Good News!

This is a perfect example of attempted leftie censorship? This poster is answering my post, butt, he purposelly does not quote it, so that the American people will not see it? I am warning the lefties on here, if you do not quote my post, in an attempt to bury it, I will not answer you. Touche MF...LOL

ahh but you knew what I was referring to didn't you ?
I really do not care if you reply to me or not as you mind is so fixed and rigid your replies would be totally predictable anyway.
NOW I understand.... you are a twit... gotcha...

I am sorry, butt, your posting style is one of the worst I have seen? You are not getting many replies, I am sure, so I am replying to you now, to throw you a bone, out of pity? If you want to learn how to post better, follow me around, and you will pick up some tips. Thank you, it is nothing, I just have a born talent to skewer leftie men? Though your leftie babes often like me, and that drives you even moore crazy? touche.
I am sorry, butt, your posting style is one of the worst I have seen? You are not getting many replies, I am sure, so I am replying to you now, to throw you a bone, out of pity? If you want to learn how to post better, follow me around, and you will pick up some tips. Thank you, it is nothing, I just have a born talent to skewer leftie men? Though your leftie babes often like me, and that drives you even moore crazy? touche.

LMAO... I am a lefty???

Like I said, you are a twit.
"I am sorry, butt, you do not seem to know what you are talking about? Is there an epidemic of stupit lefties here? The Hillary, has fat ankles, which could be overlooked, butt, her stupitity in not knowing that Bill was not eating only Big Macs in the oval office, cannot be? If two horny chubsters like Bill and Monica could so easily outsmart her, how hard would it be for Usama to do it?"

Let us all "learn" from the above posting "style"... if only we could be more like RJS.
Dems are like USC playing Notre Dame (Repubs).
Trojans spank that ass unless they totally screw it up.
08 is in the bag, it's theirs to lose.:clink:

I like your USC kicking Notre Dame's ass talk. USC as a school has one of the few student bodies that lean conservative. It is a beautiful place.
Gotta have faith... it IS after all AT Nebraska. That always gives them a chance. Regardless of opponent.

I am a season ticket holder at USC and lost in the lottery for Nebraska game tickets. I would love to see a game there as I know how passionate the fans are.
You'd have a good chance to be used as a football.


Husker fans are always cool to the opposing fans. They talk trash to be sure, but they are not like Raiders fans or Eagles fans. They won't start fights just to be idiots.... well, unless it is CU visiting... then it is anything goes.

Husker fans are always cool to the opposing fans. They talk trash to be sure, but they are not like Raiders fans or Eagles fans. They won't start fights just to be idiots.... well, unless it is CU visiting... then it is anything goes.
I can only base it on how CU fans are treated.
No way man. I grew up in Oakland among Raider fans. No other fan base will ever scare me.

I made the mistake of wearing KC attire to a game in LA. Stupid. I was gone before the first quarter ended. The REALLY stupid part was when I thought it might be different in Oakland. Nope... gone again before the first ended.
I can only base it on how CU fans are treated.

Unfortunately most NU fans who come to Boulder are treated like shit... the whole "we are so special being in Boulder" attitude tends to wear their demeanor thin. Not to mention after twenty years of getting their ass kicked by NU, the attitude in 1990 of CU fans was quite annoying. One good season and they act like they are a traditional powerhouse. Friggin buffs.