GOP wants law to define when fetuses feel pain


JPP Modarater

While they still can, House Republicans are looking at scheduling a vote next week on a fetal pain abortion bill in a parting shot at incoming majority Democrats and a last bid for loyalty from the GOP's base of social conservatives.

don't let the door hit you in @$$ on your way out anti-choicers! :cool: :clink: :tongout:
This is a 'No Brainer"

While they still can, House Republicans are looking at scheduling a vote next week on a fetal pain abortion bill in a parting shot at incoming majority Democrats and a last bid for loyalty from the GOP's base of social conservatives.

don't let the door hit you in @$$ on your way out anti-choicers! :cool: :clink: :tongout:

It starts when the brain has developed..please ole' Medical Doctor...what tri-mester is this?

Addendum: Pro Choice people are sick puppies...example My youngest daughter gave into temptation at sixteen...her Mom said abort...her G'ma on moms side said go adoption...I told my daughter to face her mistake...she did...and I am proud to say my youngest finished her education and is now a sales rep for a major book outlet...My GD is a 3.5 gpa student,cute,popular and has real goals in life...needless to say the marriage ended in divorce... thanks to my daughters and GD's pro-life go blow mo' smoke...weak knee morons(stolen fro Maine)..;)
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Well, I'm glad it worked out for you and your family. Its fortunate when young women have the support they need in situations like this. However, that is not always the case and it is not up to you or anyone else to dictate what they should do with their bodies.

Anti-Choice people are sick puppies. Governments should not have domininion over your body.

Well, I'm glad it worked out for you and your family. Its fortunate when young women have the support they need in situations like this. However, that is not always the case and it is not up to you or anyone else to dictate what they should do with their bodies.

Anti-Choice people are sick puppies. Governments should not have domininion over your body.

I dedicate..."Sealed with a kiss" to you and yours...grow up babe...ya "f"d up...sorry bout that!
Right now....

Listening to"Only love can break a heart" food for thought for y'all pro choice people...oldies rock!
Dedicated too...

all the pro-choice people..."It's only make believe" calling out from the womb for those who can't!
"It's just a matter of time" wake up pro-choice people!
Did someone say something or was that just the wind whistling through an anti-abortion wingnut's ears?

I've been hearing the exact same tired arguments from you lot for over thirty years. It's been a dozen years at least -- and that's being generous -- since I heard anything original at all from out there in right field. You're wrong, you're always gonna be wrong and your mommas still dress y'all funny.

Now, go tilt at a different windmill. This one's busy cleaning up behind a leaky levee.

Did someone say something or was that just the wind whistling through an anti-abortion wingnut's ears?

I've been hearing the exact same tired arguments from you lot for over thirty years. It's been a dozen years at least -- and that's being generous -- since I heard anything original at all from out there in right field. You're wrong, you're always gonna be wrong and your mommas still dress y'all funny.

Now, go tilt at a different windmill. This one's busy cleaning up behind a leaky levee.

Just because I don't believe in punishing a baby...for the mom & dads lustful ways I am wrong...go figure...moron(Stolen from maineman)
Did someone say something or was that just the wind whistling through an anti-abortion wingnut's ears?

I've been hearing the exact same tired arguments from you lot for over thirty years. It's been a dozen years at least -- and that's being generous -- since I heard anything original at all from out there in right field. You're wrong, you're always gonna be wrong and your mommas still dress y'all funny.

Now, go tilt at a different windmill. This one's busy cleaning up behind a leaky levee.

You can't honestly believe there has been anything original from a choicers mouth in that time either. Nothing but lies about what a baby is. So, what makes you any better?


You can't honestly believe there has been anything original from a choicers mouth in that time either. Nothing but lies about what a baby is. So, what makes you any better?


Thank you lets hear from the Baby killers point of view...or not!
Are you angry...

Did someone say something or was that just the wind whistling through an anti-abortion wingnut's ears?

I've been hearing the exact same tired arguments from you lot for over thirty years. It's been a dozen years at least -- and that's being generous -- since I heard anything original at all from out there in right field. You're wrong, you're always gonna be wrong and your mommas still dress y'all funny.

Now, go tilt at a different windmill. This one's busy cleaning up behind a leaky levee.

Because yo' moma threw away the baby and kept the afterbirth....look in the mirror...fool!

Addendum: and by the way...go play with your pee pee in the tee pee...after all thats all you are good for...God gave us the 'orgasim' as a reward for pro-creation...but thats okay you and yours have taken advantage of a gift! How do you even look at yourself in the mirror?
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Because yo' moma threw away the baby and kept the afterbirth....look in the mirror...fool!

Addendum: and by the way...go play with your pee pee in the tee pee...after all thats all you are good for...God gave us the 'orgasim' as a reward for pro-creation...but thats okay you and yours have taken advantage of a gift! How do you even look at yourself in the mirror?
Your god didn't give me a thing. Your god is nothing but a collection of self-cntradictory stories designed to frighten small children and believed only by idjits and trailor trash.

I literally wouldn't give a shit for what you believe God wants. Excrement is too useful for something so trivial.

Save your paternalistic impulses for your own children. There's no need to make other people suffer for your emotional problems.
Well, I'm glad it worked out for you and your family. Its fortunate when young women have the support they need in situations like this. However, that is not always the case and it is not up to you or anyone else to dictate what they should do with their bodies.

Anti-Choice people are sick puppies. Governments should not have domininion over your body.

Shut up tiana.

Listen, I am mostly pro-choice now for a few reasons:

1) In The early stages of pregnancy the fetus is clearly not a person.
2) Most of the people that have abortions are poor trash so when they get abortions it actually keeps the welfare baby population down.

But, sorry, there is a time in pregnancy where the BABY is not just a ball of cells anymore, where it has cognitive abilities, where it can feel pain, and where it is a baby, and person.

Despite your rhetoric, most people who are pro-life are not out to control you for jesus, but because they, like normal people believe that killing a person is wrong.

Lastly, there are two bodies in this equation, not one. It's the body inside of yours that they are concerned about. It is a SEPARATE entity.
Shut up tiana......
Despite your rhetoric, most people who are pro-life are not out to control you for jesus, but because they, like normal people believe that killing a person is wrong.

Lastly, there are two bodies in this equation, not one. It's the body inside of yours that they are concerned about. It is a SEPARATE entity.

Actually, you can shut the fuck up Grind. Did I say anything about Jesus or imply any religious undertone to the entire conversation?

Exactly - I didn't. Forcing a person to be pregnant against their wishes is immoral or forcing anyone to do anything with their bodies they don't want to do is immoral. Period.

And please spare me your sanctimonius speeches about "life" and you're innate compassion. You've shown on several occassions you don't give two shits about people's lives so don't expect me to buy that you really care about a fetus that hasn't even been born yet.

Some of our favorite Grind quotes:

"I'll go on record right now saying that I truly don't care how many iraqi's die, not in the slightest, but that's just me of course. "

"Like I said, you deserve to die, if you fail to stop with guns pointed at you. "

""anyone that feels what you make is yours, and that if it means homeless people and old people have to go get jobs or die... that's fine..raise your hand"

When I raised my hand"

Grind in response to the indiscriminate killing of 100M people:

"I sure wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Their lives are worthless to me. "


Actually, you can shut the fuck up Grind. Did I say anything about Jesus or imply any religious undertone to the entire conversation?

Exactly - I didn't. Forcing a person to be pregnant against their wishes is immoral or forcing anyone to do anything with their bodies they don't want to do is immoral. Period.

And please spare me your sanctimonius speeches about "life" and you're innate compassion. You've shown on several occassions you don't give two shits about people's lives so don't expect me to buy that you really care about a fetus that hasn't even been born yet.

Some of our favorite Grind quotes:

"I'll go on record right now saying that I truly don't care how many iraqi's die, not in the slightest, but that's just me of course. "

"Like I said, you deserve to die, if you fail to stop with guns pointed at you. "

""anyone that feels what you make is yours, and that if it means homeless people and old people have to go get jobs or die... that's fine..raise your hand"

When I raised my hand"

Grind in response to the indiscriminate killing of 100M people:

"I sure wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Their lives are worthless to me. "


If you were 'Forced' to spread your legs then ya were raped...if ya spread willingly and used no protection...well then ya are guilty of murder if ya decide to abort so ya can continue life as usual..big difference babe!