I don't get why she presented herself as female when posting as BidenPresident and male when posting as Hume. Regardless she's an odd one.
@Hume is a fractal mess. In many ways I actually sometimes feel bad when I push back after Hume attacks me (which they do even on those occasions when I agree with them), because I think it is somewhat irresponsible to play into someone's clearly mental issues. When BIdenPresident was posting (*caveat: I don't know if BP is the same H but they post a LOT alike) I once collected the MANY times they told someone to kill themselves just to get a feel for it and I stopped counting after about 24 of them. Many of them suggested the other poster should be "violently murdered".
I hold out hope that Hume is NOT BP.
Clearly something is not quite meshing, though for Hume.