Loyal to the end
Race baiting?Isn't it telling folks, how certain Southy and the Loyal End resort to the smug race baiting tactics when they can't logically or factually prove the opening post wrong here?
Race baiting?Isn't it telling folks, how certain Southy and the Loyal End resort to the smug race baiting tactics when they can't logically or factually prove the opening post wrong here?
Race baiting?
Off topic and incorrect....as to be expected from the witless 3D.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Off topic and incorrect....as to be expected from the witless 3D.
Its off topic, but its actually correct. LOLZ, neocon retard.
I wasn't aware that speech impediments were a racial slur, or baiting.
I mean I could have said something like: Too much ingestion of watermelon!
Now THAT would be race baiting!![]()
You shouldn't laugh at yourself, 3D....I suggest you see that therapist ASAP.
Seems the GOP's true feelings are indeed coming out...and dopey little neocon lapdogs with delusions of intelligence try in vain to blow smoke about the evidence.
Laugh, my clownish ThreeDee, laugh!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You shouldn't laugh at yourself, 3D....I suggest you see that therapist ASAP.
Seems the GOP's true feelings are indeed coming out...and dopey little neocon lapdogs with delusions of intelligence try in vain to blow smoke about the evidence.
Laugh, my clownish ThreeDee, laugh!
HIV does equal AIDS you neocon retard. LOLZ
Grow the fuck up, Damo. All you're doing is just parroting the same disproven BULLSHIT you started with. YOU CANNOT LOGICALLY OR FACTUALLY PROVE ME WRONG HERE. So instead, you just keep whining about your opinion as if it takes precedent over the facts. Your examples were taken to task via documentation that supports my assertions and disproves your contentions. That you try to ignore it, deny it is irrelevent.
But do continue to bray like a stubborn ass, Damo. Because as the chronology of the posts shows, the facts will always be your undoing. I leave you to have the last, predictable word.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Grow the fuck up, Damo. All you're doing is just parroting the same disproven BULLSHIT you started with. YOU CANNOT LOGICALLY OR FACTUALLY PROVE ME WRONG HERE. So instead, you just keep whining about your opinion as if it takes precedent over the facts. Your examples were taken to task via documentation that supports my assertions and disproves your contentions. That you try to ignore it, deny it is irrelevent.
But do continue to bray like a stubborn ass, Damo. Because as the chronology of the posts shows, the facts will always be your undoing. I leave you to have the last, predictable word.
BOY; you're in trouble now, Damo.
He used "LOGICALLY", "FACTUALLY", and "CHRONOLOGY" all in the same post.
He also then used his new catch phrase of "BRAYING" to denounce you.![]()
Folks, this jackass that disgraces the memory of 9/11 in his screen name has stated time and again that my posts and threads are not worth reading or responding to, and no one reads them. Yet after I initially made a fool of him 10 years ago, our Freely dumb bunny STILL shows up to throw rocks at me at every turn...hence his earned nickname "Freedumb".
Seems the GOP's true feelings are indeed coming out, as their stalwart defenders here can only sputter and fume in vain protest. Like Damo, I leave him to have the last, predictable word,
See how demented he is folks. He makes up nonfactual and illogical bits of information and then tries to present it in such a way that it maks him appear to at least have the smallest bit of intelligence.
He is to be pitied, folks, and tolerated as one would tolerate the neighbors mentally challanged child.
He blusters and tries to bluff his way though the majority of the posts; but anyone with cognitive thought can see how nonessential he is.
As you folks pass him by, please drop a dime in his tin cup and pat him on his pointy little cranium.
And all Freedumb has to do is factually disprove the valid documentation and the source of the material in Post #1 of this thread, then his little rant here would have some substance.
But as you will see, ladies and gentlemen, he won't be able to. Thus Freedumb is left to vainly deny his dishonesty in lieu of the chronology of the posts (yeah, Freedumb and others hate that phrase....truth is like sunlight to a vampire for Freedumb).
Buh-bye, chump.
BOY; you're in trouble now, Damo.
He used "LOGICALLY", "FACTUALLY", and "CHRONOLOGY" all in the same post.
He also then used his new catch phrase of "BRAYING" to denounce you.![]()
Folks, this jackass that disgraces the memory of 9/11 in his screen name has stated time and again that my posts and threads are not worth reading or responding to, and no one reads them. Yet after I initially made a fool of him 10 years ago, our Freely dumb bunny STILL shows up to throw rocks at me at every turn...hence his earned nickname "Freedumb".
Seems the GOP's true feelings are indeed coming out, as their stalwart defenders here can only sputter and fume in vain protest. Like Damo, I leave him to have the last, predictable word,
See how demented he is folks. He makes up nonfactual and illogical bits of information and then tries to present it in such a way that it maks him appear to at least have the smallest bit of intelligence.
He is to be pitied, folks, and tolerated as one would tolerate the neighbors mentally challanged child.
He blusters and tries to bluff his way though the majority of the posts; but anyone with cognitive thought can see how nonessential he is.
As you folks pass him by, please drop a dime in his tin cup and pat him on his pointy little cranium.
And all Freedumb has to do is factually disprove the valid documentation and the source of the material in Post #1 of this thread, then his little rant here would have some substance.
But as you will see, ladies and gentlemen, he won't be able to. Thus Freedumb is left to vainly deny his dishonesty in lieu of the chronology of the posts (yeah, Freedumb and others hate that phrase....truth is like sunlight to a vampire for Freedumb).
Buh-bye, chump.
See how demented he is folks. He makes up nonfactual and illogical bits of information and then tries to present it in such a way that it maks him appear to at least have the smallest bit of intelligence.
He is to be pitied, folks, and tolerated as one would tolerate the neighbors mentally challanged child.
He blusters and tries to bluff his way though the majority of the posts; but anyone with cognitive thought can see how nonessential he is.
As you folks pass him by, please drop a dime in his tin cup and pat him on his pointy little cranium.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And all Freedumb has to do is factually disprove the valid documentation and the source of the material in Post #1 of this thread, then his little rant here would have some substance.
But as you will see, ladies and gentlemen, he won't be able to. Thus Freedumb is left to vainly deny his dishonesty in lieu of the chronology of the posts (yeah, Freedumb and others hate that phrase....truth is like sunlight to a vampire for Freedumb).
Buh-bye, chump.
Don't forget your change, Taicheeze!
Tip the organ grinder. He's doing all the work and Whinny is just dancing!
Don't you get tired of being the lapdog bitch for every neocon numbskull on these boards, you Loyal End? I mean, if my exposing you for the moronic racist little bitch that you are was so traumatic that you're carrying such a grudge, maybe you should see a therapist? Oh well, carry on.
As usual, our Third Dimensional neocon numbskull cannot logically or factually disprove that the Gop's true feelings are indeed coming out...as my examples show.
So instead he deludes himself with the "look, I got him to respond" ploy.....Wake up, 3D....that stuff didn't fly for your boy Freedumb for a decade.....you just look 3D stupid being Freedumb's lapdog.
I leave you to your expected smoke screen.