Goodbye old friend.


Worst gambler ever
We've shared 15,000 beers together, 47,000 cigarettes and about 125 gallons of Jack Daniels.

You came to Cuba, Philly, Atlantic City, Vegas, Denver, Seattle, Hawaii, Cancun, Canada, New Orleans, and Hell with me, always loyal, never faltering.

We had over 4,000 meals together. We explored the netherparts of half a dozen women together, a couple of hundred times.

We enjoyed Cuban Cigars and bongloads of Maui Wowie over whiskey and beers many, many times.

And now you're gone.

Rest in peace.

Tooth #8 - 1999-2007
LOL This is great beefy. I didn't see that coming.

I couldn't even give him a proper resting place on my Puka shell necklace. He was cut to pieces during the removal precess, and I was told I could not have his remains because he was a biohazard.
I couldn't even give him a proper resting place on my Puka shell necklace. He was cut to pieces during the removal precess, and I was told I could not have his remains because he was a biohazard.

LOL. Did it hurt? Do you have your new one in yet? If so, have you been smiling in the mirror all day and admiring your new smile?
LOL. Did it hurt? Do you have your new one in yet? If so, have you been smiling in the mirror all day and admiring your new smile?

Yeah, it hurt pretty good. And the doctor kept going "hmmmmm" as he was working, but in a Russian accent, so it sounded like "hymmm".

I have a temporary until next thursday when I get the crown. The temporary looks just like a chicklet. Its so bright that the rest of my teeth look like lemon chicklets next to it, but its still a vast improvement.
Yeah, it hurt pretty good. And the doctor kept going "hmmmmm" as he was working, but in a Russian accent, so it sounded like "hymmm".

I have a temporary until next thursday when I get the crown. The temporary looks just like a chicklet. Its so bright that the rest of my teeth look like lemon chicklets next to it, but its still a vast improvement.

I hope you played up the pain angle and got a prescription for some vicodon.

Eventually it will blend in with the others. I'm glad you got it done Beefy.
Yeah, it hurt pretty good. And the doctor kept going "hmmmmm" as he was working, but in a Russian accent, so it sounded like "hymmm".

I have a temporary until next thursday when I get the crown. The temporary looks just like a chicklet. Its so bright that the rest of my teeth look like lemon chicklets next to it, but its still a vast improvement.

LOL, 'bio hazzard'? Man, and I was just about to give you a kiss.
LOL, 'bio hazzard'? Man, and I was just about to give you a kiss.

Its okay now, but the old tooth did have an awful lot of miles on him. And I like how you spelled Hazard with two z's. Just like the county on the TV show.
I hope you played up the pain angle and got a prescription for some vicodon.

Eventually it will blend in with the others. I'm glad you got it done Beefy.

I didn't get any vicodins, mainly because I'm largely retarded and didn't ask because I was so relieved to be done. But I might call the office tomorrow and say I was in gargantuan pain and see if I can get some percosets or something.
I didn't get any vicodins, mainly because I'm largely retarded and didn't ask because I was so relieved to be done. But I might call the office tomorrow and say I was in gargantuan pain and see if I can get some percosets or something.

Yeah, you have to call and really lay it on. It's a shame to go through that and not get any good painkillers out of it.
Yeah, you have to call and really lay it on. It's a shame to go through that and not get any good painkillers out of it.

I'll do that tomorrow. My mouth is sore, and vicodins make me happy. Its a win win!
I couldn't even give him a proper resting place on my Puka shell necklace. He was cut to pieces during the removal precess, and I was told I could not have his remains because he was a biohazard.
here I thought it was a falsey. ---A temp?????
Im glad it was your tooth for a second there I thought it was your penis you were talking about.
here I thought it was a falsey. ---A temp?????

It was a false tooth. It was a temporary tooth put in in 1999, I just never bothered to get a permanent crown until now. The old one had turned brown, like a chocolate rolls royce, so I had the little feller put down.
No not really , I thought dog for a second until you got to the "explored the netherparts of half a dozen women together" I thought that was a bit much for even you.
No not really , I thought dog for a second until you got to the "explored the netherparts of half a dozen women together" I thought that was a bit much for even you.

:D You know, there ARE certain things I will not do with my dog.