APP - Globalism: The Enemy Of Our Freedom

And it's back to your elitism. Your hate core.

There will be rationing aka "death panels".

We already had a 'death panel' try to reduce the number of mammograms women can get. Remember that?

From what I remember women had been told to get unnecessary mammograms. The starting age was too young and the radiation was unnecessary. That's why they wanted to reduce the numbers.

On that note it's lunch time here. I enjoyed the rapport.

Back in a while.
From what I remember women had been told to get unnecessary mammograms. The starting age was too young and the radiation was unnecessary. That's why they wanted to reduce the numbers.

On that note it's lunch time here. I enjoyed the rapport.

Back in a while.

Theoretically, getting mammograms as early and often as possible provide the most protection.

Raising the age and reducing the frequency will necessarily lead to more cancer.

The death panels are manned by corrupt scientists and doctors.
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You don't have to live like afghanis.

Don't you think you should allow them to choose their own way of life? Or should your notions be forced on them?

And their lack of government and control over their country ended up getting our buildings bombed.
Theoretically, getting mammograms as early and often as possible provide the most protection.

Raising the age and reducing the frequency will necessarily lead to more cancer.

The death panels are manned by corrupt scientists and doctors.

And it also causes thousands of unnessesary operations.

Women used as money spouts because they have insurance and the hospital can make money from scaring them into unnneeded opperations to remove harmless masses from their breasts.
And it also causes thousands of unnessesary operations.

Women used as money spouts because they have insurance and the hospital can make money from scaring them into unnneeded opperations to remove harmless masses from their breasts.

Is that your determination that all those operations were unnecessary?
If you notice and follow politics you will realize that 90% of the US and a huge % of the world had no problem with the US going into Afghanistan.

It was Iraq that was the war of agression.
And it also causes thousands of unnessesary operations.

Women used as money spouts because they have insurance and the hospital can make money from scaring them into unnneeded opperations to remove harmless masses from their breasts.

What stupid unadulterated nonsense! I have personally known 2 women in their 40's and one in her 30's who were diagnosed with breast cancer. The two older women, 41, and 49, had their cancer found during a screening. The 41 year old died after 2 years of surgeries and treatment. The woman in her 30's had a lumpectomy and no chemo or radiation, but has to have annual screenings. Early detection is key to surviving BC.
What stupid unadulterated nonsense! I have personally known 2 women in their 40's and one in her 30's who were diagnosed with breast cancer. The two older women, 41, and 49, had their cancer found during a screening. The 41 year old died after 2 years of surgeries and treatment. The woman in her 30's had a lumpectomy and no chemo or radiation, but has to have annual screenings. Early detection is key to surviving BC.

This was not desided on personal info , it was decided on all the facts and the best medical procedure for keeping people healthy.
(Article)They sell all the right ideas: equality, health, and peace. What they mean, however, is “let the state worry about these issues. You are to simply be a worker and contributor to the state.” To them,” equality” really means that you may not have more than your neighbor has, “health” means that the state will determine what kind of medical attention you need (after all, they are paying for it), and “peace” will be yours as long as you do as they say.(End)

No, what they mean is the individual has not solved these problems so another course of action is necessary.

No, “equality” does not mean you can not have more than your neighbour. Equality means you can not sit by while your neighbour suffers an illness and can not afford health care while you whine about how no one ever worked as hard as you did.

No, “health” does not mean the State will determine what medical attention ones needs. It means medical personnel will deliver the necessary care and the government will pay the individuals. If anyone took the time to Google they would see countries like Canada, countries with universal health care, do not decide what care will be given nor which doctor will provide it.

As for “peace”, yes, people will be at peace knowing they aren’t thrown to the capitalistic wolves.

Equality. Health. Peace. We do know the lies and propaganda spread about universal health care are exactly that, lies! That can be easily determined by a quick Google on Canada’s health care. Health care that has been in force for the last (40) forty years.

That doesn’t lend much credibility to your equality and peace arguments.

(Article) Can they sell this type of propaganda to us in the open? No again! They must infiltrate and change the way our young people think. They must encourage our youth to challenge their cultural heritage, causing unrest and rebellion to the status quo of our nation’s morals and standards. (End)

You bet they must! Just like the heroes who stood up and said, “Hell no! We won’t go!” during the Viet Nam War’s systematic massacre of our youth brought on by disgusting, repulsive, war- mongering, fat asses in leather chairs.

A war brought on by a lie! The Gulf Of Tolkin Incident.

(Article) No, I am not an activist of any kind or a right-wing extremist as the Liberals call it. All I hope for is an America that remains sovereign and free for future generations. I am merely an old man, and maybe I don’t know how to communicate my experiences in a convincing way,….(End)

We have seen what your generation has done. Maybe not you, personally, but the people who espouse freedom and the “American Way” that you so gloriously defend.

Whether it’s the Gulf of Tolkin or the mushroom cloud from Iraq we’ve seen what you defend. Whether it’s a guy sleeping in a cardboard box under a bridge or a young, family man going to work in pain because he doesn’t want to use the family’s food money for a doctor’s visit we know what your vision of freedom is.

Thank-you, but no thank-you. We’ve heard the lies, be them concerning war or health care. People, like myself, have lived them. People, like myself, know they were lies and now the rest of the citizens will be shown so they can see for themselves.

You bet they must change what our young people were taught. The lies. The deceit. The death and destruction. The carnage has to stop and to be blunt it is offensive to see an old man support such hideousness just because he was fortunate enough to enjoy a good life.


:good4u: :hand: :hand:
Do you think these recommendations will cut costs for the state?

I don't know what your educational background was, but I didn't spend my college years studying human physiology so I'm going to take the advice of those with more expertise in the field.

However, if you've got some pertinent information I don't have that might change my mind, I'm all ears.
I don't know what your educational background was, but I didn't spend my college years studying human physiology so I'm going to take the advice of those with more expertise in the field.

However, if you've got some pertinent information I don't have that might change my mind, I'm all ears.

But you know that more tests = more costs. As a consumer you understand that when there's less of something, the costs are less, right?
capitalism, communism and socialism do not work

a hybrid of capitalism and socialism may work

while a lot of people have an opinion as to what will work, nobody knows what will work because we have not found a system that has lasted long enough to be a test case

ps as for being forced to go to war, we have and all volunteer military and our elected representatives decide when and where that military will be used

our federal system works better than the individual states in most cases

perhaps we can use different states as test laboratories - the problem is that each state has a somewhat different need and requires a different solution

well folks, any suggestions
capitalism, communism and socialism do not work

a hybrid of capitalism and socialism may work

while a lot of people have an opinion as to what will work, nobody knows what will work because we have not found a system that has lasted long enough to be a test case

ps as for being forced to go to war, we have and all volunteer military and our elected representatives decide when and where that military will be used

our federal system works better than the individual states in most cases

perhaps we can use different states as test laboratories - the problem is that each state has a somewhat different need and requires a different solution

well folks, any suggestions

Yes. Your blend of socialism and capitalism is called fascism. It blows.

I suggest you stop being a moron.
This was not desided on personal info , it was decided on all the facts and the best medical procedure for keeping people healthy.

No it wasn't! Every medical org has come out against the suggestion because evidence shows that early detection HAS saved lives. Early detection can also result in saved costs since most breast cancers if caught early require less aggressive treatments.