GOP true feelings coming out?

The man acts like he's so intelligent and what he is is another raging insecure black man screeching at the white world and shouting so loud he hopes it makes him come across intelligent.

He offers this tripe and wonders why we all laugh at him

"Southy, "neocon" is short for "new conservative" know, the people you swore were the targets of anti-semetism awhile back."

As far as the neocon thing goes, there are many who would argue the simplistic version of this moron.

I find it funny when he goes and refers to "folks", as if he has some kind of following on this board.
I challanged him to list who agrees with him, but he chickened out; because I've only see maybe 2 posters ever agree with him, for maybe 2 times.

Hey, maybe he's into S & M and he just likes getting his ass spanked.
I find it funny when he goes and refers to "folks", as if he has some kind of following on this board.
I challanged him to list who agrees with him, but he chickened out; because I've only see maybe 2 posters ever agree with him, for maybe 2 times.

Hey, maybe he's into S & M and he just likes getting his ass spanked.

Check out his friend list...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Why is it that every time 3D and Freedumb are bested in an honest debate, they devolve into projecting their homosexual angst onto others?

As the chronology of the posts shows, they just need to grow up.

Oh, and somone tell Freedumb that he needs to stop announcing he's pissed his pants or to stop calling his sister by a pre-schooler's name.... I hope Freedumb sees that shrink soon, because I'm sure his family is embarassed enough.

Did I accuse you of being gay, or did I accuse you of being a fucking idiot? I really can't remember, but I'm sure the answer is buried somewhere in the chronology of posts.

If you "can't remember", then why continue to bray like an ass?

You're such a dishonest, intellectual can't refute or disprove my opening post, so you just go a slam fest.

Let me know when you grow a pair to honestly discuss the opening post of this thread. Later, bunky.
If you "can't remember", then why continue to bray like an ass?

You're such a dishonest, intellectual can't refute or disprove my opening post, so you just go a slam fest.

Let me know when you grow a pair to honestly discuss the opening post of this thread. Later, bunky.

Look, retard, in plain English you said that I called you gay, when I didn't. I'm sure someone else probably did, but I did not, unless you interpret my crack about HIV to be associated with gay jokes.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Please spare me this dodgy bullshit of yours Damo. This thread isn't about Asshat or you, it's about the title subject and the information provided in post #1.

Asshat's post's on this thread are a-typical neocon bullshit, as I described in the thread. READ THE FUCKING POSTS, DAMO. If you are unaware of all his other neocon natterings over the past year, then I suggest you go back and READ them again as well. I really don't give a damn if you accept it or not....the FACT is that neither Asshat and his fellow neocon parrots (or YOU for that matter) can debate the issue at hand....which is the content of Sowell's article and the subsequent lauding of it by a GOP Congressional member and former gov./vp candidate.

Whenever the neocon parrots can't win an argument or refute information that debunks their beliefs, they go on the offensive by personally attacking the poster and/or creating an alternative issue to try and discredit the poster, thus changing the subject entirely.

If you've devolved to the same tactics Damo, then by all means do declare a victory because I didn't go down that avenue with you.

However, you started in on your lazy "everybody's a neocon" idiocy. Pointing out the flaws in your "argument" is something that is valid in any thread. While your "argument" consists of mentioning nothing salient then calling people neocons you can expect people to point out how very lazy you really are.

And there you have it folks....Damo just regurgitates his dodgy bullshit instead of HONESTLY DEALING WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE OPENING POST OF THE TITLE SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD.

My previous responses to Asshat and Damo stand...and Damo just keeps making my case with each repetition of his disproven blatherings. Unless he's got something to say about the subject of this thread, I leave him to grinding his axe.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
If you "can't remember", then why continue to bray like an ass?

You're such a dishonest, intellectual can't refute or disprove my opening post, so you just go a slam fest.

Let me know when you grow a pair to honestly discuss the opening post of this thread. Later, bunky.

Look, retard, in plain English you said that I called you gay, when I didn't. I'm sure someone else probably did, but I did not, unless you interpret my crack about HIV to be associated with gay jokes.

So you've got nothing of worth to add regarding the information in the opening post...instead you just blather on about your dodgy slam fest, and then contradict yourself as to whether you remember or not what you've said in the past.

You're toast.....blather on, bunky.
The "cracked" was the dead giveaway... :palm:

And the Loyal End (of a braying neocon jackass) chimes in on a slam fest......pity she doesn't have the brains or the guts to deal with the information in the opening post of this thread. But as the chronology of the posts shows, none of our resident neocon parrots and grudgeholders do.

Carry on!
The man acts like he's so intelligent and what he is is another raging insecure black man screeching at the white world and shouting so loud he hopes it makes him come across intelligent.

And once again, folks....our little sheet wearing lady rears her ugly head. She can't debate worth a damn and is willfully ignorant, so the Loyal End lashes out in hate of any person who exposes her short comings and debunks her beliefs.

He offers this tripe and wonders why we all laugh at him

And yet to date neither you or any of your compadres have honestly dealt with the information I provided in the opening post. Come, come my little bride of David Duke...surely you have the brains and guts to deal with the FACTS?

"Southy, "neocon" is short for "new conservative" know, the people you swore were the targets of anti-semetism awhile back."

As far as the neocon thing goes, there are many who would argue the simplistic version of this moron.

Then you better hop to and inform various dictionaries that they've got it wrong, my intellectually challenged and bigoted Loyal End. Let me know how long it took them to stop laughing at your stupidity before they schooled you proper. :cof1:
So you've got nothing of worth to add regarding the information in the opening post...instead you just blather on about your dodgy slam fest, and then contradict yourself as to whether you remember or not what you've said in the past.

You're toast.....blather on, bunky.

I was being sarcastic when I said I couldn't remember, because I knew it was obvious, as per the chronology of posts. But yes, I will consider blathering on, as that seems to be the way to go around here...
Did I accuse you of being gay, or did I accuse you of being a fucking idiot? I really can't remember, but I'm sure the answer is buried somewhere in the chronology of posts.
You should link to an unrelated post and claim victory. TCL will be confused by seeing his own tactic in effect, he'll find himself in the untenable position of sounding like Damo...

It would be fun.
And there you have it folks....Damo just regurgitates his dodgy bullshit instead of HONESTLY DEALING WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE OPENING POST OF THE TITLE SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD.

My previous responses to Asshat and Damo stand...and Damo just keeps making my case with each repetition of his disproven blatherings. Unless he's got something to say about the subject of this thread, I leave him to grinding his axe.
Case in point. Your inane posts to Asshat consisted of "You are a neocon."

I pointed out how very wrong you are, explaining point by point where Asshat can't even get close to being considered such an animal. You are closer to "neocon" than Asshat will ever be...
You should link to an unrelated post and claim victory. TCL will be confused by seeing his own tactic in effect, he'll find himself in the untenable position of sounding like Damo...

It would be fun.

What's fun is watching you jackasses do every and anything BUT debate the issue of the subject title and opening thread.

You're such a wussy, get proven wrong in one instance, and then hold a grudge for months on end. Grow the fuck up, man. No one knows who you are on this format from real life.. it won't kill you to admit you're wrong. Jeez, if I do it when warranted, why is it so hard for you?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And there you have it folks....Damo just regurgitates his dodgy bullshit instead of HONESTLY DEALING WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE OPENING POST OF THE TITLE SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD.

My previous responses to Asshat and Damo stand...and Damo just keeps making my case with each repetition of his disproven blatherings. Unless he's got something to say about the subject of this thread, I leave him to grinding his axe.

Case in point. Your inane posts to Asshat consisted of "You are a neocon."

I pointed out how very wrong you are, explaining point by point where Asshat can't even get close to being considered such an animal. You are closer to "neocon" than Asshat will ever be...

We already did that dance, genius......TFB if you don't like the answer, because you sure as hell can't logically disprove it beyond your own opinion, supposition and conjecture.

QUIT YOUR STALLING...IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE BRAINS OR THE GUTS TO DEAL WITH THE INFORMATION IN THE OPENING POST OF THIS THREAD, THEN JUST SAY SO. If you're going to be a wussy and follow me around to grind an axe because you can't get past me in an honest debate, then so much more to pity you.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And there you have it folks....Damo just regurgitates his dodgy bullshit instead of HONESTLY DEALING WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE OPENING POST OF THE TITLE SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD.

My previous responses to Asshat and Damo stand...and Damo just keeps making my case with each repetition of his disproven blatherings. Unless he's got something to say about the subject of this thread, I leave him to grinding his axe.

We already did that dance, genius......TFB if you don't like the answer, because you sure as hell can't logically disprove it beyond your own opinion, supposition and conjecture.

QUIT YOUR STALLING...IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE BRAINS OR THE GUTS TO DEAL WITH THE INFORMATION IN THE OPENING POST OF THIS THREAD, THEN JUST SAY SO. If you're going to be a wussy and follow me around to grind an axe because you can't get past me in an honest debate, then so much more to pity you.
It isn't that I "don't like it", it is that it is factually incorrect. I like to correct people who are this obviously in error so they won't continue to embarrass themselves. However, you just can't stop yourself.

As for the opening post of the thread it was just more attempts at boring "gotcha" politics. I don't care what some Representative that I don't know says, nor Sarah. Neither are representative of the party as a whole.
:palm: The chronology of the posts (arch enemy of neocon numbskulls) shows how Southy altered a post....just another dodge to a slam fest which demonstrates that neocons are too cowardly to deal with the FACTS of the opening post of this thread.
How ironic, your continued use of the "neocon" bogeyman.

It isn't that I "don't like it", it is that it is factually incorrect. I like to correct people who are this obviously in error so they won't continue to embarrass themselves. However, you just can't stop yourself.

Stop lying, as the chronology of the posts shows, I DIRECTLY responded to a post Asshat made, and pointed out that it was a collection of neocon talking points and mantras found in the punditry since 2000 to present. If you think otherwise, that's your business, because you sure as hell can't prove otherwise. Like I said, this isn't about Asshat or you, it's about the subject title of this thread, and the clownish attempts by those to avoid that discussion. YOU seem to fit the bill by your own actions, so don't get pissed at me.

As for the opening post of the thread it was just more attempts at boring "gotcha" politics. I don't care what some Representative that I don't know says, nor Sarah. Neither are representative of the party as a whole.

NOW WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE! Okay, your statement that you could care less what Palin says is valid...she's just a check cashing political clown like Limbaugh and Hannity at this point.

BUT, YOU are now stating that it's no big deal that a GOP congressman goes on the floor to regurgitate and applaud an article by a neocon think tank hack that accuses the President of pseudo-Nazi agendas, and that is of no consequence to you.

You say neither are representatives of th party as a whole, YET TO DATE THERE IS NO DENUNCIATION OR REFUTATION BY THE PARTY SPOKES PEOPLE. But the GOP sure as hell will take any support in the way of funding and votes that Palin can drum up on the talk circuit, along with the Congressman.

That is the problem, Damo. It's like the Teabaggers swearing that they don't endorse all the heinous crap that shows up at their rallies...yet they do NOTHING to prevent a recurrence or denounce vehmenetly these people.

So the query stands....are the GOP's true feelings coming out?