The man acts like he's so intelligent and what he is is another raging insecure black man screeching at the white world and shouting so loud he hopes it makes him come across intelligent.
He offers this tripe and wonders why we all laugh at him
"Southy, "neocon" is short for "new conservative" know, the people you swore were the targets of anti-semetism awhile back."
As far as the neocon thing goes, there are many who would argue the simplistic version of this moron.
I find it funny when he goes and refers to "folks", as if he has some kind of following on this board.
I challanged him to list who agrees with him, but he chickened out; because I've only see maybe 2 posters ever agree with him, for maybe 2 times.
Hey, maybe he's into S & M and he just likes getting his ass spanked.