God, Guns, The Bible and Walmart

Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I like Walmart quite a bit. I like the Bible too, even though I've been a pagan for decades. Guns.. no.

Those are your choices for you to justify for yourself.

Personally, I won't shop at Walmart. If I was only thinking of myself I would shop there. I consider it selfish, so I don't. I don't have to be so selfish that I hurt my neighbors. I refuse because I want to support my local economy. I won't shop at Amazon, either. I just can't get past how badly they both treat their workers and suppliers. I don't want to support either of those models.

They both go far beyond simple 'competition to do a good business.' They are both bent on wiping out all competition possible. They are ruthless, and they pull dirty tricks. Did you know that Walmart took out 'dead peasant' insurance policies on rank and file workers? If the worker dies, Walmart gets paid off big. Nothing goes to the struggling poor family of the deceased worker, but Walmart would gladly pocket millions. Often, Walmart never told the workers or their families about it. Amazon had a warehouse with no AC where it got to be 115* in the summer. They refused to back off on their nearly impossible worker productivity quotas, but they did pay to have an ambulance outside for workers who dropped from heat stroke. They also had more workers on call to fill the vacancy if a worker passed out on the floor.

And you know most of those workers do not drink water on the job because they are not allowed enough time to go to the bathroom.

No. I am not going to support that, and I am not going to support any model that sucks wealth out of a local economy and gathers it all for a few people. That's wealth extraction, pure and simple. It's the Class War. I refuse to help them.

And guess what? If you shop around, often you can find better deals elsewhere, anyway.

If we only shop at 2 places, eventually there will BE NO OTHER CHOICES.

When that happens, guess what happens to those 'lower prices everyday?'

(Oh, wait a minute. Walmart can't say that any more. They got sued for saying that and ordered to change their slogan. That's why it is now 'low prices every day.')

Walmart and Amazon are not there to help you or provide low prices. They are there to make a few people very rich. If you shop there you are hurting your local economy and your neighbors.
Hello Threedee,

So... You're not a fan of God?

Morality has nothing to do with religion. There are atheists who are very moral, very loyal Americans, and there are religious fakes who will stab you in the back and claim bone spurs to get out of serving.

President Trump calls the comments of THE POPE disgraceful. President Trump, responding to the Pope's criticism of him: "For a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful."

Man. If the Pope can't question somebody's faith, WHO CAN?

The President is out of line to call the Pope disgraceful.

Just add that to the YUGE list of all the disgusting things Trump supporters give him a free pass on.

There is a one word answer which rhymes with 'POPE' to answer the question: 'Was President Trump a regular church goer before the 2016 campaign?'


Looks to me like President Trump is a FAKE CHRISTIAN.

I bet he only pretends to be a believer to keep the evangelicals buttered up.
Hello and welcome TDS,

Please take a moment to read my Signature. It guides my participation here.

libs hate God thats where they hate for president Trump

Such stereotyping is a poor basis for forming an accurate political position.

It is not accurate at all.

Most people, including liberals, believe in God.

And there are conservative atheists.

I am simply noting that the people who believe Trump tells the truth are strong on God, Guns, The Bible, and Walmart.

And further, many of them are very hateful, which is not what the Christian faith teaches.

This would make a very high percentage of Trump believers who are hypocrites.

If they hate Muslims and they hate immigrants, they are not following their own religion which says to 'love your enemy.'

Not that either of those groups are their enemy, either, but that's how they see it.

actually the price of freedom does costs a few lives as colleteral damage but its a small price to pay when you view the big picture. teagan knew that to.
actually the price of freedom does costs a few lives as colleteral damage but its a small price to pay when you view the big picture. teagan knew that to.

There's always a good reason for american killing. Teagan didn't know shit and sold Iran weapons.
Hello Threedee,

Morality has nothing to do with religion. There are atheists who are very moral, very loyal Americans, and there are religious fakes who will stab you in the back and claim bone spurs to get out of serving.

President Trump calls the comments of THE POPE disgraceful. President Trump, responding to the Pope's criticism of him: "For a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful."

Man. If the Pope can't question somebody's faith, WHO CAN?

The President is out of line to call the Pope disgraceful.

Just add that to the YUGE list of all the disgusting things Trump supporters give him a free pass on.

There is a one word answer which rhymes with 'POPE' to answer the question: 'Was President Trump a regular church goer before the 2016 campaign?'


Looks to me like President Trump is a FAKE CHRISTIAN.

I bet he only pretends to be a believer to keep the evangelicals buttered up.

You are the one who started this thread, and you seem to have a problem with people who shop at Walmart, believe in God, read the Bible, and own guns.
you pulled those numbers out of your ass Cletus

white goyim are hovering near 40% of the population

the walmart crowd, and this was two years ago

white Christians, once predominant in the country’s religious life, now comprise only 43 percent of the population, according to the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI, a polling organization based in Washington. Four decades ago, about eight in 10 Americans were white Christians.


Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Nothing in my post has anything about whites or Christians. It has the number of people who shop at Wal-Mart weekly, the percentage of people who own guns and the percentage of people who own Bibles and believe in God.

Those people do not have to be white or Christian--you have some kind of obsession about white Christians. The Census Bureau says 60% of the population is non-Hispanic whites. Those numbers are from Pew Research and other reputable sources.

The point is that most Americans fit that pattern.
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Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Nothing in my post has anything about whites or Christians. It has the number of people who shop at Wal-Mart weekly, the percentage of people who own guns and the percentage of people who own Bibles and believe in God.

Those people do not have to be white or Christian--you have some kind of obsession about white Christians. The Census Bureau says 60% of the population is non-Hispanic whites. Those numbers are from Pew Research and other reputable sources.

The point is that most Americans fit that pattern.

What about ginger people? Don't ignore them.
You are the one who started this thread, and you seem to have a problem with people who shop at Walmart, believe in God, read the Bible, and own guns.

The problem is more with Walmart itself seeing as how Walmart sends their employees to governmental assistance programs, coaching them on how to sign up for welfare and food stamps, so that the public winds up subsidizing Walmart's bottom line. But that's how it works in the United Corporate States of America; fuck the poor they're lazy, subsidize the aristocracy.
The problem is more with Walmart itself seeing as how Walmart sends their employees to governmental assistance programs, coaching them on how to sign up for welfare and food stamps, so that the public winds up subsidizing Walmart's bottom line. But that's how it works in the United Corporate States of America; fuck the poor they're lazy, subsidize the aristocracy.

The poor also shop at Walmart because Fred Meyer and Safeway are more expensive.
They are popular with Trump supporters but they are also popular with others. Especially wal mart, guns, and God in some way or another.

God and the Bible, both are awesome and a big part of my life.
Guns, I’ve been around them my whole life and whether it’s hunting with my dad or brother or just to target shoot for fun they are just inanimate objects. The more you use them the more comfortable you get.
Wal-mart is ok, so is Target. I don’t shop at wal mart for clothes or anything like that but it’s fine for basic stuff or needs.
I voted for Cruz in the primary and didn’t vote for Trump in the general election. Basically I was one of those criticized never Trumpers. I don’t know if I will vote for him in two years but we will see how he continues to do.

Welcome back.