God and science: The laws of probability

which is the scientific definition of evolution......I have no intention of arguing this with you......I don't give a fuck if you believe it or not......I am a-creational......I believe Genesis 1:1 is the literal truth......I don't care what anyone believes about the rest of the chapter......

I do believe you are wasting your time trying to "prove" the existence of God, just as atheists waste their time trying to "prove" that human beings evolved from single celled creatures.........God doesn't even want to be proved, he wants believers not calculators......

Excuse me, but evolution and adaptation are not the same thing. Evolution is supposedly the result of random mutations. Adaptation is the expression of genetic traits that already exist.
LOLOL!! You believe that we're the result of countless random events. IN SPITE OF THE ASTRONOMICAL ODDS AGAINST IT!. tell me. Would you bet your life on those odds? I wouldn't bet a nickle.

No, the odds against it happening have not actually been demonstrated, you panting ape.

Why do you insist on talking about things you don't understand?
Excuse me, but evolution and adaptation are not the same thing. Evolution is supposedly the result of random mutations. Adaptation is the expression of genetic traits that already exist.

black birds with red wings is an expression of genetic traits that already existed in black birds?......

that hardly makes sense given that the genetic traits that already exist predicted yellow headed black birds.....
LOLOL!! You believe that we're the result of countless random events. IN SPITE OF THE ASTRONOMICAL ODDS AGAINST IT!. tell me. Would you bet your life on those odds? I wouldn't bet a nickle.

IF life as we know it happened naturally...rather than through this idiot god of yours...

...then it happened no matter how high the odds.

It is POSSIBLE that existence is eternal...and infinite...


If you think the odds of life being the result of countless random events ARE ASTRONOMICAL AGAINST....

...consider: The odds of life being the result of a god doing the shit the god of the Bible does...ARE EVEN GREATER AGAINST.
black birds with red wings is an expression of genetic traits that already existed in black birds?......

that hardly makes sense given that the genetic traits that already exist predicted yellow headed black birds.....

Adaptation is the expression of genetic traits that already exist in DNA. It is the reason we have different breeds of dogs. All descended from wolves. All fertile with each other, as well as with wolves.
Adaptation is the expression of genetic traits that already exist in DNA. It is the reason we have different breeds of dogs. All descended from wolves. All fertile with each other, as well as with wolves.

hybridization is evolution guided by intelligent design......
Define evolution.

faith: \ˈfāth\

a (1) : the purposeful suspension of critical thinking
b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof; clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return (2) : complete trust based upon nothing but a choice