God and science: The laws of probability

Go study biology.

They could care less about the science of biology. Evolutionary is one of the most useful scientific theories in science and underlies the foundational understanding of virtually all the applied branches of the life sciences and continues to provide a vast number of independently verifiable predictions.

This makes it an incredibly useful tool for understanding speciation and adaptation.

So as a person with a graduate education in biology why should I care about the opinions of neophytes who cannot provide a plausible, testable and scientific explanation that can replace it?

They cannot so I give them the attention they deserve, which is none, as they provide me as a biologist no useful tools that I can use to understand living systems.

So until they can surpass that criteria of science and provide useful tools whatever those with a religious agenda are entitled to believe whatever they want but until they can provide alternative explanations that actually work by making useful, testable and independently verifiable predictions their beliefs provide no usefulness for science.

So until they can provide scientific explanations that can actually be used to advance our understanding the creationist beliefs are ignored as they provide no useful value in science.
Well you not only don’t understand science, biology or evolutionary theory you don’t understand biological hybridization either! LOL

/yawn.....you always have liked to pretend you know more about evolutionary theory than I do, but I notice you still believe stupid things and avoid defending your faith.......
cannot provide a plausible, testable and scientific explanation that can replace it?

what's to replace?......its not like science has any plausible, testable and scientific explanations about either the transition of man from a single celled creature, the origin of that single celled creature, or the origin of the universe it existed in........

you have your faith choices I have mine.......I don't pretend mine is science, you do........that isn't me failing at science, that is YOU failing at science........
you don’t understand biological hybridization either

well let's start with the basics, Mottly.......there's a boy and there's a girl........and if one of them isn't you and the other isn't Dolly, they might be able to reproduce when they have sex.......
what's to replace?......its not like science has any plausible, testable and scientific explanations about either the transition of man from a single celled creature, the origin of that single celled creature, or the origin of the universe it existed in........

you have your faith choices I have mine.......I don't pretend mine is science, you do........that isn't me failing at science, that is YOU failing at science........
Sure they have. You just choose to ignore them.
I will continue to ignore everything that cannot be tested under the scientific method......you think assumptions are the new experiment......

Anyone who believes in Darwinian evolution is delusional. The only reason they cling to such a ridiculous theory is because the only other alternative is abhorrent to them. A God who they are accountable to and will one day judge them guilty for rejecting Him. They know this will happen. But they cling to the big lie so that they can sleep at night.
Anyone who believes in Darwinian evolution is delusional. The only reason they cling to such a ridiculous theory is because the only other alternative is abhorrent to them. A God who they are accountable to and will one day judge them guilty for rejecting Him. They know this will happen. But they cling to the big lie so that they can sleep at night.

Why do you reject and spit on Jesus Christ?
It's already been explain here, fuckwit, how Evolution squares with the scientific method.

Sober up and pay better attention.

????......and the "explain" was an admission that you idiots have abandoned the scientific method in favor of assumption and self fulfilling expectation.......sad how far "science" has declined......
His second is his argument based on statistical probability is based on a logical fallacy. That is you cannot calculate the probability of an event occurring that has already occurred.


sounds a bit like a circular argument........"why do you believe in abiogenesis"......."we are here so you can't deny it happened"............
????......and the "explain" was an admission that you idiots have abandoned the scientific method in favor of assumption and self fulfilling expectation.......sad how far "science" has declined......

LOL! Still lying and pissing in the face of Christ, I see. Hell, with the amount of lies you spew, you're damned near shitting in his mouth.

Educate yourself, lying whore, and stop pretending you believe in the scientific method when you believe the book of Genesis word-for-word.

Anyone who believes in Darwinian evolution is delusional. The only reason they cling to such a ridiculous theory is because the only other alternative is abhorrent to them. A God who they are accountable to and will one day judge them guilty for rejecting Him. They know this will happen. But they cling to the big lie so that they can sleep at night.

What kind of a pussified, spiteful fucking god carries out revenge on people for using their brains?
LOL! Still lying and pissing in the face of Christ, I see. Hell, with the amount of lies you spew, you're damned near shitting in his mouth.

Educate yourself, lying whore, and stop pretending you believe in the scientific method when you believe the book of Genesis word-for-word.

atheists are such disgusting little people......not to mention their ignorance.....just out of curiosity, are you BucKKKle?.....