

Worst gambler ever
Is "God" akin to a human male? Does it have a penis, 2 arms, 2 legs, hands, feet, a belly button, intestines and an anus?

Is it for sure a male? A female? Does it breathe?

What is "God"?

This is not directed towards you godless commies, but a serious inquiry to the religious.
Is "God" akin to a human male? Does it have a penis, 2 arms, 2 legs, hands, feet, a belly button, intestines and an anus?

Is it for sure a male? A female? Does it breathe?

What is "God"?

This is not directed towards you godless commies, but a serious inquiry to the religious.
shucks, I don't even know if YOU have a penis, two arms, two legs, etc.....and I talk to you every day.....
While a lot of people seem to see God as male, I never got that feeling.

As a bringer of life, a nurturer, and a loving teacher, I always imagined God as more female than male.

But no, there is not genitalia, arms or legs.
I'm not sure what Gawd looks like, but I saw this message from her the other day.

Dear people,

It has come to my attention that you are still killing each other, voting republican, and hording that green stuff. Sorry folks, but I've been away, with another of my experiments in another solar system. Even though I am faster than light, time just passes too quickly. You should realize that because soon you'll all be dead. But of course you never think of that, instead you quibble over taxes, government, helping your neighbor, and traffic. My earth experiment has had a few successes, for instance peace in Switzerland, but damn, money even corrupts those bastards. Sorry for the language, but watching you all is very frustrating. So anyway I'm waiting to see if America can do as well as some the Europeans and pass healthcare and finally take care of all its citizens. Right now if I were a betting god, I wouldn't put much starlight on you doing the right thing. Hey, you're still fighting social security, one of your good things in my book. Anyway good luck and see you soon.


For psuedo scientific believers, god is the unknown, the cause of the big bang etc. But that's stupid, and actually not logic or science. yet they cling to this flimsy film of legitimacy, because ultimately they need god to be the great figurehead of their theocratic new world order.
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While a lot of people seem to see God as male, I never got that feeling.

As a bringer of life, a nurturer, and a loving teacher, I always imagined God as more female than male.

But no, there is not genitalia, arms or legs.

A celestial torso?

I'm not sure what Gawd looks like, but I saw this message from her the other day.

Dear people,

It has come to my attention that you are still killing each other, voting republican, and hording that green stuff. Sorry folks, but I've been away, with another of my experiments in another solar system. Even though I am faster than light, time just passes too quickly. You should realize that because soon you'll all be dead. But of course you never think of that, instead you quibble over taxes, government, helping your neighbor, and traffic. My earth experiment has had a few successes, for instance peace in Switzerland, but damn, money even corrupts those bastards. Sorry for the language, but watching you all is very frustrating. So anyway I'm waiting to see if America can do as well as some the Europeans and pass healthcare and finally take care of all its citizens. Right now if I were a betting god, I wouldn't put much starlight on you doing the right thing. Hey, you're still fighting social security, one of your good things in my book. Anyway good luck and see you soon.



God's pretty stupid if he buys into all these totalitarian schemes.
God simply is. Each thing that lives is part of God, it is what connects us and what causes our responsibility towards all things that live. This is reflected in the Bible and the Koran as "Dominion" over all things that live, that is a rather hefty word as it brings along a responsibility towards life that is often ignored. It is of course reflected in Buddhism as Compassion.

IMO, the "image" God created man in is a mental image not a physical one. Man has the capacity to understand all the things that God does, this is reflected in the Bible when Eve and Adam ate of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil where God took the Tree of Life away and said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." (Genesis 3:21) Of course in Buddhism it is a given that all life will eventually reach Nirvana and return its portion of life to the Deity.
God simply is. Each thing that lives is part of God, it is what connects us and what causes our responsibility towards all things that live. This is reflected in the Bible and the Koran as "Dominion" over all things that live, that is a rather hefty word as it brings along a responsibility towards life that is often ignored. It is of course reflected in Buddhism as Compassion.

IMO, the "image" God created man in is a mental image not a physical one. Man has the capacity to understand all the things that God does, this is reflected in the Bible when Eve and Adam ate of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil where God took the Tree of Life away and said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." (Genesis 3:21) Of course in Buddhism it is a given that all life will eventually reach Nirvana and return its portion of life to the Deity.

B.S. You're smarter than this damo. Get a grip. Or go watch star wars again.
God simply is. Each thing that lives is part of God, it is what connects us and what causes our responsibility towards all things that live. This is reflected in the Bible and the Koran as "Dominion" over all things that live, that is a rather hefty word as it brings along a responsibility towards life that is often ignored. It is of course reflected in Buddhism as Compassion.

IMO, the "image" God created man in is a mental image not a physical one. Man has the capacity to understand all the things that God does, this is reflected in the Bible when Eve and Adam ate of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil where God took the Tree of Life away and said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." (Genesis 3:21) Of course in Buddhism it is a given that all life will eventually reach Nirvana and return its portion of life to the Deity.

I was hoping you were going to say 'invisible squid' :(