Maybe sissie has been diagnosed with HIV and is just trying to keep his spirits up, by refusing to accept that he may develope AIDS.
Could this have been a result of his "downlow" behavior.
Maybe sissie has been diagnosed with HIV and is just trying to keep his spirits up, by refusing to accept that he may develope AIDS.
Could this have been a result of his "downlow" behavior.
Why is it that every time 3D and Freedumb are bested in an honest debate, they devolve into projecting their homosexual angst onto others?
As the chronology of the posts shows, they just need to grow up.
Oh, and somone tell Freedumb that he needs to stop announcing he's pissed his pants or to stop calling his sister by a pre-schooler's name....I hope Freedumb sees that shrink soon, because I'm sure his family is embarassed enough.
Asshat is anything but a neocon. He's a protectionist, doesn't promote or want the US to remake the world in its image, believes that centralized money systems are evil tools for controlling the lower classes, thinks that a return to an agrarian society is the answer to our ills, wants strong borders...
Everything a neocon is by current definitions, Asshat is not. This is just more evidence that anybody who disagrees with TCL will be called a neocon regardless of what they actually propound.
obama = hitler. It's true. a fascist collusion of government and business to implement a radically knew vision of society, complete with social engineering, increased totalitarianism and intolerance of dissent.
And bush was also = hitler
Please show me where Asshat has endorsed American Hegemony, the recreation of our constitutional government anywhere else, and any of the things that neocons believe in then I'll consider you correct. Until then, disagreement does not equal neocon. It's just laziness.Actually, this is just more evidence of how full of it Damo is.
Let me dumb it down for you, Damo.....Asshat is just that, a joker with his ass in his hat. Like Libertarians, he thinks that a few digressions in political/social ideology will remove the similar stink of neocon ideology as found in the PNAC agenda, or mouthed by various GOP politicos and punditry in the last 9 years.
Bottom line: when you endorse and support the most crucial and heinous policies of a're one of them. And if you digress from the dogma ONLY when it inconveniences your personal space (physical or mental), that makes you a hypocrit.
You talk the talk, you get the label. Your beef with me Damo, is that I've accurately pointed out when YOU have done exactly as I describe here. TFB if you don't like it, because no one put a gun to your head to type neocon dribble on the Asshat so readily and frequently does.
So Damo, either discuss the subject title and the information of the opening posts, or continue to indulge the neocon dodge in personal slams against me. Or you can opt out to post at all, or put me on IA, or thump your chest with some blowhard nonsense. Makes no difference to me, the chronology of the posts will always be the undoing of the forementioned.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Why is it that every time 3D and Freedumb are bested in an honest debate, they devolve into projecting their homosexual angst onto others?
As the chronology of the posts shows, they just need to grow up.
Oh, and somone tell Freedumb that he needs to stop announcing he's pissed his pants or to stop calling his sister by a pre-schooler's name.... I hope Freedumb sees that shrink soon, because I'm sure his family is embarassed enough.
sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie - sissie
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually, this is just more evidence of how full of it Damo is.
Let me dumb it down for you, Damo.....Asshat is just that, a joker with his ass in his hat. Like Libertarians, he thinks that a few digressions in political/social ideology will remove the similar stink of neocon ideology as found in the PNAC agenda, or mouthed by various GOP politicos and punditry in the last 9 years.
Bottom line: when you endorse and support the most crucial and heinous policies of a're one of them. And if you digress from the dogma ONLY when it inconveniences your personal space (physical or mental), that makes you a hypocrit.
You talk the talk, you get the label. Your beef with me Damo, is that I've accurately pointed out when YOU have done exactly as I describe here. TFB if you don't like it, because no one put a gun to your head to type neocon dribble on the Asshat so readily and frequently does.
So Damo, either discuss the subject title and the information of the opening posts, or continue to indulge the neocon dodge in personal slams against me. Or you can opt out to post at all, or put me on IA, or thump your chest with some blowhard nonsense. Makes no difference to me, the chronology of the posts will always be the undoing of the forementioned.
Please show me where Asshat has endorsed American Hegemony, the recreation of our constitutional government anywhere else, and any of the things that neocons believe in then I'll consider you correct. Until then, disagreement does not equal neocon. It's just laziness.
Why is it that every time 3D and Freedumb are bested in an honest debate, they devolve into projecting their homosexual angst onto others?
As the chronology of the posts shows, they just need to grow up.
Oh, and somone tell Freedumb that he needs to stop announcing he's pissed his pants or to stop calling his sister by a pre-schooler's name....I hope Freedumb sees that shrink soon, because I'm sure his family is embarassed enough.
Poor Freedumb....I've kicked his ass one too many times over these 9 years...he's finally cracked!
Let's just walk away from Freedumb quietly folks, and see if there are any real adults out there smart/brave enough to discuss post #1 on this thread.
Gay.Poor Freedumb....I've kissed his ass one too many times over these 9 years...he's finally cracked!![]()
Cite.Southy, "neocon" is short for "new conservative" know, the people you swore were the targets of anti-semetism awhile back.
However, you started in on your lazy "everybody's a neocon" idiocy. Pointing out the flaws in your "argument" is something that is valid in any thread. While your "argument" consists of mentioning nothing salient then calling people neocons you can expect people to point out how very lazy you really are.Please spare me this dodgy bullshit of yours Damo. This thread isn't about Asshat or you, it's about the title subject and the information provided in post #1.
Asshat's post's on this thread are a-typical neocon bullshit, as I described in the thread. READ THE FUCKING POSTS, DAMO. If you are unaware of all his other neocon natterings over the past year, then I suggest you go back and READ them again as well. I really don't give a damn if you accept it or not....the FACT is that neither Asshat and his fellow neocon parrots (or YOU for that matter) can debate the issue at hand....which is the content of Sowell's article and the subsequent lauding of it by a GOP Congressional member and former gov./vp candidate.
Whenever the neocon parrots can't win an argument or refute information that debunks their beliefs, they go on the offensive by personally attacking the poster and/or creating an alternative issue to try and discredit the poster, thus changing the subject entirely.
If you've devolved to the same tactics Damo, then by all means do declare a victory because I didn't go down that avenue with you.![]()
I've rejected his "neocon" premise from his first post. We have yet to get past that. Without it, he has nothing to offer.The man acts like he's so intelligent and what he is is another raging insecure black man screeching at the white world and shouting so loud he hopes it makes him come across intelligent.
He offers this tripe and wonders why we all laugh at him
"Southy, "neocon" is short for "new conservative" know, the people you swore were the targets of anti-semetism awhile back."
As far as the neocon thing goes, there are many who would argue the simplistic version of this moron.
I've rejected his "neocon" premise from his first post. We have yet to get past that. Without it, he has nothing to offer.