GOP true feelings coming out?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

Here folks, is what our intellectual coward Damo AVOIDS:

No shit, sherlock. And when the PARTY gives financial support to an individual candidate that spews hate filled rubbish, then the party is responsible....or you have a new definition for belonging to a political party? Case in point: Many people stopped voting for the Dem party because it refused to dump Joe Lieberman, and GOP'ers momentarily became "independents" in order TO vote for him. Are you going to deny this? Or are you going to try and BS around it?

Grow up, Damo....these cheesy little tricks of yours are painfully obvious in the chronology of the posts...and make you all the more foolish in your insipid stubborness.

Belonging to a political party means access to funding for your campaign, endorsements, etc. Like it or not, people are partisan, vote party loyalty, etc. Your original statement was WRONG. Deal with it.
Do you actually believe that the "folks" on this board, are going to consider you to be more honest or logical then Damo.

You're a delusional basement dweller, who's only assest to society is the fact that you don't willingly associate or have contact with much of it.

Here he is again date Freedumb has avoided discussion of the opening post of this thread, only to throw one personal slam after another.

But Freedumb has stated over the years that NO ONE is interested in my posts, and that they are not worth responding to.

Except by Freedumb....for nearly a decade...spitting venom and frustration. I wonder if he's even aware of his self contradiction with each of his Freely Dumb posts? :cof1:
Here he is again date Freedumb has avoided discussion of the opening post of this thread, only to throw one personal slam after another.

But Freedumb has stated over the years that NO ONE is interested in my posts, and that they are not worth responding to.

Except by Freedumb....for nearly a decade...spitting venom and frustration. I wonder if he's even aware of his self contradiction with each of his Freely Dumb posts? :cof1:

Tell you what sissie; why don't you pay attention and come to the realization that you are an amusement and nothing more.

You try to act like other posters are agreeing with you, when it's a fact that the "folks" on the last two boards you've been on consider you a pathetic joke.

You're an ass, a buffoon, the villiage idiot, tolerated only because you're amusing.

You're nothing but a momma's boy, who still lives at home, and we are your only social contact.

If you really think you have that much support, then have them type a post showing their support for you; because I doubt you'll have more then 4 or 5 and the majority of those will only do so, in order to irritate some of the other posters.

Now go ahead and return to spewing your asinine diatribe that is ignored by most and only scanned by the rest.
And as all the other intellectually stunted neocon clowns, when faced with logically and factually being wrong you just pile on the SOS.

You're done here, Damo. You can state otherwise, repeat your previous BS, have a maudlin squawk with the other parrots, whatever helps you sleep at night....but evidently the GOP's true feelings are coming out...and jokers like you are making every lame excuse in the book for it.

First it was the asshole who screams "lie" at a Presidential address, now this. Read the PNAC agenda if it's still available, folks. The masks are coming off.

LOL... No matter how much you try to twist and spin it into your own insane definition, the reality is two people are not the party and what they say are just their own opinion, not "the party"...

It's like trying to say that Jessie Jackson speaks for all Democrats and that their "true feelings are coming out"... He's famous and makes speeches, he's even run for President under the "D" umbrella... It's just silly inanity, and it's fun. I hope you continue to post it because it entertains me that you get so upset when I ignore it.

Or when Brown (D) of Florida in Congress says that she thinks all Mexicans and white people "look alike to her"... we should just assume that's the "true feelings" of the Democratic Party because the Party "supports" her...

You are a nut, but you are our nut and I like that about you.
You know Southy's got nothing but frustration and venom when he starts using such gems as "libtard".

The little coward STILL can't deal with the FACTS of the opening post on this he creates some lame excuse. Someone clue Southy in that his ploy couldn't get past an 8th grader.
Actually Libby, I've rejected the premise of your argument- the neocon bogeyman- within a week of your first post here. The "chronology of the posts" is again your undoing. :)
Yes, I prefer to define liberalism correctly as an economic philosophy that is not frequently supported by leftists.

lib·er·al·ism (lbr--lzm, lbr-)
1. The state or quality of being liberal.
a. A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.
b. often Liberalism The tenets or policies of a Liberal party.
3. An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.
4. Liberalism
a. A 19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, and de-emphasized dogmatic theology.
b. A 19th-century Roman Catholic movement that favored political democracy and ecclesiastical reform but was theologically orthodox."

Leftist [ˈlɛftɪst]
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) of, tending towards, or relating to the political left or its principles
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person who supports or belongs to the political left
leftism n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Corporate interests have always tried to put a negative connotation on the term liberal-leftist because liberals and leftists have always had to fight for their fair share of the profits. I agree the term liberal has economic implications. You gotta understand that liberals are capitalists too.

I also understand that in your world... Liberals = Leftists = Socialists = Nazi = Fascist = Communinst = Satan
Why don't leftists just create their own profits, instead of trying to mooch off of a share of someone else's?

Because we still believe in American society.

Why doesn't the party of NO! get the fuck out of the way and let us get the money flowing again in small and medium size business? I'm not talking about unemployment benefits or welfare, I mean tariffs on communist goods, jail anyone hiring illegals and start protecting American goods and labor again. Your side is dragging their feet on everything because profits are up for their multi-national corporations and labor is cheap. The objective of your party is to conserve profits for the top 5% , socialize losses and drive labor into poverty. 30 years of conservative principals come to fruition in 2010. I think Washington and Jefferson roll in their graves when they see the international corporate influence on our govt. sponsored by the Republicons.
idiot neocon/libertarians now believe enforcing the border is socialism. That's how batshit crazy they have gone.


That is a sweet image, but Asshate is referencing his debates with RStringfield who feels that attacking illegal immigration is an appeal to socialism, because defense of common land and borders is somehow a collectivist attitude.

Asshate takes this argument, because he is a dishonest hack and a moron who believes in the illuminati, et. al., and applies it to all libertarians in hopes of creating a strawman to burn the otherwise indestructible libertarian philosophy down with.
Tell you what sissie; why don't you pay attention and come to the realization that you are an amusement and nothing more.

You try to act like other posters are agreeing with you, when it's a fact that the "folks" on the last two boards you've been on consider you a pathetic joke.

You're an ass, a buffoon, the villiage idiot, tolerated only because you're amusing.

You're nothing but a momma's boy, who still lives at home, and we are your only social contact.

If you really think you have that much support, then have them type a post showing their support for you; because I doubt you'll have more then 4 or 5 and the majority of those will only do so, in order to irritate some of the other posters.

Now go ahead and return to spewing your asinine diatribe that is ignored by most and only scanned by the rest.

And here he is again, folks.....the blithering jackass that is Freely Dumb enough to think envoking 9/11 as a screen name validates his 10 years of intellectual cowardice, his bigotry and willful stupidity as he blindly defends those that economically screw him over and laugh behind his Freely Dumb back.

A Congressional member of the Repbublican quotes on the House floor an article by a neocon think tank pundit that says the President's administration is akin to Nazism. The neocon/GOP/teabagger darling Sarah Palin echoes the sentiments.

Where's the outrage of the Republican party refuting these notions? So far, no big deal....and since all Freedumb can do is tell us that he's either pissed his pants, can't spell or has arrested development regarding his sister, it's all good with him. And since NONE of the neocon numbskulls and anti-Obama folk posting on this thread are addressing the can only assume that the GOP's true feelings are indeed coming out.

But hey, Freedumb keeps coming back to tell us all that my posts aren't worth he keeps reading them...for about ten years now.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And as all the other intellectually stunted neocon clowns, when faced with logically and factually being wrong you just pile on the SOS.

You're done here, Damo. You can state otherwise, repeat your previous BS, have a maudlin squawk with the other parrots, whatever helps you sleep at night....but evidently the GOP's true feelings are coming out...and jokers like you are making every lame excuse in the book for it.

First it was the asshole who screams "lie" at a Presidential address, now this. Read the PNAC agenda if it's still available, folks. The masks are coming off.


LOL... No matter how much you try to twist and spin it into your own insane definition, the reality is two people are not the party and what they say are just their own opinion, not "the party"...

So where's the condemnation of the jackass in the opening thread by the GOP hierarchy, Damo? Or are you such a lying POS that you're going to tell us all that political party members are NOT held accountable on any level to the PARTY THEY REPRESENT.

It's like trying to say that Jessie Jackson speaks for all Democrats and that their "true feelings are coming out"... He's famous and makes speeches, he's even run for President under the "D" umbrella... It's just silly inanity, and it's fun. I hope you continue to post it because it entertains me that you get so upset when I ignore it.

Is Jackson a Congressmen? Senator? Representative IN STANDING WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY?


So like the neocon blowhard that you truly are, leap the neocons philosophical mortal enemy...Jesse Jackson. Unfortunately, your little whine has NOTHING to do with the information presentedin the opening post of this thread.

Or when Brown (D) of Florida in Congress says that she thinks all Mexicans and white people "look alike to her"... we should just assume that's the "true feelings" of the Democratic Party because the Party "supports" her...

You are a nut, but you are our nut and I like that about you.

It took you THIS LONG to bring out Brown (6 years old now)....and had you done your research properly, you'd have noted that a fellow Dem had called for her resignation, which prompted her public apology.

Has the same been done via the GOP with the current situation I mentioned?


Between you and me, Brown and all those on both sides of the political fence that make these mind fart revelations get away too easy with the apologies.

But it seems the GOP is currently not in an apologizing mood.

As a typical neocon, Damo, you see a nut on the ground and ignore the oak that overshadows you. Carry on, chuckles.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You know Southy's got nothing but frustration and venom when he starts using such gems as "libtard".

The little coward STILL can't deal with the FACTS of the opening post on this he creates some lame excuse. Someone clue Southy in that his ploy couldn't get past an 8th grader.

Actually Libby, I've rejected the premise of your argument- the neocon bogeyman- within a week of your first post here. The "chronology of the posts" is again your undoing. :)

You haven't said one thing that refers to what Ghomert did, or Palin for that matter, in reference to what they said regarding the absurd Sowell article.

All you've done is the typical BS dodge...and the chronology of the posts shows it.

Next time you try to mimic someone, you dumb Southern Man, make sure there is no record that demonstrates in no uncertain terms what a lying Southern Man you are. :palm:
Why don't leftists just create their own profits, instead of trying to mooch off of a share of someone else's?

Why don't you grow up and deal with what's exposed in the opening post of this thread instead of throwing out these lame ass 3rd dimensional neocon dodges?
Because we still believe in American society.

Why doesn't the party of NO! get the fuck out of the way and let us get the money flowing again in small and medium size business? I'm not talking about unemployment benefits or welfare, I mean tariffs on communist goods, jail anyone hiring illegals and start protecting American goods and labor again. Your side is dragging their feet on everything because profits are up for their multi-national corporations and labor is cheap. The objective of your party is to conserve profits for the top 5% , socialize losses and drive labor into poverty. 30 years of conservative principals come to fruition in 2010. I think Washington and Jefferson roll in their graves when they see the international corporate influence on our govt. sponsored by the Republicons.

So, American society means stealing wealth from other people instead of trying to produce your own? That's what American society means to you?

Getting the fuck out of the way would mean, less regulation and taxation of businesses, which is what leftists and populists alike do not believe in. Small businesses have to deal with a crapload of regulations that hurt them immensely, but rather than address that, you tear into corporations instead, as if that will help small businesses one iota. Obviously, you are more interested in enacting vengeance on corporations whom you are envious of, rather than helping anyone. Protectionism is a completely idiotic idea, because not only will it kill American exports, but by driving up the cost of virtually everything imaginable, all it does is force Americans to pay much more money for goods and services than they are able or willing to pay. Most of those evil rich people that you are jealous of do not shop at Wal-Mart because they can afford not to, but people who have to live on a budget often cannot afford to shop elsewhere. Thanks for trying to help them, though.

Lastly, Washington and Jefferson agreed on virtually nothing. Washington was an entrepreneur who supported the Federalist plan for market reform and industrial growth. He supported tariffs at a time when American industry was in its infancy. Jefferson was a lazy, hypocritical, although highly educated and gifted personality. He had nothing to contribute to American economics, and was constantly living in a state of obscene debt. But, yes, he would have defintely opposed corporations on principle (and little else).
And here he is again, folks.....the blithering jackass that is Freely Dumb enough to think envoking 9/11 as a screen name validates his 10 years of intellectual cowardice, his bigotry and willful stupidity as he blindly defends those that economically screw him over and laugh behind his Freely Dumb back.

A Congressional member of the Repbublican quotes on the House floor an article by a neocon think tank pundit that says the President's administration is akin to Nazism. The neocon/GOP/teabagger darling Sarah Palin echoes the sentiments.

Where's the outrage of the Republican party refuting these notions? So far, no big deal....and since all Freedumb can do is tell us that he's either pissed his pants, can't spell or has arrested development regarding his sister, it's all good with him. And since NONE of the neocon numbskulls and anti-Obama folk posting on this thread are addressing the can only assume that the GOP's true feelings are indeed coming out.

But hey, Freedumb keeps coming back to tell us all that my posts aren't worth he keeps reading them...for about ten years now.

Poor, poor, sissie.
See folks; he's spent so much time in the basement, that now he is unable to understand even the simplest explanations.

When he sees people pointing and laughing, he looks behind himself and then becomes confused; because he doesn't see who they MUST be mocking.

You're a joke, sissie; but at least you're our joke and we can laugh at you, when we want to.
You haven't said one thing that refers to what Ghomert did, or Palin for that matter, in reference to what they said regarding the absurd Sowell article.

All you've done is the typical BS dodge...and the chronology of the posts shows it.

Next time you try to mimic someone, you dumb Southern Man, make sure there is no record that demonstrates in no uncertain terms what a lying Southern Man you are. :palm:
It took you THIS LONG to bring out Brown (6 years old now)....and had you done your research properly, you'd have noted that a fellow Dem had called for her resignation, which prompted her public apology.

Has the same been done via the GOP with the current situation I mentioned?


Between you and me, Brown and all those on both sides of the political fence that make these mind fart revelations get away too easy with the apologies.

But it seems the GOP is currently not in an apologizing mood.

As a typical neocon, Damo, you see a nut on the ground and ignore the oak that overshadows you. Carry on, chuckles.
LOL. Again, I'm not arguing in "defense" of these people I am pointing out that even in the D Party individuals are not the party, even if TCL wants desperately to believe it is so. Sitting around attempting "gotcha" is stupid, there are zillions of examples of this in both parties, individuals are not the party even when they say something that TCL thinks is "outrageous"...