Adam Weinberg
Goldwater Republican
Well, he's on record as saying George Bush is better than Ron Paul because he believes in more government.
Dang.Well, he's on record as saying George Bush is better than Ron Paul because he believes in more government.
From America .. 0 - 2%
Those polls literally do not matter. The performance on the ground in terms of activism and turn out should speak for themselves that Ron Paul has the strongest volunteer support base and it will translate into a dialogue that will turn a significant number of the Republican base to our side, it is already beginning to happen.
These polls you cite are based on name identification, and if you listen to them, then you're listening to bad information that tells you Rudy Giuliani and John McCain are what traditional Republicans want. Everybody knows McCain has had it, and if you saw Giuliani in debate last night, you'd see that he can't even sway a Republican audience in the Northeast.
Ron Paul, given the capacity of his base, is raising a significant sum of money through grassroots efforts to assure the future of a competitive, efficient campaign in an election where the nomination is wide open.
Watch and wait for the next quarter financial reports at the end of the month and the continued progress of the campaign as the field slims.
You'll certainly find a way to downplay that too, but fortunately, we're not seeking your support. We don't have to convince you, we just have to prove you wrong.
Nope. From, supposedly, likely Republican primary voters.
Where is this "gaining ground" actualized?
He's gone backwards in some polls.
He's not pulling in truckloads of cash, including fron the internet.
He doesn't have thousands and thousands of people greeting him on campaign stops.
Where is this support you speak of?
But none of them are talking about getting rid of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, the CIA, IRS, FEMA, Dept. Labor, Education, Enegry, or all the hard fought for social safety nets in this country.
I find the self-hypnotic trance that his supporters can put themselves in quite interesting. Scientific polls don't matter, only fake ones like web polls and straw polls. A "war chest" of 2.3 million dollars proves a lot of people are sending him money. 600 people at a campaign stop proves America is turned onto his message. None of that is real. Scientific polls have been getting it right or fairly close for a long time. In a presidential race 2.3 mil is peanuts, and some presidential candidates draw as many as 10,000 people.
But none of them are talking about getting rid of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, the CIA, IRS, FEMA, Dept. Labor, Education, Enegry, or all the hard fought for social safety nets in this country. Americans want nationalized health care just like every other industrialized nation on the planet, do you seriously believe they want to eliminate all safety nets?
How dumb is the notion of getting rid of the CIA? .. Mindboggling dumb. That's gotta be one of the dumbest ideas in the history of dumb ideas. Replace it with what? States rights? You mean this nation doesn't need an intelligence service with global reach? The CIA got it right on 9/11, Bush ignored it.
Go back to the gold standard? What other nation still uses the gold standard? Ask the rest of the world why they don't use it .. or why we stopped.
Ron Paul couldn't get a bill passed if his life depended on it. The rest of Congress doesn't respect him. With all the years he's been in Congress he's never chaired a committee or even a sub-committee. They think he's a kook.
Dumb ideas, no socio-ethical responsibility for Americans, vile and disgusting associations, no respect among his peers, and a creep racist history.
Yeah, the usual crowd.
Self-hypnotic trance??? You can do better than this nonsense.
"Scientific polls" have been wrong, widespread, before. Like before, technology is changing the landscape for polling. While these telephone polls are probably closer to reality that the online and straw polls, I believe they are missing an improtant trend, for which if they do not correct, they're accuracy will again be questioned. Further, the poll questions can have an affect on the answer.
Who's drawing 10000?
Hyperbolic fearmongering nonsense.
Because it acted as a check on their inflationary policies.
Who gives a crap? The people that voted us into Iraq, Patriot Act, warrantless searches, etc., these are the basis for your argument from authority?
BS and more BS. On the racist issue, I can only assume you are referring to the debunked fluff about the article he did not write.
Ron Paul is serving his only useful function .. making the republican debates interesting in a goofy sort of way. Beyond that, he's useless.
Perhaps a Paul supporter can explain how he plans to win the republican nomination while at the same time being booed and dispised by republicans.
Polls being wrong are far from the norm. As I said and is clearly supported by evidence is that scientific polls get it right or come close almost all the time.
Your ability to discount this glaringly obvious fact is indicative of that trance-like ability I'm talkig about.
Well thought out response.
Wrong. Because you cannot control hoarding and greed and the price of gold, like any metal, fluctuates.
SEE: Great Depression.
People with brains give a crap. If the man can't get a bill passed and his peers don't respect him, how the fuck is he going to run the country?
You may have the luxury of ignoring what has been conclusively proven, but I do not, nor do millions of Americans. Beyond the "He didn't say that" trance-like ability, I challenge you to deny his associations and participations with vile racist hate groups.
He's despised by the evangelical wing of the party. He plans to win the nomination by appealing to the libertarian wing of the party....Long shot for sure but sometimes you win when you bet on the long shot.
Republicans aren't libertarians in spite of what Neal Boortz has to say. In fact, there aren't enough many libertarians in the whole of America to get him the republican nomination. If that's who he's appealing to, then his poll numbers are about right .. 0-2%.
Republicans aren't libertarians in spite of what Neal Boortz has to say. In fact, there aren't enough many libertarians in the whole of America to get him the republican nomination. If that's who he's appealing to, then his poll numbers are about right .. 0-2%.
He's also attracting a lot of independents, dems, young people and people who just gave up on voting. His numbers will be above 2% and if you care to we can place money on it.
Your ability to construct a strawman and use ad homs are glaringly obvious. I am not discounting anything. My point is, is that there are changes at work in the use of technology (i.e., phones) that might make these polls fail on a widespread as technology changes caused what was considered "scientific polls" to fail before.
No need for much more when your comments were without much merit. Besides that, Adam had already went into to detail about your inaccurate claims as well as I could. There was not any need to repeat his comments.
Hoarding of gold was never a real problem. Greed??? Let's say it's an issue that needs to be addressed by the state, how is that controlled through fiat money? The price of gold fluctuates, so? The price of money fluctuates now.
You think the Great Depression was caused by the gold standard? lol... Care to explain?
Have not heard any of them complaining yet.
Do you understand the division of powers between congress and the President?
You have not proven jackshit. It is clear he did not write the article.
You will have to give some info on what groups to which you are referring.
He's also attracting a lot of independents, dems, young people and people who just gave up on voting. His numbers will be above 2% and if you care to we can place money on it.