God has passed His judgement



4-year-old killed by celebratory bullet in church

By Alexis Stevens

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Four-year-old Marquel Peters loved church. So much so, that he cried recently when he thought he would miss it because a relative was running late.
Family Photo Four-year-old Marquel Peters was killed by a stray bullet during a New Year’s Eve service at his DeKalb church.

For the New Year's Eve service, Marquel brought along a video game to play during an intermission.
The next time Marquel returns to his family's church, it will be for his funeral.
Thursday night, Marquel and about a dozen family members attended a service at the Church of God of Prophecy near Decatur.
Marquel was seated next to his mother, Nathalee, while those in the church waited for a 12:30 a.m. concert to begin. Then, those in the sanctuary heard a loud pop. It was almost like the sound of a balloon.
Instantly, Marquel was on the floor, and he was bleeding.
"No one knew what it was," said Garry Peters, Marquel's uncle. "It was just crazy."
When emergency officials arrived at the scene, Marquel was crying, Peters said. Still, there was no obvious indication of what had happened. There was no gaping hole in the sanctuary, and nothing fell from the ceiling.
Except for a bullet that struck the child in the head.
Marquel was transported by ambulance to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston, where he later died.
An X-ray at the hospital confirmed that it was a bullet that struck Marquel, his uncle said. Doctors at the hospital had hoped to do surgery on the child, but it was too late.
About 350 people were gathered in the DeKalb County church on Covington Drive at the time of the incident, Senior Pastor Lloyd Phipps said.
Phipps said the church members paused to pray for the child, and then, believing that his injury was not life-threatening, they continued with a planned concert.
The pastor and the parishioners were still in the church when they learned of the child's death at about 3:30 a.m., Phipps said. He said during the concert the boy's family kept him updated on the child's condition, which he believed was improving.
Investigators returned to the church later Friday, where they discovered the point of entry for the bullet: in the roof of the church. Phipps said police believe someone fired a celebratory shot into the air, and it went through the roof on its way down.
"It's one of those things that you just cannot make any sense out of," Phipps said. "This lady took her kid to church, which is the right thing to do. And her son got killed because of someone’s irresponsible behavior."
On Friday, the shocked family returned to the church, where they joined other church members in mourning the loss of the little boy. A usually happy boy, Marquel had cried two weeks ago when he almost missed church because a family member was running late.
"He was just a good, smart kid," Garry Peters said.
Now the family plans to return to the church for Marquel's funeral. His death, Peters said, was senseless and could have been avoided.
“They can’t just get out there and shoot," Peters said. “What are you celebrating? You’re out there killing people.”
Police do not have any suspects at this time, said Officer Jason Gagnon with DeKalb County police.
"I'm a faith believer, but it's just hard" Peters said. "Why at church?"
Damn shame man....
But fuck you for politicizing the kids death. Rarely do I feel as strong an urge to punch your nose in as I do now.
He's an ass~~~

He's an overgrown 2 year old who is always craving attention. Any attention.

He's still young and stupid enough to believe his metaphorical fart in the elevator mentality is something that passes for original.

He'll get his ass kicked one day.

Until then the poor schlepp thinks he's terminally unique. Some bizarre mask for his social retardation.
He's an overgrown 2 year old who is always craving attention. Any attention.

He's still young and stupid enough to believe his metaphorical fart in the elevator mentality is something that passes for original.

He'll get his ass kicked one day.

Until then the poor schlepp thinks he's terminally unique. Some bizarre mask for his social retardation.

Thanks for the daily dose of annoying patronization from someone utterly retarded, but I doubt I'm going to be beat up be an internet badass.
Random good things happen to people, religious people ascribe it to God. Why not random bad things? God doesn't get off for this. He doesn't have to interfere with the free will of the idiot who shot the gun into the air if that's what gets you all up in a tizzy, but he could at least have thrown a breeze in there and made the bullet go off trajectory by the few degrees it would have taken to save this boys life. This would have been a trivial task for him, easier than even the easiest thing I've done in my life. But he CHOSE to let the boy die, even though it would have required no effort on his part to save the boy.
yay....alleged hyperbole watermark is back

after losing debates because he argues from ignorance....super hyperbole troll is back

haha that's what the 4 year old gets for going to church.

You think you could count on god to not get your little retard child shot in a holy place.

And now, a poem by yours truly:

"Amen!, and God bless you!" The pastor said,
As a fucktard redneck shot his arrow of lead
And if they had ever taken science
or if they had ever even read
they would have known what goes up,
must come down...
and land in an itsy bitsy head
I am with Grind and WM on this one. God could have saved the kid here. Instead, god chose to let the child get struck down, some sort of divine intervention. Thus said, and acted, the Lord.
Random good things happen to people, religious people ascribe it to God. Why not random bad things? God doesn't get off for this. He doesn't have to interfere with the free will of the idiot who shot the gun into the air if that's what gets you all up in a tizzy, but he could at least have thrown a breeze in there and made the bullet go off trajectory by the few degrees it would have taken to save this boys life. This would have been a trivial task for him, easier than even the easiest thing I've done in my life. But he CHOSE to let the boy die, even though it would have required no effort on his part to save the boy.

You are ascribing human rationale and reason to God. What makes you think God gives one good rip whether we live or die? What makes you arrogantly presume God's idea of what is best, has to correlate with what YOU think is best? How do you know there isn't something bigger in play? Like, the boy died, someone at the church witnessed what happened, and it cause them to react in a certain way they would have never reacted before, and as a result, something else happens and as a result of that, 100,000 more people's eternal souls are ultimately saved? You don't know, you just assume that God must think like you think... and that would be a really sad state of affairs indeed!
God could have saved the kid here. Instead, god chose to let the child get struck down

Why would God have to make choices? God is omnipotent! God didn't "choose" because God doesn't have to choose! Humans make choices! You are trying to tie a HUMAN attribute to GOD! I listen to this mindless blather, and I realize why so many of you DON'T believe in God... you don't understand God! You have this mental concept, something you can't seem to think past, where God is Human, like you and I... and he "decides" things, and has "needs" and "wants" things from us, and he "feels" like punishing us if we disobey his orders... Hell, I would hate God too, if that is how I understood God.
You are ascribing human rationale and reason to God.

Special pleading. The disappointing thing about religion is not how above human logic God's thinking is, but how VERY HUMAN God's thinking is.

What makes you think God gives one good rip whether we live or die?

The Christian God is specifically omnibenevolent. I don't believe in God, so it would be silly for me to state one way or the other my beliefs on his nature.

What makes you arrogantly presume God's idea of what is best, has to correlate with what YOU think is best?

Like saving a four-year old child in a church from getting shot? Yep. This sounds like an benevolent God.


How do you know there isn't something bigger in play? Like, the boy died, someone at the church witnessed what happened, and it cause them to react in a certain way they would have never reacted before, and as a result, something else happens and as a result of that, 100,000 more people's eternal souls are ultimately saved?

God should find other ways to "save people's eternal souls" that murdering four year old children.

Anyway, you're argument is essentially just another worn out special pleading. You can counter anything I say by simply stating that it's beyond my understanding. What is really going on here is that it's beyond YOUR understanding, it's certainly not beyond MINE.

It's not worth confronting, because the one thing I am sure of is that NOTHING GOOD FROM A HUMAN PERSPECTIVE CAME OUT OF THIS MURDER. From a universal perspective, well, the universe doesn't care one way or the other, it's just some matter being converted into some other form of matter.

You don't know, you just assume that God must think like you think... and that would be a really sad state of affairs indeed!

Yep. I'm sorry for thinking in oh-so-human logic, like not preventing the murder of four year olds. Just be honest and say he doesn't intervene or doesn't care (in which case you might as well be an atheist). Saying there's an interventionist God in this world that's omnibenevolent is retarded.
it's difficult to comprehend the impact that the death of a four year old will have on other people's lives.....for instance, WM has used the occasion to sink himself further into depravity.....another might have brought himself to amend his celebratory actions.....what is clear, however, is that human conduct has consequences to humans.....some would suppose a world where it made no matter what we do, but that God should bear the responsibility for keeping us safe.....I think such a world would raise a humanity of uncaring, unthoughtful people......drive a car a hundred miles an hour the wrong way on a one way road?.....why not?....God will lift the other vehicles out of the way for us.......
Special pleading. The disappointing thing about religion is not how above human logic God's thinking is, but how VERY HUMAN God's thinking is.

Again, you presume God must "think" like humans. God doesn't need to "think" about anything, God is not human! Why would an omnipotent being need to think? Thinking is contemplation of thought, a human attribute, something WE do, not something a God would have any use for.

The Christian God is specifically omnibenevolent. I don't believe in God, so it would be silly for me to state one way or the other my beliefs on his nature.

Like saving a four-year old child in a church from getting shot? Yep. This sounds like an benevolent God.

Why would God need to be benevolent? Does it make God feel better about Himself? Is he trying to get into God Heaven? I mean, I am really trying to understand why you think this, and it doesn't make a lick of sense. Of course, nothing you ever have to say makes a lick of sense, so that is normal!

God doesn't have needs, therefore, He would have no need to be benevolent.

God should find other ways to "save people's eternal souls" that murdering four year old children.

God didn't murder anyone. And I am sure God is kicking Himself for not taking YOUR advice on how to run the universe! If only God would listen to YOUR reasoning, maybe that 4-year-old would still be alive today!

Anyway, you're argument is essentially just another worn out special pleading. You can counter anything I say by simply stating that it's beyond my understanding. What is really going on here is that it's beyond YOUR understanding, it's certainly not beyond MINE.

It's not worth confronting, because the one thing I am sure of is that NOTHING GOOD FROM A HUMAN PERSPECTIVE CAME OUT OF THIS MURDER. From a universal perspective, well, the universe doesn't care one way or the other, it's just some matter being converted into some other form of matter.

If you can understand the universe doesn't care, why can't you comprehend God doesn't care? God doesn't have a human perspective, God doesn't require a perspective or have need to think! God isn't concerned with what you personally think of him, or how His actions are interpreted by you.

Yep. I'm sorry for thinking in oh-so-human logic, like not preventing the murder of four year olds. Just be honest and say he doesn't intervene or doesn't care (in which case you might as well be an atheist). Saying there's an interventionist God in this world that's omnibenevolent is retarded.

God certainly CAN intervene, and often does. What makes you think He wasn't the cause of the bullet killing the child? Perhaps that WAS His intervention? You just presume that God must think, and think like a human! God must need to rationalize things, like humans! God must have compassion and feelings, like humans! It's like I said, no wonder so many of you don't believe in God, if that's the only way I could envision God, I wouldn't believe either! But fortunately, I see God as something very different, without human characteristics, because that would make him mortal.
Had they have firecrackers instead of guns the kid would be alive, also if his parents were educated and not heathens believing in the mystic the kid would be alive.