APP - Globalism: The Enemy Of Our Freedom

Yes. Your blend of socialism and capitalism is called fascism. It blows.

I suggest you stop being a moron.


how can socialism be considered fascist

as for afghanistan, i would be happy to get out if we can find a way to keep it from becoming a safe place for aq/taliban to go after pakistan's nuke materials and weapons

we are already supporting pakistan with funding against aq/taliban

if that were sufficient i would be happier but i do not think it will be

forcing aq/taliban into a two front war is better, however, the mountains that they hide in really suck for fighting

oat, afghanistan is good training for our special forces and marines...
This was not desided on personal info , it was decided on all the facts and the best medical procedure for keeping people healthy.
Do you always just blindly accept anything the government tells you, as long as there is a jackass symbol in front of it?

One the age recommendation being increased to 50:
For women in their 40s (you know, the age group your beloved government decided does not need screening) 1 in 69 will develop breast cancer. With over 200 million women in the United States, that means almost 350 thousand women will develop breast cancer while in their 40s. That's 350 THOUSAND WOMEN whom the government has decided to write off with their all-too-convenient new guidelines for breast cancer screening.

On frequency of screening:
According to the American Cancer Society, a difference of 6 months in detection, on average, increases the survival rate by a factor of 3. So a woman whose cancer is detected 6 months earlier, say due ot having an annual screening instead of every other year, has 3 times the chance of surviving her cancer. A palpable tumor (can be felt) is, on average, 5 months older than a tumor detectable by mammogram.

So waiting for non-mammogram detection methods (ie: those 40 year olds the government wants to fuck) will increase their chance of dying from breast cancer by a factor of 3 at minimum. At the same time, doubling the period between mammograms will more than double the chance that a detectable cancer will exist for 6 months or more, aslo tripling the chance of a cancer death from those cancers detected later rather than sooner.

The average mammogram does not involve enough radiation to make even .1% difference in risk of either breast or any other type of cancer, or any other type of radiation induced health problems. So the difference between 40 mammograms between the ages of 40 and 80, or 15 mammograms results in less than 3 percent lifetime increase in radiation induced health problems, while increasing vastly the ability to detect breast cancer early, thus vastly increasing the ability to treat and survive the cancer.

The conclusion is there is the significant advantages to early detection, of which the mammogram is the best current tool, FAR outweigh the risks inherent in exposure to xray radiation. (ie: you and your new government recommendation are full of SHIT trying to claim it is based on balance of risk.)

Looking at the costs of annual screening starting at 40 yo, if every woman got her mammogram as suggested, that would be about 58 million mammograms per year according to the 2000 census. Now if they start at 50 instead of 40, and get one every other year, that drops to 23 million mammograms per year, less that half the number and less than half the costs.

The idea that this new study is in any way concerned with the risk vs. benefit of mammograms - a relationship that has been intensely studied for decades with no changes in basic statistics - is absolutely ludicrous. Add in the timing, when the government is within a few votes of having a BIG sya in which treatments and/or screening processes are to be paid for, and it becomes clear (at least to those without their heads up the donkey's ass) what the intent of this bogus study is.

In short, the only thing your precious government is concerned with is the expense of 40 mammograms for a woman between the ages of 40 and 80, compared to 15.
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(Article)They sell all the right ideas: equality, health, and peace. What they mean, however, is “let the state worry about these issues. You are to simply be a worker and contributor to the state.” To them,” equality” really means that you may not have more than your neighbor has, “health” means that the state will determine what kind of medical attention you need (after all, they are paying for it), and “peace” will be yours as long as you do as they say.(End)

No, what they mean is the individual has not solved these problems so another course of action is necessary.

No, “equality” does not mean you can not have more than your neighbour. Equality means you can not sit by while your neighbour suffers an illness and can not afford health care while you whine about how no one ever worked as hard as you did.

No, “health” does not mean the State will determine what medical attention ones needs. It means medical personnel will deliver the necessary care and the government will pay the individuals. If anyone took the time to Google they would see countries like Canada, countries with universal health care, do not decide what care will be given nor which doctor will provide it.

As for “peace”, yes, people will be at peace knowing they aren’t thrown to the capitalistic wolves.

Equality. Health. Peace. We do know the lies and propaganda spread about universal health care are exactly that, lies! That can be easily determined by a quick Google on Canada’s health care. Health care that has been in force for the last (40) forty years.

That doesn’t lend much credibility to your equality and peace arguments.

(Article) Can they sell this type of propaganda to us in the open? No again! They must infiltrate and change the way our young people think. They must encourage our youth to challenge their cultural heritage, causing unrest and rebellion to the status quo of our nation’s morals and standards. (End)

You bet they must! Just like the heroes who stood up and said, “Hell no! We won’t go!” during the Viet Nam War’s systematic massacre of our youth brought on by disgusting, repulsive, war- mongering, fat asses in leather chairs.

A war brought on by a lie! The Gulf Of Tolkin Incident.

(Article) No, I am not an activist of any kind or a right-wing extremist as the Liberals call it. All I hope for is an America that remains sovereign and free for future generations. I am merely an old man, and maybe I don’t know how to communicate my experiences in a convincing way,….(End)

We have seen what your generation has done. Maybe not you, personally, but the people who espouse freedom and the “American Way” that you so gloriously defend.

Whether it’s the Gulf of Tolkin or the mushroom cloud from Iraq we’ve seen what you defend. Whether it’s a guy sleeping in a cardboard box under a bridge or a young, family man going to work in pain because he doesn’t want to use the family’s food money for a doctor’s visit we know what your vision of freedom is.

Thank-you, but no thank-you. We’ve heard the lies, be them concerning war or health care. People, like myself, have lived them. People, like myself, know they were lies and now the rest of the citizens will be shown so they can see for themselves.

You bet they must change what our young people were taught. The lies. The deceit. The death and destruction. The carnage has to stop and to be blunt it is offensive to see an old man support such hideousness just because he was fortunate enough to enjoy a good life.


It's sad that the guy went through all that BS and learned nothing. Something should have clued him into the FACT that the "socialism" expoused by the Nazi's was quite different from the "socialism" expoused by the Soviet Union.....both of which were totally out of sync with the "socialism" practiced in countries such as England and Sweden.

Your deconstruction of this guy's wrong headed thinking will unfortunately fall on willfully deaf neocon ears.
a hybrid of capitalism and socialism may work
Sorry, but no. The problem with socialism in any variety is it requires government control. It requires the centralized control only available to the law making body of a society (ie: government) because, in the end, what any type of economy does is determine the distribution of limited goods and services among the population. To distribute a limited resource according to a principle of economic equality (socialism) the only means is through legal interference (government).

But you cannot control only certain aspects of the economy while letting others go their own way. For instance, we are about to engage in the experiment to control the economics of health care. Yet even the most enthusiastically optimist admits it is going to cost large amounts of money. But instead of taxing (which they only don't propose because they'd be tossed out of office BEFORE the next election) the necessary funds are to be taken from people via a variety of new federal regulations intent on making the healthy pay for the sick (which is how the capitalist version of health insurance works, except your involvement is voluntary instead of compulsory.) See, right there is a prime example of how socialism ends up increasing federal controls in other areas (personal freedom) to shift the distribution of the targeted market.

Add to that the planned direct interference with the private insurance industry (If you are an insurance company, you gotta get the federal government's stamp of approval for people to switch their old plan to yours.) There is another place government ends up controlling in order to provide a "hybrid" of socialized/capitalistic health care system. The fact that individuals, too, must get government permission to change their carrier, and that's two controls placed on the individual and one on the market itself, just off the top, in the overall plan to "improve" the health care market.

Theoretically, pure socialism can work. But it can only work at the cost of absolute control over every aspect of the economy. That means we would, by necessity, be the state's property, our abilities to be calculated into the machine, determined as early in our lives as possible so as to maximize the states ability to educate and train us in that career which the state determines is best for us and for society. Absolute economic security - at the price of absolute dependency and commitment to the state.

There is a sad fact in the area of human interactions. Security and liberty are mutually exclusive conditions. To achieve the purity of one, you must give up the other. Absolute security means zero freedom. Absolute freedom means zero security. The question, then, becomes where do we strike a balance between the two? How much liberty are people willing to trade for security - especially the vagaries and intangible status of economic security?

For me, I can handle being poor. I've was there right up to the day I joined the Marine Corps. As often as not, we were adding straw to dish rag soup to make it more filling. It was not the most pleasant way to grow up. OTOH, I can think of worse ways - ways I see people forced into in our modern, government-centric "help" systems. Growing up poor, we had on thing no government program can ever "give" to people: the irreplaceable satisfaction of being responsible for our own selves at all times. A full belly on the government's dime cannot replace the feeling of self worth derived from a half-full belly earned by one's own efforts. Liberty is more than just being able to make your own decisions. It is also the satisfaction of benefiting from your own efforts, however small it may be.
Fair Trade is retarded.

But what you call 'free trade' is merely globalization zealotry, a concerted effort to subjugate the sovereignty of nations to the authority of multinational corporations and global quazi legal entities.

They say they are defending business innovation by stifling onerous regulation, but allowing slave labor to supplant the efforts of free workers is merely a race to the bottom. Treaties need to have human rights preconditions. Laying off westerners is no innovation western governments should enable with fascistic collusion. This open hostility to their own citizenry renders the legitimacy of their leadership null and void.
Hippies were against the military industrial complex. You're just a fascist in denial.

Assclown, there is no board member who is more anti military complex than me you fool.
I have two sons fighting age and have been railing against the wars for years. YOU ARE that dumb
Assclown, there is no board member who is more anti military complex than me you fool.
I have two sons fighting age and have been railing against the wars for years. YOU ARE that dumb

yet the source of their unlimited power is the fiat currency you love so much.:good4u: