomes their method of personal power, and all their arguments become perverted, as their selfishness and egotism increase exponentially with their power.

The job of the bureaucrat is subject to the political party in power. This so-called "absolute power" is for four years. Hardly "absolute".
How does helping people contravene the Bill of Rights?

It doesn't. But totalitarianism does.

Yes, we do because individuals do not know who requires help. Also, individuals tend to help those like themselves and ignore those who hold opposing opinions and/or lifestyles.

If that wasn't the case then social programs would never have come into existence. There would be no need for SS or welfare or unemployment or any other program.

Similar to countries that have universal medical. Every country started out with a "pay or suffer" system and those that changed never reverted.

Society has changed. People don't even know their neighbor let alone the majority of people in the community. Years ago, everyone knew everyone else because people didn't move around like they do today. People knew who needed help in their community. That's not the case today.

The job of the bureaucrat is subject to the political party in power. This so-called "absolute power" is for four years. Hardly "absolute".

But people who claim to be helping need more poor people to justify their intervention and their very existence. SO their solutions only induce more dependancy.
Do you invision that one day the people of the world will agree on what kind of government works best?

Do you invision a time some day in the far future that the worlds countries all work together to improve their commom home?

Do you invision the world lasting long enough for this to ever happen?

Recall Regan's speech?

People will always have different ideas on how to accomplish harmony but accomplish it we must.
See. these two stupid as fuck bitches think people in government are of a completely different moral fiber.

There are assholes in all walks of life. And our structures are set up by the elites to promote selfishness cruelty, and the dehumanization of others, even if they put flowery language around it.
Im an atheist and im anti new world order.

The fear of government is warranted. The biggest murderes in human history are governments.

Asshole CEOs are assholes too. And they gain alot of their power through corrupt governnance, which you somehow believe is incorruptible.

Globalism is dead. Only fascists like you want it, on the left and right. Normal people are rejecting both paths to fascism.

There is another word you fear iirrationally "Globalism".

Think about what that means you are fighting.

You dont want the world to come together on any issue.

You fear people.

The rub is we are all people.

Is there any government or economic endevor that is automatically free of coruption? NO

If man attempts to manage the world powers in a way that will be structured in such a way that the average human can just go on automatic and not have to participate to stay free ,will it work? NO

However mankind manages to come together will have to include the constant participation and oversight of all the people.

This is the key.

You will not be able to fight back the worlds natural tendency to build bridges to each other with cooperation and joint efforts.

The real rational mind will insist that these conections be as democratic as possible.

To simply flail against all efforts as if they are evil is futile and infantile.
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There is another word you fear iirrationally "Globalism".

Think about what that means you are fighting.

You dont want the world to come together on any issue.

You fear people.

The rub is we are all people.

Is there any government or economic endevor that is automatically free of coruption? NO

In what ever way man attempts to manage the world powers that will be structured in such a way that the average human can just go on automatic and not have to participate to stay free? NO

However mankind manages to come together will have to include the constant participation and oversight of all the people.

This is the key.

You will not be able to fight back the worlds natural tendency to build bridges to each other with cooperation and joint efforts.

The real rational mind will insist that these conections be as democratic as possible.

To simply flail against all efforts as if they are evil is futile and infantile.

You ignore who is impelementing globalization and how they are doing it.

I would be happy if the world came together on issues of freedom and real prosperity. But we're only coming together under the yoke of a nihilist and cruel scheme of fiat currency based totalitarianism and destruction.
Dont fight the effort then dude, fight the people who are trying to USE this historical march for power gain.

When you rage against globalism you completely turn off the vast amount of people in this world that KNOW its our future.
Dont fight the effort then dude, fight the people who are trying to USE this historical march for power gain.

The whole march is theirs. Ever larger and more powerful government structures are not necessary for my view of human improvement.
When you rage against globalism you completely turn off the vast amount of people in this world that KNOW its our future.

It's not our future. Your belief that it is somehow inevitable is part of your brainwash.

We should celebrate our differences right?

Globalists should be turned off. turned off and deprogrammed from their ideology of tyranny.
evince said:
There will always be humans who will seek this power to abuse it but what if we manage to come to a time when the various governments figure out a clear type of government with a clear set of rules that keeps these types away from the wheels of power.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

These types are created by totalitarianism itself. if governments are less powerful narciccisstic psychopaths will not be able to use them for their ends. Then they will be confined to exercise their criminality in the streets, like the other thugs.
The whole march is theirs. Ever larger and more powerful government structures are not necessary for my view of human improvement.
And you are wrong, it is good government that has improved the lives of billions throughout the ages

It's not our future. Your belief that it is somehow inevitable is part of your brainwash.No you fool it is a dream that mankind can worlk together to solve our shared problems like intelligent beings

We should celebrate our differences right?
Then celebrate the differances yourself and quit hating everything and everyone who differs from you.
Globalists should be turned off. turned off and deprogrammed from their ideology of tyranny.

"Globalists" is the name you gave the monster that haunts your personal nightmares. To most of the worlds population it is not a curse word. Yes there are powers who would love to use the worlds inevitable coming together for a power grap but that does not mean the world should not come together.

It will march towards that and those who help guide it in such a way as to truely improve the world and the lot of the vast majority of it inhabitants are to be praised for their efforts.

You on the other hand stand at the side of the road and scream at everyone traveling it instead of screaming at just those who are evil.
"Globalists" is the name you gave the monster that haunts your personal nightmares. To most of the worlds population it is not a curse word. Yes there are powers who would love to use the worlds inevitable coming together for a power grap but that does not mean the world should not come together.

It will march towards that and those who help guide it in such a way as to truely improve the world and the lot of the vast majority of it inhabitants are to be praised for their efforts.

You on the other hand stand at the side of the road and scream at everyone traveling it instead of screaming at just those who are evil.

My personal nightmares?

No globalization is the master plan of all fascist policy making centers.

I wish it were a dream.

So you';re going to go after after the Wold bank, IMF and how they operate?

Each nation's economy is individually analyzed, then, says Stiglitz, the Bank hands every minister the same exact four-step program.

Step One is Privatization - which Stiglitz said could more accurately be called, 'Briberization.' Rather than object to the sell-offs of state industries, he said national leaders - using the World Bank's demands to silence local critics - happily flogged their electricity and water companies. "You could see their eyes widen" at the prospect of 10% commissions paid to Swiss bank accounts for simply shaving a few billion off the sale price of national assets.

And the US government knew it, charges Stiglitz, at least in the case of the biggest 'briberization' of all, the 1995 Russian sell-off. "The US Treasury view was this was great as we wanted Yeltsin re-elected. We don't care if it's a corrupt election. We want the money to go to Yeltzin" via kick-backs for his campaign.

Stiglitz is no conspiracy nutter ranting about Black Helicopters. The man was inside the game, a member of Bill Clinton's cabinet as Chairman of the President's council of economic advisors.

Most ill-making for Stiglitz is that the US-backed oligarchs stripped Russia's industrial assets, with the effect that the corruption scheme cut national output nearly in half causing depression and starvation.

After briberization, Step Two of the IMF/World Bank one-size-fits-all rescue-your-economy plan is 'Capital Market Liberalization.' In theory, capital market deregulation allows investment capital to flow in and out. Unfortunately, as in Indonesia and Brazil, the money simply flowed out and out. Stiglitz calls this the "Hot Money" cycle. Cash comes in for speculation in real estate and currency, then flees at the first whiff of trouble. A nation's reserves can drain in days, hours. And when that happens, to seduce speculators into returning a nation's own capital funds, the IMF demands these nations raise interest rates to 30%, 50% and 80%.

"The result was predictable," said Stiglitz of the Hot Money tidal waves in Asia and Latin America. Higher interest rates demolished property values, savaged industrial production and drained national treasuries.

At this point, the IMF drags the gasping nation to Step Three: Market-Based Pricing, a fancy term for raising prices on food, water and cooking gas. This leads, predictably, to Step-Three-and-a-Half: what Stiglitz calls, "The IMF riot."

The IMF riot is painfully predictable. When a nation is, "down and out, [the IMF] takes advantage and squeezes the last pound of blood out of them. They turn up the heat until, finally, the whole cauldron blows up," as when the IMF eliminated food and fuel subsidies for the poor in Indonesia in 1998. Indonesia exploded into riots, but there are other examples - the Bolivian riots over water prices last year and this February, the riots in Ecuador over the rise in cooking gas prices imposed by the World Bank. You'd almost get the impression that the riot is written into the plan.

And it is. What Stiglitz did not know is that, while in the States, BBC and The Observer obtained several documents from inside the World Bank, stamped over with those pesky warnings, "confidential," "restricted," "not to be disclosed." Let's get back to one: the "Interim Country Assistance Strategy" for Ecuador, in it the Bank several times states - with cold accuracy - that they expected their plans to spark, "social unrest," to use their bureaucratic term for a nation in flames.

That's not surprising. The secret report notes that the plan to make the US dollar Ecuador's currency has pushed 51% of the population below the poverty line. The World Bank "Assistance" plan simply calls for facing down civil strife and suffering with, "political resolve" - and still higher prices.

The IMF riots (and by riots I mean peaceful demonstrations dispersed by bullets, tanks and teargas) cause new panicked flights of capital and government bankruptcies. This economic arson has it's bright side - for foreign corporations, who can then pick off remaining assets, such as the odd mining concession or port, at fire sale prices.

Stiglitz notes that the IMF and World Bank are not heartless adherents to market economics. At the same time the IMF stopped Indonesia 'subsidizing' food purchases, "when the banks need a bail-out, intervention (in the market) is welcome." The IMF scrounged up tens of billions of dollars to save Indonesia's financiers and, by extension, the US and European banks from which they had borrowed.

A pattern emerges. There are lots of losers in this system but one clear winner: the Western banks and US Treasury, making the big bucks off this crazy new international capital churn. Stiglitz told me about his unhappy meeting, early in his World Bank tenure, with Ethopia's new president in the nation's first democratic election. The World Bank and IMF had ordered Ethiopia to divert aid money to its reserve account at the US Treasury, which pays a pitiful 4% return, while the nation borrowed US dollars at 12% to feed its population. The new president begged Stiglitz to let him use the aid money to rebuild the nation. But no, the loot went straight off to the US Treasury's vault in Washington.

Now we arrive at Step Four of what the IMF and World Bank call their "poverty reduction strategy": Free Trade. This is free trade by the rules of the World Trade Organization and World Bank, Stiglitz the insider likens free trade WTO-style to the Opium Wars. "That too was about opening markets," he said. As in the 19th century, Europeans and Americans today are kicking down the barriers to sales in Asia, Latin American and Africa, while barricading our own markets against Third World agriculture.

In the Opium Wars, the West used military blockades to force open markets for their unbalanced trade. Today, the World Bank can order a financial blockade just as effective - and sometimes just as deadly.

Stiglitz is particularly emotional over the WTO's intellectual property rights treaty (it goes by the acronym TRIPS, more on that in the next chapters). It is here, says the economist, that the new global order has "condemned people to death" by imposing impossible tariffs and tributes to pay to pharmaceutical companies for branded medicines. "They don't care," said the professor of the corporations and bank loans he worked with, "if people live or die."

By the way, don't be confused by the mix in this discussion of the IMF, World Bank and WTO. They are interchangeable masks of a single governance system. They have locked themselves together by what are unpleasantly called, "triggers." Taking a World Bank loan for a school 'triggers' a requirement to accept every 'conditionality' - they average 111 per nation - laid down by both the World Bank and IMF. In fact, said Stiglitz the IMF requires nations to accept trade policies more punitive than the official WTO rules.

Stiglitz greatest concern is that World Bank plans, devised in secrecy and driven by an absolutist ideology, are never open for discourse or dissent. Despite the West's push for elections throughout the developing world, the so-called Poverty Reduction Programs "undermine democracy."

And they don't work. Black Africa's productivity under the guiding hand of IMF structural "assistance" has gone to hell in a handbag. Did any nation avoid this fate? Yes, said Stiglitz, identifying Botswana. Their trick? "They told the IMF to go packing."
evince said:
You on the other hand stand at the side of the road and scream at everyone traveling it instead of screaming at just those who are evil.

Actually, the road was built by the evil, and they chose the destination. Anyone on it is either a fool or a conspirator with evil.
But people who claim to be helping need more poor people to justify their intervention and their very existence. SO their solutions only induce more dependancy.

The constant addition of government agencies is due to the begrudging nature of some people. That's the reason for the dragged out medical plan talks going on now.

Take a broken leg. A medical plan may cover the cast and the doctor's time.

The patient is fitted with a cast and discharged. How are they supposed to get around? Where are the crutches?

Ohhhh, that's another government agency because some folks who were involved in drawing up the government medical plan didn't want crutches included.

So, a "crutch agency" is born and it supplies crutches and wheel chairs to people who injured their legs.

Now the patient has crutches but being their first time they can not manipulate them sufficiently to use public transport. So, how do they get home?

Ohhh. there's another government agency that supplies medi-car transportation (vans with tail-gate lifts and seats designed for the handicapped.)

That's why we see agency after agency springing up. I understand people getting fed up. Another bureaucracy when everything should be included.

It's the same thing with supplemental pensions and all the other government programs that target specific groups of people. The solution is a guaranteed minimum income.

Unemployment, welfare, disability, programs for blacks, programs for immigrants, subsidies depending on where one lives......more money is spent on qualifying people than actually helping them. Why? Because people are so God-d%$# jealous someone may be getting something for nothing. They are the ones, through their need to scrutinize and examine, who add unnecessary costs to government programs.

A guaranteed minimum income can be combined with income tax. If one loses their job and has zero income one month then they receive assistance. When they file their income tax and it's found they lied throw them in jail!

It's not complicated but some folks want to offer as little assistance as possible. They want to find ways NOT to help. That's the problem.
The constant addition of government agencies is due to the begrudging nature of some people. That's the reason for the dragged out medical plan talks going on now.

Take a broken leg. A medical plan may cover the cast and the doctor's time.

The patient is fitted with a cast and discharged. How are they supposed to get around? Where are the crutches?

Ohhhh, that's another government agency because some folks who were involved in drawing up the government medical plan didn't want crutches included.

So, a "crutch agency" is born and it supplies crutches and wheel chairs to people who injured their legs.

Now the patient has crutches but being their first time they can not manipulate them sufficiently to use public transport. So, how do they get home?

Ohhh. there's another government agency that supplies medi-car transportation (vans with tail-gate lifts and seats designed for the handicapped.)

That's why we see agency after agency springing up. I understand people getting fed up. Another bureaucracy when everything should be included.

It's the same thing with supplemental pensions and all the other government programs that target specific groups of people. The solution is a guaranteed minimum income.

Unemployment, welfare, disability, programs for blacks, programs for immigrants, subsidies depending on where one lives......more money is spent on qualifying people than actually helping them. Why? Because people are so God-d%$# jealous someone may be getting something for nothing. They are the ones, through their need to scrutinize and examine, who add unnecessary costs to government programs.

A guaranteed minimum income can be combined with income tax. If one loses their job and has zero income one month then they receive assistance. When they file their income tax and it's found they lied throw them in jail!

It's not complicated but some folks want to offer as little assistance as possible. They want to find ways NOT to help. That's the problem.

So. Basically you;re impatient with incremental takeover of society.

Full totalitarianism now!

Consolidation and reducting redundancies only save money to a point.

After a while the anti-consumer forces of monopoly supplant any savings made through consolidation.
The whole march is theirs. Ever larger and more powerful government structures are not necessary for my view of human improvement.

It's not our future. Your belief that it is somehow inevitable is part of your brainwash.

We should celebrate our differences right?

Globalists should be turned off. turned off and deprogrammed from their ideology of tyranny.

Then why have countries or states or towns? Do you think people would have better lives without town councils or governments planning roads and services?

Afghanistan is a good example of people not coming together, living in little tribes without government.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

These types are created by totalitarianism itself. if governments are less powerful narciccisstic psychopaths will not be able to use them for their ends. Then they will be confined to exercise their criminality in the streets, like the other thugs.

Ahh, so you are for equality among thugs. :cof1: