Good News!

Your attempts to do a reverse-skewer on me, with your one liners, are falling flat, like The Hillary's chest?

Moron... take a look around you... do you see ANYONE agreeing with your assessment that I am a lefty? I do not have to try to "reverse-skewer" you. You have taken care of that yourself.
Moron... take a look around you... do you see ANYONE agreeing with your assessment that I am a lefty? I do not have to try to "reverse-skewer" you. You have taken care of that yourself.

I have skewered so many lefties, I can tell one when I see one, even if they are in disguise? Look how excitable you are and how quickly you went bonkers right here in this thread? I have had leftie men threaten to bash my head in, with their louisville sluggers, butt, I am still here, and many of them are not? That should tell you something?

Since I feel sorry for you and your lack of posting gravitas, I will explain to you why Obama the Schoolboy cannot be elected? No need to thank me, it is a natural talent, what can I say?

1) He has a Muslim name, and of all names, Hussein, forget about it, no one wants a Muslim named, President?

2. He has big ears, like Dumbo, that makes him look different and he has a mental thing about those elephant ears, when being photographed, that is all over the net.

3- He has that schoolboy youthful appeatrance, too youthfull to be believable by the Seniors in our community, or most World leaders, who revere age moore.

4. He has another Terrorisa Heinz type outspoken nag wife, who he appears to be afraid of, I saw that that fear in his eyes, on TV.
Darn SF, this joker is convinced you are a leftie, this is pretty funny.

I guess it is the old bush mantra of you are either with me or against me.
Darn SF, this joker is convinced you are a leftie, this is pretty funny.

I guess it is the old bush mantra of you are either with me or against me.

Thank you, I thought my brain cells were failing. I've sort of got SF in my mind as right of center. :clink:
Unfortunately most NU fans who come to Boulder are treated like shit... the whole "we are so special being in Boulder" attitude tends to wear their demeanor thin. Not to mention after twenty years of getting their ass kicked by NU, the attitude in 1990 of CU fans was quite annoying. One good season and they act like they are a traditional powerhouse. Friggin buffs.

HaHa, my sister went to CU during the mid '90's so I know exactly what you are talking about. NU-CU is a big rivalry.
I made the mistake of wearing KC attire to a game in LA. Stupid. I was gone before the first quarter ended. The REALLY stupid part was when I thought it might be different in Oakland. Nope... gone again before the first ended.

yeah, it's pretty much a losing proposition to wear visiting team gear to a Raiders game.
Thank you, I thought my brain cells were failing. I've sort of got SF in my mind as right of center. :clink:

yep not far right but right of center is how I see him as well.
About the same distance off center as I am towards the left.

who on here would truely be in the center ?
Thank you, I thought my brain cells were failing. I've sort of got SF in my mind as right of center. :clink:

On economic issues, without question I am a conservative. On social issues it simply depends upon the specific issues. Some I am to the right, others moderate positions. This RSJ guy is simply some tool. My guess is he/she is some teen looking to get their jollies by attempting to act "intelligent". It could also be a liberal trying to act like their perception of conservatives.

Regardless, it is funny to see the "logic" behind why they don't like Hillary or Obama.
HaHa, my sister went to CU during the mid '90's so I know exactly what you are talking about. NU-CU is a big rivalry.

yeah... it was really funny when they spanked NU a few years ago. All the talk about how the NU tradition of being a powerhouse was over and how CU was the new powerhouse of the north.... blah blah blah... all the more funny now that their program has completely collapsed while NU has begun to rise again.
On economic issues, without question I am a conservative. On social issues it simply depends upon the specific issues. Some I am to the right, others moderate positions. This RSJ guy is simply some tool. My guess is he/she is some teen looking to get their jollies by attempting to act "intelligent". It could also be a liberal trying to act like their perception of conservatives.

Regardless, it is funny to see the "logic" behind why they don't like Hillary or Obama.

It is my intention to post the truth and let you, and all my many readers decide what they want to believe?

Considering all this terror stuff lately, how can any rational voter elect any "Soft On Terror" Democrat to any important Office, forget about it? Yes, I can see some Demos in moore powerless positions of authority? Your going bonkers on a message board is not going to change this?
It is my intention to post the truth and let you, and all my many readers decide what they want to believe?

Considering all this terror stuff lately, how can any rational voter elect any "Soft On Terror" Democrat to any important Office, forget about it? Yes, I can see some Demos in moore powerless positions of authority? Your going bonkers on a message board is not going to change this?

You heard it hear everyone... RSJ is here to post the "truth".... like....

"1) He has a Muslim name, and of all names, Hussein, forget about it, no one wants a Muslim named, President?

2. He has big ears, like Dumbo, that makes him look different and he has a mental thing about those elephant ears, when being photographed, that is all over the net.

3- He has that schoolboy youthful appeatrance, too youthfull to be believable by the Seniors in our community, or most World leaders, who revere age moore.

4. He has another Terrorisa Heinz type outspoken nag wife, who he appears to be afraid of, I saw that that fear in his eyes, on TV."

Learn the "truth" for RSJ has spoken.

You heard it hear everyone... RSJ is here to post the "truth".... like....

"1) He has a Muslim name, and of all names, Hussein, forget about it, no one wants a Muslim named, President?

2. He has big ears, like Dumbo, that makes him look different and he has a mental thing about those elephant ears, when being photographed, that is all over the net.

3- He has that schoolboy youthful appeatrance, too youthfull to be believable by the Seniors in our community, or most World leaders, who revere age moore.

4. He has another Terrorisa Heinz type outspoken nag wife, who he appears to be afraid of, I saw that that fear in his eyes, on TV."

Learn the "truth" for RSJ has spoken.


My readers can see, that you have gone bonkers from the minute I mentioned, Obama the Schoolboy could not be elected? And you are claiming you are not a leftie? I have just proven you to be one.

I am way too smart for you Libs, for moore than five years, now, on different message boards, I have bested/dominated all of you fools, and owned your asses, not that I could get much for them? Thank you.
My readers can see, that you have gone bonkers from the minute I mentioned, Obama the Schoolboy could not be elected? And you are claiming you are not a leftie? I have just proven you to be one.

I am way too smart for you Libs, for moore than five years, now, on different message boards, I have bested/dominated all of you fools, and owned your asses, not that I could get much for them? Thank you.
My readers can see... LOL. This is fantastic.
On the terrorism angle, Yep the "truth" from bush has taken us down the wrong road on our fight against terrorism. time to realize our mistake and change to a more intelligent direction.
On the terrorism angle, Yep the "truth" from bush has taken us down the wrong road on our fight against terrorism. time to realize our mistake and change to a more intelligent direction.

Another desperate attempt to bury my post, by not quoting it? I was for the Iraq war, butt, I am ready to bring our troops home now? Enough is enough, we have given the Iraqis Democracy it is time for them to step up? Butt, we cannot go running, with our arms waiving in the air, screaming for the helecopters not to forget us, wearing white flags, like the French would? We cannot leave our withdrawal to the lefties, who will screw that up, the same way they screw up withdrawal of any kind, and that is why the leftie babes are so worried about abortion being legal, who can blame them?
My readers can see... LOL. This is fantastic.

yeah, it is quite funny... he is a troll supreme... my guess now is that it is a liberal trying to play the part of their version of a "conservative". Or is he/she completely new to the board?

Enquiring minds want to know....
yeah, it is quite funny... he is a troll supreme... my guess now is that it is a liberal trying to play the part of their version of a "conservative". Or is he/she completely new to the board?

Enquiring minds want to know....
Null response.
Another desperate attempt to bury my post, by not quoting it? I was for the Iraq war, butt, I am ready to bring our troops home now? Enough is enough, we have given the Iraqis Democracy it is time for them to step up? Butt, we cannot go running, with our arms waiving in the air, screaming for the helecopters not to forget us, wearing white flags, like the French would? We cannot leave our withdrawal to the lefties, who will screw that up, the same way they screw up withdrawal of any kind, and that is why the leftie babes are so worried about abortion being legal, who can blame them?

Abortion ? lets just bring atheism in as well :D