Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Here folks, is what our intellectual coward Damo AVOIDS:
No shit, sherlock. And when the PARTY gives financial support to an individual candidate that spews hate filled rubbish, then the party is responsible....or you have a new definition for belonging to a political party? Case in point: Many people stopped voting for the Dem party because it refused to dump Joe Lieberman, and GOP'ers momentarily became "independents" in order TO vote for him. Are you going to deny this? Or are you going to try and BS around it?
Grow up, Damo....these cheesy little tricks of yours are painfully obvious in the chronology of the posts...and make you all the more foolish in your insipid stubborness.
Belonging to a political party means access to funding for your campaign, endorsements, etc. Like it or not, people are partisan, vote party loyalty, etc. Your original statement was WRONG. Deal with it.
Do you actually believe that the "folks" on this board, are going to consider you to be more honest or logical then Damo.
You're a delusional basement dweller, who's only assest to society is the fact that you don't willingly associate or have contact with much of it.
Here he is again folks.....to date Freedumb has avoided discussion of the opening post of this thread, only to throw one personal slam after another.
But Freedumb has stated over the years that NO ONE is interested in my posts, and that they are not worth responding to.
Except by Freedumb....for nearly a decade...spitting venom and frustration. I wonder if he's even aware of his self contradiction with each of his Freely Dumb posts?