GOP wants law to define when fetuses feel pain

If you were 'Forced' to spread your legs then ya were raped...if ya spread willingly and used no protection...well then ya are guilty of murder if ya decide to abort so ya can continue life as usual..big difference babe!


I agree!

Abortion IS murder, like you say.

When we overturn Roe, What should the republican party make the criminal penalty for women who get abortions?

-manslaugher - 6 to 12 years?


-first degree murder - 25 to life?

Me, I'm leaning towards first degree murder, because its OBVIOUSLY a premeditated murder.

What say you? It's murder, like you say. What should the criminal penalty be?

BB: "if ya spread willingly and used no protection...well then ya are guilty of murder
Tiana it is no secret I have said those things and I stand by them all. Most of those quotes are concerned with people being idiots and yes, I believe idiots deserve to die. If someone screws up it is their own problem.

If people are poor, that's there own problem, not mine or anyone elses. It is just as immoral to rob people of the product of their work.... making one a slave to the state and collective.

Killing a person is also immoral, more immoral I would argue than you being forced to remain pregnant.

And again I am pretty much pro-choice anyway, I am just saying you need to step back from the illogical arguments you are putting forth.

Lastly, I never said YOU mentioned jesus. That was an assumption on your part. I was speaking generally.
I do believe...


I agree!

Abortion IS murder, like you say.

When we overturn Roe, What should the republican party make the criminal penalty for women who get abortions?

-manslaugher - 6 to 12 years?


-first degree murder - 25 to life?

there was a penalty before Roe vs...all of I say return the penalty described as before this BS...for convienence sake!

I agree!

Abortion IS murder, like you say.

When we overturn Roe, What should the republican party make the criminal penalty for women who get abortions?

-manslaugher - 6 to 12 years?


-first degree murder - 25 to life?

BB: "there was a penalty before Roe vs...all of I say return the penalty described as before this BS...for convienence sake!"

Good Lord, we agree again!

YES - when the GOP overturns Roe, the GOP should run on a platform to reinstate the DEATH PENALTY for any woman getting an abortion.

Won't you please write to all your elected GOP representatives, and demand that the Death Penalty for abortion be included in the GOP platform? I agree with you 100% that this should be in the GOP platform.
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I think it would be more accurate to give the woman what someone would get for solicitation. The doctor should be the one to be executed...

For late third trimester and partial birth only though, i think.
Only if...

Good Lord, we agree again!

YES - when the GOP overturns Roe, the GOP should run on a platform to reinstate the DEATH PENALTY for any woman getting an abortion.

Won't you please write to all your elected GOP representatives, and demand that the Death Penalty for abortion be included in the GOP platform? I agree with you 100% that this should be in the GOP platform.

it is for convienence sake...I would be willing to concede on choice...if forced rape and or medical conditions or forced incest is present..this would then be a legal choice for the mother and between her and our creator...!
it is for convienence sake...I would be willing to concede on choice...if forced rape and or medical conditions or forced incest is present..this would then be a legal choice for the mother and between her and our creator...!

I can tell this in a very important issue to you.

Does that mean you'll be working to make the DEATH PENALTY for abortion, part of the Republican Party platform?
I think it would be more accurate to give the woman what someone would get for solicitation. The doctor should be the one to be executed...

For late third trimester and partial birth only though, i think.


And to think, you almost had me believing that "heartfeld" post on NEVER comprising principles that you wrote.

The woman is soliciting murder, in your and Battlebornes view. She is an accomplise to murder.

An accomplise to murder does not get off with a "solicitation" charge. If you all want to call it murder, you've got to treat it like murder.
Only if...

I can tell this in a very important issue to you.

Does that mean you'll be working to make the DEATH PENALTY for abortion, part of the Republican Party platform?

as I conceded to previously...mitigating circumstances being the clue...only if it was for convienance sake...pride or personal preference...this would then be considered murder on the womans as well as the MD's part!
Tiana it is no secret I have said those things and I stand by them all. Most of those quotes are concerned with people being idiots and yes, I believe idiots deserve to die. If someone screws up it is their own problem.

A scared pregnant woman trying to getaway from occupiers. Yeah. She deserved to die. GD idiot. /sarcasm off

If people are poor, that's there own problem, not mine or anyone elses. It is just as immoral to rob people of the product of their work.... making one a slave to the state and collective.

We're not talking about taxes. We're talking about your quote relating to your indifference in their deaths. In case you forgot: you didn't care.

Killing a person is also immoral, more immoral I would argue than you being forced to remain pregnant.

I agree. Killing a person is immoral. Which is why I don't advocate genocide like you.

"100 million muslims dead, yeah sure, lets at least give it a shot, we have nothing to lose."

Lastly, I never said YOU mentioned jesus. That was an assumption on your part. I was speaking generally.


Grind said:
Despite your rhetoric, most people who are pro-life are not out to control you for jesus

I'll ask you again. Where did I impy such?
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as I conceded to previously...mitigating circumstances being the clue...only if it was for convienance sake...pride or personal preference...this would then be considered murder on the womans as well as the MD's part!


I love you, man. I agree. Execute all women and doctors, except those that get pregnant through rape or other mitigating circumstances. That's a great republican platform! I truly wish you success on making it the GOP platform.

Now, since this is so important to you, will you be actively soliciting the republican party to make the Death Penalty (with exceptions for rape) for abortion the party platform?
I've always found it amusing when cons don't think the "child" is worthy enough to be saved by their oppressive laws when its a product of rape. I mean if you truly believe that aborting a fetus is equivalent to killing a person, how are children that are products of rape any different? Could it possibly be that their positions are based in punishment of the female?
A scared pregnant woman trying to getaway from occupiers. Yeah. She deserved to die. GD idiot. /sarcasm off

We're not talking about taxes. We're talking about your quote relating to your indifference in their deaths. In case you forgot: you didn't care.

I agree. Killing a person is immoral. Which is why I don't advote genocide like you.

"100 million muslims dead, yeah sure, lets at least give it a shot, we have nothing to lose."


I'll ask you again. Where did I impy such?


I've always found it amusing when cons don't think the "child" is worthy enough to be saved by their oppressive laws when its a product of rape. I mean if you truly believe that aborting a fetus is equivalent to killing a person, how are children that are products of rape any different? Could it possibly be that their positions are based in punishment of the female?

Could it possibly be that their positions are based in punishment of the female?

Short answer: YES.
Personally I think the child should not be given the ultimate punishment for the action of their father. I can see no difference between the abortion of a child from a broken condom and that of rape. The child is still the most innocent possible living creature involved.

I love you, man. I agree. Execute all women and doctors, except those that get pregnant through rape or other mitigating circumstances. That's a great republican platform! I truly wish you success on making it the GOP platform.

BB's not that bright Cypress. I don't think he'll get it.
Nice try....


I love you, man. I agree. Execute all women and doctors, except those that get pregnant through rape or other mitigating circumstances. That's a great republican platform! I truly wish you success on making it the GOP platform.

Now, since this is so important to you, will you be actively soliciting the republican party to make the Death Penalty (with exceptions for rape) for abortion the party platform?

Bison breath...I never said that which you are trying to implicate me on...I said mitigating circumstances would be the defiining penalty...murder is murder however, when a party willing does so...without mitigating will and all! I leave the penalty faze to those who write the laws...!
BB's not that bright Cypress. I don't think he'll get it.

Hang on: I'm DEAD serious.

I REALLY think the GOP should make the DEATH PENALTY for women and doctors who do abortions, part of the national GOP platform.

Its not as nutty as you think. There appears to be some conservative grass roots support for it: Grind and BB both support some application of the death penalty for abortion.

GO GOP! Make it your party platform!