
I simply couldn’t live with the thought that I took a human life

I have no problem giving my life to protect someone but I rely on Jesus instead of a gun

He is my self defense and so far it’s been very effective

I have no doubt a lot of the kids and teachers were praying to Jesus at Uvalde last year. IMO, God gave us brains and expected us to use them.
I only had one atheist phase; starting around age 12 until early in my HS Junior year. I was raised RLDS, which doesn't exist anymore since it was reabsorbed into LDS. In those days, it was a moderate Protestant religion. No Hellfire, Brimstone or wacky theories about women.
I've wandered back and forth in the realm between atheism, agnosticism, Christianity.

Are LDS Mormons?

The only Protestant services I've attended are Quaker, Methodist, Episcopalian, Unitarian. They were pretty mellow.
The fire and brimstone denominations would probably freak me out
I've wandered back and forth in the realm between atheism, agnosticism, Christianity.

Are LDS Mormons?

The only Protestant services I've attended are Quaker, Methodist, Episcopalian, Unitarian. They were pretty mellow.
The fire and brimstone denominations would probably freak me out
No wandering here. Straight progression from Sunday school and summer Bible camp kid to Science Fiction reading agnostic to full atheist (mainly due to Biblical inconsistencies compared to scientific fact) and then on a spiritual quest for enlightenment.

LDS = Mormons. RLDS was a splinter group after the murder of Joseph Smith. Like the split between Sunnis and Shi'a, it was about who should take over leadership after the passing of the leader. In both cases, the smaller group chose to follow a relative while the larger group chose to follow the strongest leader.

I'm not a fan of fire and brimstone and avoid such people.
No wandering here. Straight progression from Sunday school and summer Bible camp kid to Science Fiction reading agnostic to full atheist (mainly due to Biblical inconsistencies compared to scientific fact) and then on a spiritual quest for enlightenment.

LDS = Mormons. RLDS was a splinter group after the murder of Joseph Smith. Like the split between Sunnis and Shi'a, it was about who should take over leadership after the passing of the leader. In both cases, the smaller group chose to follow a relative while the larger group chose to follow the strongest leader.

I'm not a fan of fire and brimstone and avoid such people.

You’ll come around

Once you accept Jesus He will never leave you
No wandering here. Straight progression from Sunday school and summer Bible camp kid to Science Fiction reading agnostic to full atheist (mainly due to Biblical inconsistencies compared to scientific fact) and then on a spiritual quest for enlightenment.

Makes sense. The tension between science and religion I think is mostly a manufactured artifact of the last 150 years.

I decided that neither physics, nor math, nor Christianity, nor atheism have the truth locked down. I became aware that there is as much truth to be found in the Daodejing and the Sermon on the Mount, as there is in General relativity
You’ll come around

Once you accept Jesus He will never leave you

Come around to what, Tink? Hating Leftists, Blacks and Jews like the Alt-Right Christian Nationalists? I disagree.

The message of Jesus is with me. Why do you think it isn't? How can you say it's with you if you hate others?
Dutch is another guy confusing organized religion with a personal relationship with God!
What a blessing it was for me that I never went to church or religious study before an epiphany.

More hate and lies from someone who claims they have me on ignore. LOL

No worries, Mason. Unlike you, I don't hate you nor do I ignore you. You know why. :)
I became aware that there is as much truth to be found in the Daodejing and the Sermon on the Mount, as there is in General relativity
Actually, you have come to believe this. Do you believe that something vague can be declared TRUE? For example, do you consider "wind and muave" to be TRUE?

Is the Tao TRUE?
Actually, you have come to believe this. Do you believe that something vague can be declared TRUE? For example, do you consider "wind and muave" to be TRUE?

Is the Tao TRUE?

You are so poorly read and incurious, that it's not surprising you would write this.

The Daodejing is first and foremost about right conduct and a way of cultivating a meaningful life. It does not require one to accept the reality of the Dao. To me, there is as much truth in the Daodejing as there was in my college physics textbooks; just a different kind of truth.
You are so poorly read and incurious, that it's not surprising you would write this.

The Daodejing is first and foremost about right conduct and a way of cultivating a meaningful life. It does not require one to accept the reality of the Dao. To me, there is as much truth in the Daodejing as there was in my college physics textbooks; just a different kind of truth.

Sybil's elevators no longer reach the penthouse.
You are so poorly read and incurious, that it's not surprising you would write this.
Whenever your response to a question begins like this, it's just your way of admitting that you have no sort of valid answer, that you were hoping no one would ever ask the question to begin with and that you are desperate to change the subject with a quick pivot..

The Daodejing is first and foremost about right conduct and a way of cultivating a meaningful life.
Do you think it is TRUE? Yes, you get minimum credit for the standard pivot and attempt to change the subject, but now let's get back to my question.

Do you think something vague and undefined can be TRUE? If so, you need to explain how this can be so. If not, you need to explain your statement about there being so much truth in the Daodejing.

I'll stipulate all your obligatory statements about how I don't know anything. Now, would you mind actually explaining your gibberish for a change?

It does not require one to accept the reality of the Dao.
Please explain this reality that the Dao supposedly has and whether you believe that it is TRUE.

To me, there is as much truth in the Daodejing as there was in my college physics textbooks
Yes, you've said this already. It doesn't make any sense. I'm trying to get you to explain this comment of yours.

Also, what truth are you claiming was in your college physics textbooks? I'm willing to stipulate that your physics textbooks are full of models that have not yet been shown to be FALSE, but I'm dying to know what content has been confirmed to be TRUE.

just a different kind of truth.
Please explain. Are you talking about the kind of truth that is FALSE. I don't know what you mean.
-- meaningless blather and mental illness ensues --.

I'll accept your tacit confession that you really had absolutely no idea what the Daodejing was about or what was written in it, you just wanted to write something you thought would sound clever.
I'll accept your tacit confession that you really had absolutely no idea what the Daodejing was about or what was written in it, you just wanted to write something you thought would sound clever.

Sybil lives on a different plane than most people. He's "out there". :thup:

Like most respected ancient texts, there's a lot of deep thought and truth in the Dao de jing. http://www.fang.ece.ufl.edu/daodejing.pdf

That said, it's not perfect nor the end all of human philosophy. Definitely worth a week or two of discussion in a philosophy class.
Sybil lives on a different plane than most people. He's "out there". :thup:

Like most respected ancient texts, there's a lot of deep thought and truth in the Dao de jing. http://www.fang.ece.ufl.edu/daodejing.pdf

That said, it's not perfect nor the end all of human philosophy. Definitely worth a week or two of discussion in a philosophy class.

For sure. I don't think physics, mathmatics, Daoism, or Plato, etc. have the truth locked down. But in my opinion, they each have a piece of
the truth.
Whenever your response to a question begins like this, it's just your way of admitting that you have no sort of valid answer, that you were hoping no one would ever ask the question to begin with and that you are desperate to change the subject with a quick pivot..

Do you think it is TRUE? Yes, you get minimum credit for the standard pivot and attempt to change the subject, but now let's get back to my question.

Do you think something vague and undefined can be TRUE? If so, you need to explain how this can be so. If not, you need to explain your statement about there being so much truth in the Daodejing.

I'll stipulate all your obligatory statements about how I don't know anything. Now, would you mind actually explaining your gibberish for a change?

Please explain this reality that the Dao supposedly has and whether you believe that it is TRUE.

Yes, you've said this already. It doesn't make any sense. I'm trying to get you to explain this comment of yours.

Also, what truth are you claiming was in your college physics textbooks? I'm willing to stipulate that your physics textbooks are full of models that have not yet been shown to be FALSE, but I'm dying to know what content has been confirmed to be TRUE.

Please explain. Are you talking about the kind of truth that is FALSE. I don't know what you mean.

Cypress "Can't handle the truth".