GOP member wants bishop ‘added to deportation list’ after Trump prayer service

They do not think they are rabbinical Jews
You are completely not getting this. Samaritans do not agree with the Jews on the whereabouts of the Second Temple, or even the First Temple. Rabbinical Judaism is a reaction to the Jewish Second Temple being destroyed. The Samaritans did not believe the Jewish Second Temple was the Temple that God commanded built. They did not even believe the Jewish First Temple was the Temple that God commanded built.

The word Jewish comes from Kingdom of Judah, which had a political and religious capital at Jerusalem. The Samaritans never were part of the Kingdom of Judah, and predate it. They consider themselves Israelites, with a political capital at Samaria(thus their name to outsiders), and a religious capital at Mount Gerizim. Neither were part of the Kingdom of Judah. Their First and Second Temple was at Mount Gerizim, not Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Depending on the theory you believe, either Samaritans split with Jews 3,000+ years ago, well before Jesus, or Jews just copied Samaritan religious writing.

Same with other Jewish sects that reject the Babylonian fictions.
Samaritans do not believe that King David was ever King of Israel, or that he ever moved the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. That goes back 1,500 years before the Talmud was finalized. They specifically do not believe anything to do with the Kingdom of Judah, Jerusalem, or Jewishness in general. They are not Jewish.

There is only one Torah, the one attributed to Moses.
There is a Samaritan Torah, and a Jewish Torah. The Samaritan Torah makes clear that the Temple is to be built at Mount Gerizim, and has other differences. More interesting, the Samaritan Torah is in Paleo-Hebrew, and uses more primitive language. Almost certainly it is the older Torah.

The Old Testament is based (in part) on the Jewish Torah, and it would appear the Jewish Torah is based on the Samaritan Torah. That being said, the Samaritan Torah is significantly different.

Rabbinical Judaism and it's Oral Torah' are a fiction.
Samaritans would argue that First Temple, and Second Temple Judaism is a complete fiction. Pretty much everything after Moses about Judaism is wrong to them. That would be a major chunk of the Christian Old Testament that they disagree with.

For instance, they would see no point in Jesus driving the money changers out of the [Second] Temple, because they did not believe it was the real Temple. Jews had destroyed the Samaritan Second Temple a hundred years before Jesus.

the average Baptist is more Jewish than any rabbi babbling orthodox nonsense.
The irony is you say this after getting the entire history of the Samaritans wrong.
It's tough for haters, not so tough for people who let go of their hatred, their selfness and their materialism. It's easy for those who believe there is more to existence than what is in front of our noses.
I am not a Christian, but I have some respect for the religion. It is sad that these so called Christians lie about the religion to justify their hatred.
I am not a Christian, but I have some respect for the religion. It is sad that these so called Christians lie about the religion to justify their hatred.
I haven't met a MAGAt who ever acted like a Christian. How could they when they worship an atheist?
You are completely not getting this. Samaritans do not agree with the Jews on the whereabouts of the Second Temple, or even the First Temple. Rabbinical Judaism is a reaction to the Jewish Second Temple being destroyed. The Samaritans did not believe the Jewish Second Temple was the Temple that God commanded built. They did not even believe the Jewish First Temple was the Temple that God commanded built.

The word Jewish comes from Kingdom of Judah, which had a political and religious capital at Jerusalem. The Samaritans never were part of the Kingdom of Judah, and predate it. They consider themselves Israelites, with a political capital at Samaria(thus their name to outsiders), and a religious capital at Mount Gerizim. Neither were part of the Kingdom of Judah. Their First and Second Temple was at Mount Gerizim, not Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Depending on the theory you believe, either Samaritans split with Jews 3,000+ years ago, well before Jesus, or Jews just copied Samaritan religious writing.

Samaritans do not believe that King David was ever King of Israel, or that he ever moved the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. That goes back 1,500 years before the Talmud was finalized. They specifically do not believe anything to do with the Kingdom of Judah, Jerusalem, or Jewishness in general. They are not Jewish.

There is a Samaritan Torah, and a Jewish Torah. The Samaritan Torah makes clear that the Temple is to be built at Mount Gerizim, and has other differences. More interesting, the Samaritan Torah is in Paleo-Hebrew, and uses more primitive language. Almost certainly it is the older Torah.

The Old Testament is based (in part) on the Jewish Torah, and it would appear the Jewish Torah is based on the Samaritan Torah. That being said, the Samaritan Torah is significantly different.

Samaritans would argue that First Temple, and Second Temple Judaism is a complete fiction. Pretty much everything after Moses about Judaism is wrong to them. That would be a major chunk of the Christian Old Testament that they disagree with.

For instance, they would see no point in Jesus driving the money changers out of the [Second] Temple, because they did not believe it was the real Temple. Jews had destroyed the Samaritan Second Temple a hundred years before Jesus.

The irony is you say this after getting the entire history of the Samaritans wrong.

More rubbish, from Orthodox nonsense.
I am not a Christian, but I have some respect for the religion. It is sad that these so called Christians lie about the religion to justify their hatred.

^^^Left wing deviants are always calling everybody else 'haters'; just more parroting they're told to babble. Meanwhile, they burn down police stations and throw fire bombs at Federal buildings and police, support sexually mutilating children, and support vermin like Hamas.
Jews are by definition from the Kingdom of Judah. Samaritans are by definition from the Kingdom of Israel(separate from Judah).

It is the same reason you are not a Mexican.

More rubbish. The vast majority of Jews are from everywhere but Judah. Your Orthodox racist buddies are lying to you. It suits your own bigotry so you parrot whatever they tell you.

I've asked these far left loons if they are willing to house illegals in their homes but no takers yet.

The illegal immigration issue is now a moot issue. Trump is deporting them. Mass deportations .
All those extra bedrooms...and I don't see the Bishop reaching out to offer her Episcopalian based mercy and compassion to anyone...
So much for the ELM movement...;)
She doesn't practice what she preaches... What a surprise....
"I try not to do this in isolation anymore, because I just need more eyes and ears to help me think this through. And so I was with the director of communications at the Cathedral, a dear friend, Kevin Eckstrom. And I said, “What do you think?” He said, “Yeah, yeah, put it in there.” And he himself is a gay man. And I thought, O.K. I wasn’t speaking in the abstract. These are not stick figures in my head, these are real people, my friends’ children. And so I knew what was going to happen, but if I’d just started with “Mr. President, I’d love to talk to you about your positions on immigration,” that wouldn’t have been appropriate.
We are not on our own here. We are not isolated from one another. And there is a force at work in the universe that is ultimately for good which we can tap into and which can empower us. For people of faith, we give that very particular names. But even for people who are not there are ways to describe that sense of empowerment that is bigger than we are and can work through us in ways that astonish us. We can’t control it. We can’t evoke it on command, but it’s real, and we can count on it, and it allows all of us to do extraordinary things. When we do it together, then we can move mountains that seemed immovable before. And I do believe that, and I do believe that is the life of faith, but also you don’t have to be a person of faith to trust that innate human capacity to channel love, goodness, and real strength into our own lives and into the world. ♦".
^^^Left wing deviants are always calling everybody else 'haters'; just more parroting they're told to babble. Meanwhile, they burn down police stations and throw fire bombs at Federal buildings and police, support sexually mutilating children, and support vermin like Hamas.
It's pretty easy to spot haters on JPP, Ms. Edwina. Mostly they post just like you do, ma'am.

I'd ask you why you think @Walt supports burning down public buildings, mutilating children and Hamas, but doubt you'd be able to provide a calm, intelligent reply. Haters gonna hate.