QED. Thanks for hitting the point, and our disagreement, directly!
Israel is a country, dumbass. Are you denying you are a Trump supporter and a supporter of the Alt-Right?
If not, then where do you get your views on COVID, Trump, Jews, Muslims, abortion, gays, Israel, NATO, Ukraine, etc including the greatest Alt-Right slur of all, "Globalization".
What does Globalization mean to you, Sawyer? If you are truly speaking for yourself on the issue, then you should be able to define what you mean in a few sentences. From my point of view, it's Americanization; capitalism at it's best with free trade for all!
Wassamatter? Are you an "old school blue collar" buggy whip manufacturer feeling left out by all the automobile fans? Is that the problem, Sawyer? Is that why you are so angry?
Have you ever used the term "Zionist", Sawyer? "Space Lasers"? Your heroes often do. LOL
They also complain a lot about pedophiles which indicates they are projecting. The whole pedophile conspiracy theory bullshit is, IMO, a reflection of those projecting the conspiracy. TBH, I think there are deep, deep ulterior motives of those pushing these lies. Thoughts?