God and science: The laws of probability

It's even more amusing to watch you constantly driven into a corner and compelled to post the same .gifs as a self-defense mechanism because you have no rational rebuttal.

Poor little guy.

Just because you make a baseless allegation, troll, doesn't mean that I have the obligation to refute it.
Just because you make a baseless allegation, troll, doesn't mean that I have the obligation to refute it.

I haven't. You however, most definitely have. You stated that you 'proved me wrong' and what you linked to didn't support that claim.

Pathological liars like you have the hardest time w/reality, and you certainly seem to struggle mightily here.
I haven't. You however, most definitely have. You stated that you 'proved me wrong' and what you linked to didn't support that claim.

Pathological liars like you have the hardest time w/reality, and you certainly seem to struggle mightily here.

Try to keep up. You claimed: "I've never once seen you make a rational statement backing up a claim of yours..." yet earlier you agreed that I proved my claim by producing the video.
Try to keep up. You claimed: "I've never once seen you make a rational statement backing up a claim of yours..." yet earlier you agreed that I proved my claim by producing the video.

No, I made so such claim. That poster isn't me.

Do you EVER post here when sober?

Your envy of those more intelligent than you is delicious.
Science can't answer the biggest question,why was the physical universe created.
What happened in the Spirit World to cause the creation of the physical world.

Big fucking deal that science can't answer every question. And guess what, pally.. Science doesn't care WHY. It wants to know HOW.

And it really doesn't give a shit about any Spirit World.
The relationship between religion and schizophrenia is of particular interest to psychiatrists because of the similarities between religious experiences and psychotic episodes; religious experiences often involve auditory and/or visual hallucinations, and those with schizophrenia commonly report similar hallucinations


Psychological characteristics of religious delusions


A big mental health problem in America
Typical response,from those who don't understand.

I understand this.

That you "hear" voices and "revelations" in some sort of religious frenzy. Not so much different than a drug-induced state. Snake handlers. Whirling Dervishes. Those talking in tongues. No difference.

There is no god who has spoken to you, pally. If that god doesn't give a flying shit about starving and dying babies in Sub-Saharan Africa, why would he give a fuck about you?
I understand this.

That you "hear" voices and "revelations" in some sort of religious frenzy. Not so much different than a drug-induced state. Snake handlers. Whirling Dervishes. Those talking in tongues. No difference.

There is no god who has spoken to you, pally. If that god doesn't give a flying shit about starving and dying babies in Sub-Saharan Africa, why would he give a fuck about you?

You'll have to ask God your question.