Got Any Coronavirus Funnies?

From the liberal CNN

"A new Chinese coronavirus, a cousin of the SARS virus, has infected hundreds since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China."

Any question?

Oh, look who suddenly turns to CNN as a source to back up a false claim... even though the fact is that it doesn't back up what you claimed. But it's still amusing how a right-wing idiot who normally scoffs and sneers at anything CNN has to say, suddenly tries (unsuccessfully) to use them as a source for one of his own idiotic statements.

Oh, look who suddenly turns to CNN as a source to back up a false claim... even though the fact is that it doesn't back up what you claimed. But it's still amusing how a right-wing idiot who normally scoffs and sneers at anything CNN has to say, suddenly tries (unsuccessfully) to use them as a source for one of his own idiotic statements.


It absolutely backs up my claim, unless you don't think CNN is reputable. It's a no-brainer you'd scoff and go off on a tangent if I used FOX News as my proof, so I used the left-leaning CNN. And you're STILL too fucking thick to acknowledge the FACT that the Wung Flu originated in China

First, prove that China created the virus and releasing it.

I will accept your concession.

There is no proof for:

1. China creating the virus
2. China releasing the virus deliberately

Until you can give me evidence, it remains that you do not have any evidence.

Then this senseless twit chimes in

Oh, look who suddenly turns to CNN as a source to back up a false claim... even though the fact is that it doesn't back up what you claimed. But it's still amusing how a right-wing idiot who normally scoffs and sneers at anything CNN has to say, suddenly tries (unsuccessfully) to use them as a source for one of his own idiotic statements.


...and then you again

Nobody denies it came from China.

It absolutely backs up my claim, unless you don't think CNN is reputable. It's a no-brainer you'd scoff and go off on a tangent if I used FOX News as my proof, so I used the left-leaning CNN. And you're STILL too fucking thick to acknowledge the FACT that the Wung Flu originated in China.


This is what you FALSELY claimed:

What is so funny about China releasing this virus all over the world that has killed over 100,000 people? Why does it compare to the Lord's last supper?

Where did CNN or any other non-right-wing goofball propaganda puker ever claim China released the virus?


You either think people are too fucking stupid to read and comprehend the bullshit you post, or else YOU are too fucking stupid to read and comprehend the bullshit you post, or you just have nothing better to do with your time than waste everyone else's time troll posting, which puts you in the same category of juvenile immaturity as most right-wingers.

This is what you FALSELY claimed:

Where did CNN or any other non-right-wing goofball propaganda puker ever claim China released the virus?


You either think people are too fucking stupid to read and comprehend the bullshit you post, or else YOU are too fucking stupid to read and comprehend the bullshit you post, or you just have nothing better to do with your time than waste everyone else's time troll posting, which puts you in the same category of juvenile immaturity as most right-wingers.

Damn, you're a thick asshole. What makes you so stupid? You live in the city? Fucking retard...
Trump during the briefing Sunday

"It was hard to get it aroused. And it is hard to get it aroused. But we got it aroused." -- Trump is now reading a Wall Street Journal op-ed that said nice things about him