GOP wants law to define when fetuses feel pain

Bison breath...I never said that which you are trying to implicate me on...I said mitigating circumstances would be the defiining penalty...murder is murder however, when a party willing does so...without mitigating will and all! I leave the penalty faze to those who write the laws...!


Dance Monkey Boy!


First you say we SHOULD have the death penalty for women who get abortions (with the exception of rape victims), and now you try to backpeddle away from that statement!:

Hell, you won't even SAY you are actively going to work to make the death penalty for abortion party of the GOP platform


I guess we can see that calling it "murder" is just a semantics game for you. It has no real consequences. that what I said...


Dance Monkey Boy!


First you say we SHOULD have the death penalty for women who get abortions (with the exception of rape victims), and now you try to backpeddle away from that statement!:

Hell, you won't even SAY you are actively going to work to make the death penalty for abortion party of the GOP platform


I guess we can see that calling it "murder" is just a semantics game for you. It has no real consequences.

read again bison breath...mitigating circumstances included other aspects...but carry on with the misquotes and soundbites...!
LOL, we should infiltrate the GOP and push that as an agenda.

They'd never win another senate seat or the presidency for the next 50 years, if they tried to make the DEATH PENALTY for abortion, the party platform.

And these wankers who keep calling it "murder", know that full well.

That's why even though they run their mouths about "abortion/murder", they won't lift a finger to make criminal prosecution of women who get abortions, the law of the land.

Some "principles". LOL
They'd never win another senate seat or the presidency for the next 50 years, if they tried to make the DEATH PENALTY for abortion, the party platform.

And these wankers who keep calling it "murder", know that full well.

That's why even though they run their mouths about "abortion/murder", they won't lift a finger to make criminal prosecution of women who get abortions, the law of the land.

Some "principles". LOL

C'est vrai. Just like for many its ok to "murder" someone who's a product of rape.
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LOL@you and your ilk...

They'd never win another senate seat or the presidency for the next 50 years, if they tried to make the DEATH PENALTY for abortion, the party platform.

And these wankers who keep calling it "murder", know that full well.

That's why even though they run their mouths about "abortion/murder", they won't lift a finger to make criminal prosecution of women who get abortions, the law of the land.

Some "principles". LOL

y'all are the same 'Morons' (stolen from maineman)...that call soldiers who accidentally kill bystanders in a war..war criminals...make up your sorry ass minds weak in the knees...!

And to think, you almost had me believing that "heartfeld" post on NEVER comprising principles that you wrote.

The woman is soliciting murder, in your and Battlebornes view. She is an accomplise to murder.

An accomplise to murder does not get off with a "solicitation" charge. If you all want to call it murder, you've got to treat it like murder.

ok call it murder. I just wasn't familiar with that area of law, I was just trying to make her equal to those that usually solicite, as that's what I see her role as.
y'all are the same 'Morons' (stolen from maineman)...that call soldiers who accidentally kill bystanders in a war..war criminals...make up your sorry ass minds weak in the knees...!

Here we see a prime example of someone who runs their mouth about "the DEATH PENALTY for abortion", -- and yet whose unwilling to lift a finger to make that the GOP platform -- trying to change the subject.

Hell, he wouldn't even say he would call his GOP reps to promote the death penalty for abortions.

I guess calling abortion "murder", is just a semantics game for cyberspace. No Con has the guts to really treat it like murder and dole out criminal penalties for those women who get them.

In short, its not really about "principles" at all.
Laughs at this "Moron"

Here we see a prime example of someone who runs their mouth about "the DEATH PENALTY for abortion", -- and yet whose unwilling to lift a finger to make that the GOP platform -- trying to change the subject.

Hell, he wouldn't even say he would call his GOP reps to promote the death penalty for abortions.

I guess calling abortion "murder", is just a semantics game for cyberspace. No Con has the guts to really treat it like murder and dole out criminal penalties for those women who get them.

In short, its not really about "principles" at all.

All you do is misquote and butcher all that is said to fit your (sic) needs...sorry charlie y'all are a for real... loser and "Moron"...If I had the energy and time I would kick your sick butt royally in front of a crowd...but y'all are not worth the effort! A Merry Christmas present from me to your sick weak butt...a reprieve has been granted!
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A scared pregnant woman trying to getaway from occupiers. Yeah. She deserved to die. GD idiot. /sarcasm off

It is your fault usually if you get pregnant. If you get raped, it ISN'T the child's fault.

Think about it, if you are raped, you aren't going to keep the baby for 7- months anyway, so that whole area is moot because I support early to mid term abortions.

We're not talking about taxes. We're talking about your quote relating to your indifference in their deaths. In case you forgot: you didn't care.

I don't support random murder without cause tiana. But when I speak of poor people and those that are less fortunate, I am not going to care about deaths of those dying at their own hands, by their own mistakes. That is a stark contrast and different scenario when compared to people that die at the hands of others.

I agree. Killing a person is immoral. Which is why I don't advocate genocide like you.

But you do advocate killing babies.


I'll ask you again. Where did I impy such?

I was only talking about your alarmist "the gop is out to take control of our bodies they want to control teh womenz" rhetoric and I was speaking generally with regards to the jesus comment. It's obvious you did not make any reference to christian conservatives in this thread.
Here we see a prime example of someone who runs their mouth about "the DEATH PENALTY for abortion", -- and yet whose unwilling to lift a finger to make that the GOP platform -- trying to change the subject.

Hell, he wouldn't even say he would call his GOP reps to promote the death penalty for abortions.

I guess calling abortion "murder", is just a semantics game for cyberspace. No Con has the guts to really treat it like murder and dole out criminal penalties for those women who get them.

In short, its not really about "principles" at all.

Im not GOP, and frankly I don't care enough anyway. You still can think something is wrong without having a strong will to enact change. Logically though from a GOP standpoint there would be nothing to gain from changing those abortion laws, and it would be impossible anyway.

Im not GOP, and frankly I don't care enough anyway. You still can think something is wrong without having a strong will to enact change. Logically though from a GOP standpoint there would be nothing to gain from changing those abortion laws, and it would be impossible anyway.

Law is not definite...just a guideline...thats what appeals are for... case law ring a bell! and for the record I am not GOP or DNC just a realist conservative Independant American Party registered for thought youngn' The ilk of the get back to what our country was founded on...regardless of the Liberal mantra being expressed!
It is your fault usually if you get pregnant. If you get raped, it ISN'T the child's fault.

Think about it, if you are raped, you aren't going to keep the baby for 7- months anyway, so that whole area is moot because I support early to mid term abortions.

Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. Who knows? I've never been in that position. But should something arise and for whatever reason, and I needed to abort the pregnancy, I should have the right to if that is what I felt was best for my well being. You, RattleBoy nor any other governmental agency should have the right to intervene.

If the mother finds out she's HIV positive, are you going to foot the bill for the kids $20K/year HIV drugs?

If the mother finds out her life is in danger, are you going to take care of her remaining children?

I was only talking about your alarmist "the gop is out to take control of our bodies they want to control teh womenz" rhetoric and I was speaking generally with regards to the jesus comment. It's obvious you did not make any reference to christian conservatives in this thread.

Yes. Obviously I did not as I pointed, despite your original assinine statement.

"I don't support random murder without cause tiana.

Actually you do. When you advocate blowing up every muslim in the middle east, do you really think that doesn't include innocent children? I've seen you on several occassions casually talk about wiping out entire regions and not giving a flying fuck. To individuals like myself who care about actual living people, that's troubling because you really don't care that your killing people.

So I'll throw your quote right back at you:

But you do advocate killing babies.
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Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. Who knows? I've never been in that position. But should something arise and for whatever reason, and I needed to abort the pregnancy, I should have the right to if that is what I felt was best for my well being. You, RattleBoy nor any other governmental agency should have the right to intervene.

If the mother finds out she's HIV positive, are you going to foot the bill for the kids $20K/year HIV drugs?

If the mother finds out her life is in danger, are you going to take care of her remaining children?

Yes. Obviously I did not as I pointed, despite your original assinine statement.

Actually you do. When you advocate blowing every muslim in the middle east, do you really think that doesn't include innocent children? I've seen you on several occassions casually talk about wiping out entire regions and not giving a flying fuck. To individuals like myself who care about actual living people, that's troubling because you really don't care that your killing people.

So I'll throw your quote right back at you:

I think you need to edit this last statement...'Blowing every Muslim in the ME' sounds a little sexual not
Law is not definite...just a guideline...thats what appeals are for... case law ring a bell! and for the record I am not GOP or DNC just a realist conservative Independant American Party registered for thought youngn' The ilk of the get back to what our country was founded on...regardless of the Liberal mantra being expressed!
American Independent Party -- a.k.a. the American Taliban. Don't believe me, y'all? Think I'm exagerating just because BeetleBailey here is a con? Not so. Judge for yourselves:

These are some; ugly fucking people, people. These are the real enemy; far more dangerous than any foreign terrorists.