Gore would kick ass if he threw his hat in

And because many of us were right about the war, those that were wrong now hate us. After all it was our fault they were wrong. It could not be their fault.

Look no further than Cynthia McKinney who was the first politician to speak out about Bush and Iraq. The DEMOCRATS devised a way to get rid of her.
"gore, bush... not much diffrence there"

There are anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 dead people (depending on which report you're using), as well as roughly a million refugees, who might disagree with you on that one...

Yep. I'm honestly quite sick of the "Gore is exactly like Bush" nonsense.

If we had a president that had decided NOT to invade and occupy Iraq, that would have been, quite frankly, one of the wisest and best decisions ever made in the history of the republic.
Yep. I'm honestly quite sick of the "Gore is exactly like Bush" nonsense.

If we had a president that had decided NOT to invade and occupy Iraq, that would have been, quite frankly, one of the wisest and best decisions ever made in the history of the republic.


The powers behind the attack on Iraq and the quest for world domination are ruthless and cutthroat. The assasination of a president is most certainly within their scope of doing.

Lieberman becoming the VP would have been one of the worst decisions in the history of this republic.

The powers behind the attack on Iraq and the quest for world domination are ruthless and cutthroat. The assasination of a president is most certainly within their scope of doing.

Lieberman becoming the VP would have been one of the worst decisions in the history of this republic.
So you are saying that AHZ's conspiracy would have caused the assassination of Gore so that Lieberman could be a worse President than Bush?

The powers behind the attack on Iraq and the quest for world domination are ruthless and cutthroat. The assasination of a president is most certainly within their scope of doing.

Lieberman becoming the VP would have been one of the worst decisions in the history of this republic.

Calm down. ;). As much of an ass as Lieberman is, his agenda and polcies wouldn't have been implemented under a gore presidency.

Gore is not a blow-hard weakling, like Bush. Cheney is the alpha male, and Bush essentially lets him run the country.

Lieberman as VP, would wield almost no power. Just like all the other VPs in history. Our country survived Dan Quayle, and a host of other dangerouslly incompetent VPs - because the VP has no power, constitutionally.
Calm down. ;). As much of an ass as Lieberman is, his agenda and polcies wouldn't have been implemented under a gore presidency.

Gore is not a blow-hard weakling, like Bush. Cheney is the alpha male, and Bush essentially lets him run the country.

Lieberman as VP, would wield almost no power. Just like all the other VPs in history. Our country survived Dan Quayle, and a host of other dangerouslly incompetent VPs - because the VP has no power, constitutionally.

You keep missing the point brother.

Gore would be DEAD and Lieberman would have been the president.
How was Gore going to be Dead? A president dying in office, is an extremely rare event in this nations history.

It would have sucked if Gore died, and Joe-mentum became president. But, the risk of that is small enough, that I'm willing to trade that risk off against NOT going to war in iraq, with Gore at the helm.

Isn't that a trade-off you'd be willing to take? ;)
How was Gore going to be Dead? A president dying in office, is an extremely rare event in this nations history.

It would have sucked if Gore died, and Joe-mentum became president. But, the risk of that is small enough, that I'm willing to trade that risk off against NOT going to war in iraq, with Gore at the helm.

Isn't that a trade-off you'd be willing to take? ;)

He is saying that he believes Gore would have been an assassination target.
After this pardoning of Liby, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a rash of assasination attempts on both Bush and Chenny.
After this pardoning of Liby, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a rash of assasination attempts on both Bush and Chenny.

he wasnt pardoned.. his setance was commuted... big diffrence...

he shouldnt have got either
How was Gore going to be Dead? A president dying in office, is an extremely rare event in this nations history.

It would have sucked if Gore died, and Joe-mentum became president. But, the risk of that is small enough, that I'm willing to trade that risk off against NOT going to war in iraq, with Gore at the helm.

Isn't that a trade-off you'd be willing to take? ;)

Perhaps I've been watching politics longer than you have. After Kennedy refused to go along with Operation Northwoods, 6 months later he was dead.

Perhaps it's because you simply have more faith in the goodness and fair play of the neocon horde than I do. I believe that they would have let nothing stand in their way, including allowing 9/11 to happen, which is hardly arguable that they did not, at the very least, and including the mass-murder of countless people, which is hardly arguable that they did not. If you believe that the life of one man, Gore, would somehow be sacrosanct to them, and OMG, that would never happen, then I believe that you do not know the depth of what this nation has been facing.

But you are free to believe it.
Perhaps I've been watching politics longer than you have. After Kennedy refused to go along with Operation Northwoods, 6 months later he was dead.

Perhaps it's because you simply have more faith in the goodness and fair play of the neocon horde than I do. I believe that they would have let nothing stand in their way, including allowing 9/11 to happen, which is hardly arguable that they did not, at the very least, and including the mass-murder of countless people, which is hardly arguable that they did not. If you believe that the life of one man, Gore, would somehow be sacrosanct to them, and OMG, that would never happen, then I believe that you do not know the depth of what this nation has been facing.

But you are free to believe it.

Fair enough. It's your choice, if you want to believe Gore would be assassinated.

I don't rule out that assasinations do happen, or that there are powerful interest groups in this nation that try to influence events and policy. Sometimes, through devious means.

But, I also put my faith in facts and evidence. Speculation is of little use to me.

I look at it this way:

Fact: A President Gore would now have invaded iraq.

Speculation: The PNAC kooks would have assisnated Gore, and had Lieberman invade Iraq.

I'm going with facts, until I can see some substantiation that support speculation.