
I'll accept your tacit confession that you are desperate to EVADE my questions and that you will avoid them at all costs.

You don't "ask questions" in good faith, and you aren't genuinely interested in any answers.

The last time you attempted to compose a "gotcha!" post about a book I read it blew up in your face and you ran away from the thread like a little girl -->


You don't get access to my time until you show some integrity and maturity m
You don't "ask questions" in good faith, and you aren't genuinely interested in any answers.

The last time you attempted to compose a "gotcha!" post about a book I read it blew up in your face and you ran away from the thread like a little girl -->


You don't get access to my time until you show some integrity and maturity m

He also runs and hides when proved wrong. Sybil really does live in his own world.
Like I said, it doesn't "ask questions" in good faith.

I get a foul whiff of mental illness from that one.

His manifesto, chronic lying about his socks and political views all indicate severe mental illness. He has average or better intelligence and education, but definitely wacky.
You don't "ask questions" in good faith,
You don't get to declare the "faith" of my questions. My question are my questions, and your job is to answer them, not to EVADE them, especially not with LAME excuses that stretch the boundaries of absurdity.

... and you aren't genuinely interested in any answers.
You don't get to declare whether or not I want answers to my questions. If I ask a question, it's because I want an answer.

The last time you attempted to compose a "gotcha!"
I don't compose GOTCHA's. You EVADE legitimate questions because you are a pretender who has no business speaking at the adult's table.

post about a book I read it blew up in your face
You fled that discussion also the moment I asked you a grown-up question that you, of course, could not answer. Your track record is 0% on providing correct answers, if I'm not mistaken.

Let's review:

Buddhism simply doesnt concern itself with gods.
Incorrect. The Dhammapada is chock full of references to gods, spirits, Devas, descriptions of Hell.
I'm going to ask you to identify two gods referenced in the Dhammapada. I don't remember any gods being mentioned.

For your convenience I have included the Dhammapada (with English translation) here:https://www.ancient-buddhist-texts.net/Texts-and-Translations/Dhammapada/index.htm
I'm not going to discuss the Dhammapada with someone who ... [lame EVASION omitted] [lack of identification of two gods omitted]
You haven't read it, have you? On the other hand, you know that I've read it because I was able to call bullshit on your error. You are now EVADING because you realize that I have a good understanding of the Dhammapada and that you do not. You are EVADING because you were once again caught trying to roleplay a thmart perthon and we're revealed to be ignorant on the topic. There is a valid reason that you lack credibility.

All you had to do was to identify two gods in the Dhammapada, which you assert is "chock full" of gods and other supernatural entities. You instead rushed to somehow disqualify me from being able to ask any questions.
[message-board pivot omitted] [declaration fallacy omitted][American-clique pivot omitted][The Dhammapada] is chock full of references to the diety Mara, Hell, Devas, and samsara.
You still haven't posted any quotes from the Dhammapada to support your claim, and I only asked for two. Two gods.

Mara is the weakness of the flesh that all humans have and that requires discipline to conquer, whether to maintain a diet or to take a cold shower when you aren't getting any. Mara is often anthropomorphized in stories, but those are purely allegorical.

Devas are just running characters in stories (parables, fables, etc..) like Sherlock Holmes. They aren't gods.

Samsara is not a god; it is essentially this plane of existence whereby people are mere pain accumulators, from the moment of birth, through life, and then in rebirth through reincarnation. Samsara is the cold, hard, cruel world, as opposed to Nirvana.

Hell is another plane of existence, i.e. the underworld.

You aren't aware of any gods in the Dhammapada; you were just trying to sound really thmart and got carried away writing about something of which you know nothing. You obviously haven't even read it.

There are no gods in Buddhism. The religion has a great deal of spirituality and supernatural concepts, but there are no deities. If you had bothered to read the Dhammapada before impulsively rushing to thound really thmart, you might not have made the junior-league rookie errors that you did. Apply this lesson to science and learn some before impulsively rushing to make stupid, scientifically illiterate, bandwidth-wasting comments.

0%. You haven't answered any of my questions, and I'm not the only one posting on JPP who knows exactly why.

You don't get access to my time until you show some integrity and maturity
I am not interested in sitting down and coloring with you at the children's table.
God is not your enemy. By "God", I mean the force behind the creation of our Universe. If a lightning bolt strikes you down, it's because you were stupid about bein in the open during a thunderstorm. If you drop dead of a heart attack in your 60s is because you chose to eat too much fat, smoke and not get enough exercise. If you are caught in a hurricane, it's because you choose to live in a hurricane area. Same for an earthquake. God is not after you or causing these problems. We choose for ourselves.

The universe was created by a giant talking walrus.
Pretty wild that your god would tear open pregnant women’s wombs in the Old Testament.

Pmp's god is the Dark Lord; Satan. You haven't noticed?


Pretty wild that your god would tear open pregnant women’s wombs in the Old Testament.

More than likely math proves the suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming of "man is God" with Christiananality pedophilia as way too dang lily brilliant white in forgiving themselves for an Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ conception survival of the fittest fascists Peter Principle pyramid scheme continuation of Nazi economics thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Klues Klucks duh Klans schizoid behavioral disorders.....
The topic is if God can make a rock He can’t move

So in "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin exterminations of Ukraine in God presents himself is different from Byrd's KKK West Nazi Germany Virginia & Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists which present themselves as "man is God" just a way too dang lily brilliant white Christiananality pedophilia patriot act.....
Pretty wild that your god would tear open pregnant women’s wombs in the Old Testament.

pretty wild that he would create a universe that permits folks like you and me to make our own choices through free will..........but I sort of like not being a robot........
Can God make a rock he can’t move?

If one considers this Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 mathematics of Washington,D.C. born USA citizens were Islam for the Bicentennial some 25 years earlier including Federal Lynching Klues Klucks duh Klans churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement protecting & serving National Archives thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - Eisenhower presented old glorys - Israel hand scribed old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists for rendering necessary medical care to a WW I veteran released from a VA hospital as if opening a time capsule for "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union to Islam "death to the infidels" human reproduction medical pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception it's no wonder suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming schizoid behavioral disorders avoidance would in any statistical probability have acceptance for "one nation under God with equal justice under law".....