Globalization Failing

Why is the IRS the INTERNAL Revenue Service?
Because the taxes it collects is internal to the government collecting it.
The government used to funded exclusively on import tariffs, until the internationalist fascists got an internal tax on the people in place instead.
Buzzword fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States. People pay taxes, dude, regardless of the tax paid, whether it's an impost (import tarrif), income tax, fee, etc.
globalists have been fucking humanity for a long time.
Taxes are collected only on business conducted or property of the United States (or, in the case of State taxes, only on business or property in that State).
No one in the States can collect taxes on business activity in Japan, for example.
The notion that corporations are perfect and pure
has led to the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, which is trying to kill us all.
No, the World Economic Forum was created in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, a German engineer and economist. It currently consists of about 1000 members, made up of representatives from large corporations. It's purpose is to discuss the effect of various government agendas and programs, and to prepare a response to it. Lately, they've been concerned with governments pushing the Church of Global Warming, the continuing worldwide depression caused by Covid fear mongering, and China falling into chaos.

These are actual concerns for any business, not just international corporations.

I never said all corporations were perfect and pure. Word stuffing is not helping you. Your bigotry is not helping you.

Does the WEF have your interest at heart? No. They only have the interest of their members. To call all of them evil is just bigotry. To call any of it fascism is simply not understanding the word.

Big pharma has achieved state capture and uses that power to both mandate vaccines but also make themsevles immune from prosecution.
Vaccines cannot be mandated. That is unconstitutional, and in other nations, it is resulting in protests, some of them violent.
and libertarians won't even say shit about the tyranny of fiat currency anymore.
Fiat currency is failing worldwide. The world has never been here before. That is not the fault of corporations. It is the fault of governments. We may very see the end of fiat currency in our lifetime. It will not be a pretty transition.
like i always say, into the night is just the Legion who forgot what fascism is.
Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
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Y'all gotta watch Mike Myers' 'The Pentaverate' on netflix.

fucking hilarious.

Why? A lame comedy about illuminati?????!? I don't bother with Netflix anymore, nor watch any cable of broadcast TV. I haven't bothered with that shit for decades. There is simply nothing on worth watching.
QED. Thanks for hitting the point, and our disagreement, directly! :thup:

Israel is a country, dumbass. Are you denying you are a Trump supporter and a supporter of the Alt-Right?

If not, then where do you get your views on COVID, Trump, Jews, Muslims, abortion, gays, Israel, NATO, Ukraine, etc including the greatest Alt-Right slur of all, "Globalization".

What does Globalization mean to you, Sawyer? If you are truly speaking for yourself on the issue, then you should be able to define what you mean in a few sentences. From my point of view, it's Americanization; capitalism at it's best with free trade for all!

Wassamatter? Are you an "old school blue collar" buggy whip manufacturer feeling left out by all the automobile fans? Is that the problem, Sawyer? Is that why you are so angry?

Have you ever used the term "Zionist", Sawyer? "Space Lasers"? Your heroes often do. LOL

They also complain a lot about pedophiles which indicates they are projecting. The whole pedophile conspiracy theory bullshit is, IMO, a reflection of those projecting the conspiracy. TBH, I think there are deep, deep ulterior motives of those pushing these lies. Thoughts?


"Modern Israel came into existence on 14 May 1948 as a polity to serve as the homeland for the Jewish people. It was also defined in its declaration of independence as a "Jewish state", a term that also appeared in the United Nations Partition Plan for British Palestine in 1947.
Jewish state - Wikipedia
Luckily we discovered the plot in time.

All their hard work has been for nothing.

The nwo is cancelled due to no fucks given.

The 'plot' was obvious from the time it began. Democrats trying to use fear mongering over Covid to shut down the economy to make Trump look bad.
In other nations, the fear mongering got so bad that people are being welded into their apartments by their own government.
Of course it does.

dutch farmers are spraying shit everywhere. the future is secure.

This is not from covid lockdowns. It is from the Church of Global Warming fucks trying to get governments to limit nitrogen. The EU is implementing this, hurting farmers, which is why the protests.
Because, like Trump, you hate Muslims more than Jews. The Trumper philosophy is to let the Jews and Muslims kill each other then move in and mop up the mess for Euro-American racist assholes like yourself.

Trump didn't support recognizing Jerusalem for the Jews. He did it to piss off the Muslims.

BTW, it's stupid posts like yours which help me determine a person's educational level. As with you, I can also often tell if they ever served in the military. You did not. Were you a draft dodger?
Ambivalent nativism: Trump supporters’ attitudes toward Islam and Muslim immigration

Trump doesn't hate Muslim nor Jew.
Somewhat correct, but notice how you have to switch terms. There's a difference between being pro-Jewish and pro-Israel. Often they go together, but in the military and political world, they are separate issues. In the economic world neither matters since all that matters is profit.* LOL

Notice how both parties use religion as a divisive wedge? The Right favors Israel over Muslims....note, not favors "Jews". The Left favors Palestine and sees the Israeli excesses as oppressive and wrong. They blanched at Trump making Jerusalem capitol of Israel. Moreso, IMO, because they feared it would ramp up violence than anything to do with their Jewish Globalist friends in NYC. :rofl2:

I look at it from primarily a military POV with an understanding of some of the politics involved. As such, I support Israel, the closest thing to democracy in the Middle East since 1948. They're not perfect but still the best. Also, due to our strong alliance with Israel, we have an unsinkable airbase in the ME. Akin to England in 1941. This could change as the Arab nations modernize and move into the 21st Century. This is why Saudi Arabia negotiations are critical to the region. What they do, the other Sunni nations will also do.

*Also notice that American Evangelistas want to fulfill their prophecies. Do you understand what those prophecies are or are you simply a heathen who swallows what Tucker is feeding him nightly?

For the Jew-hating Right:

An incomplete list, to say the least.
"Modern Israel came into existence on 14 May 1948 as a polity to serve as the homeland for the Jewish people. It was also defined in its declaration of independence as a "Jewish state", a term that also appeared in the United Nations Partition Plan for British Palestine in 1947.
Jewish state - Wikipedia

I'll remember this the next time a Pedo Don fan disses those who quote Wiki. LOL

Nonetheless, US relations with Israel are in keeping with the national defense nature of the Constitution, not their religion.
He seems to be highly agitated and obviously has anger issues. If democrats get their red flag law he won't be allowed to purchase a firearm.

Perhaps you should put me on ignore and live in ignorant bliss with your globalist conspiracy theories?
I'll remember this the next time a Pedo Don fan disses those who quote Wiki. LOL

Nonetheless, US relations with Israel are in keeping with the national defense nature of the Constitution, not their religion.

Discard of the Constitution of the United States. There is no 'national defense nature' of the Constitution.
...a list which you offer nothing as evidence. :rofl2:
Why are you particular that I provide an alternate list??????!? I only said the list is incomplete.
No worries, Sybil. I know you are insane.
Sybil isn't here. Whether you think your imaginary person is insane or not is up to you, since it only exists in your head.
Your responses help me prove it to everyone else. :thup:
Sybil isn't responding.