God has passed His judgement

I am at a distinct advantage over you in these debates, because I don't "believe" God is real, I know it. Just like I know gravity is real, although I can't see it. You have not evolved to the point of being able to understand your God, and that is a shame, because if you ever get there, you will find the peace and happiness you've searched for your whole life.... damn, I am sounding like Roy Masters now, I hate when that happens!

Dixie, you do not know that God is real anymore than I do. It's philosophically disingenous for anyone to claim they *know* God is real. It's not an IMPROVEMENT over saying you *believe* God is real, it's a huge disadvantage because it's simply so retarded.
I'm interested to hear how you differentiate the two.

Dixie, who has claimed there is a God, has tried to defend himself by asking me to defend God's non-existence. But I never said I didn't believe that God didn't exist, I merely asked him to prove his existence to me. I'm putting the weight of evidence back where it belongs.
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Dixie, who has claimed there is no God, has tried to defend himself by asking me to defend God's non-existence. But I never said I didn't believe that God didn't exist, I merely asked him to prove it to me. I'm putting the weight of evidence back where it belongs.

Ok, fair enough.
I am not fighting against any God but the Abrahamic God right now. Why would I? If you want to talk about some other set of fairy tales, start a new thread.
Then again, your very limited understanding of the situation makes it like an ant trying to judge the action of a human who takes the food the ant was going to use to feed its "sisters"...

You are simply unaware of the criteria an omniscient being would use to make such a decision. Being a flawed, and very not omniscient, human being tends to make it so you begin at a point of simplicity to the complexity that would be God (were such a Being to exist.)
Then again, your very limited understanding of the situation makes it like an ant trying to judge the action of a human who takes the food the ant was going to use to feed its "sisters"...

You are simply unaware of the criteria an omniscient being would use to make such a decision. Being a flawed, and very not omniscient, human being tends to make it so you begin at a point of simplicity to the complexity that would be God (were such a Being to exist.)

I'm talking about an omnibenevolent God. If he is omnibenevolent in the way Christians describe, then he is omnibenevolent in a human sense, and so we can apply human morality to him, and see where this supposed morality logically conflicts with the things that are happening in the world.
I'm talking about an omnibenevolent God. If he is omnibenevolent in the way Christians describe, then he is omnibenevolent in a human sense, and so we can apply human morality to him, and see where this supposed morality logically conflicts with the things that are happening in the world.
One doesn't necessarily follow the other. First one could not necessarily apply "human morality" without the full and comprehensive understanding that omniscience gets you. You have no idea, for instance, if the kid's survival would have set into motion events that would have killed billions in some other place, or even billions of humans.

Instead you attempt to take your, admittedly limited, picture of the world and judge the giants who keep picking the food you were going to take back to the colony...

Your own limitations make it impossible to judge, you are not even partially a "peer" in order to even serve on the jury....
I'm talking about an omnibenevolent God. If he is omnibenevolent in the way Christians describe, then he is omnibenevolent in a human sense, and so we can apply human morality to him, and see where this supposed morality logically conflicts with the things that are happening in the world.

That still assumes that the child was inherently good. As I previously mentioned, he could have been the next Hitler.
I'm talking about an omnibenevolent God.

Where do you get God is "omnibenevolent?" (Not that such a word exists.)

An omnipotent entity doesn't have a need to be benevolent, or any other need, for that matter. It's what omnipotence is all about! This shows you clearly lack an understanding of what God is, and instead of trying to understand it, you've merely assigned a human aspect to God, because that is what your mind can comprehend. What you should try is expanding your horizons of thought. Think in terms of the universe and how vast it is... how much of the universe we know nothing about and can't even comprehend through human sciences. God created it, and is more powerful than the universe itself. God doesn't have to do things, God doesn't need to think about things, God doesn't want and desire things! God is NOT human!
Hence I did not ask that question.

I asked, "Who said god is omniscient anyway?"

And pointed out, "Your arguments are simply against one religion set (those religions that came from Abraham), not against god as an idea."


considering this happened in a christian church and most of the members of this site are christian, it would be pretty stupid to start mocking shiva
He's an overgrown 2 year old who is always craving attention. Any attention.

He's still young and stupid enough to believe his metaphorical fart in the elevator mentality is something that passes for original.

He'll get his ass kicked one day.

Until then the poor schlepp thinks he's terminally unique. Some bizarre mask for his social retardation.

Add to that he's an ugly geeky looking dude :cool: