Got Pets?

My dogs a mixed breed, with the cutest name. Chakita(Chow Chow, Akita mix) It reminds me of the banana company Chiquita.

Great doggy name,

I almost felt like punching George Dumbya Bush in the face for naming his dog "Spot". Really so insipid, almost an insult to the dog, actually.

We generally give our pets Russian names. My current cat is named Yasha.
This is Brian. He left us way too soon. He might be one of the most affectionate cats I've ever seen. He had a heart condition that we never knew about. Started out as a feral who came to the neighborhood feeding trough as a kitten. We ended up taking him in, and he/Casey were inseparable. We lost him a little over a year ago.

First thing I do is build a cat pedestal. It keeps them from tearing up the furniture. They all fought for control of the tower.

new pedestal.jpg
Great doggy name,

I almost felt like punching George Dumbya Bush in the face for naming his dog "Spot". Really so insipid, almost an insult to the dog, actually.

We generally give our pets Russian names. My current cat is named Yasha.
If you haven't noticed, most of my cats are named after Dead songs.
Eeeeww, USFreedom eats his pets, I knew the guy had issues.
I find it amusing that he thinks the idiotic stuff he puts here actually bothers me. I considered thread banning a few, but I have most of them on ignore anyway.

He doesn't strike me as the pet type. Too selfish to consider another living being.
I'm getting ready to upload more pix too. Casey, my tortie, is a runt too. She's the boss of the house. It took a few months for her and Stella to sort things out, but surprisingly, Casey won out. Something about runts....
Napoleon could be my Savannah's brother. He's a looker.
That's heartbreaking, especially when they want so badly to be part of the 'indoor' clan. Cooper looks like a holstein!

Cooper has it a heck of a lot better than he could have had it as a feral.



Cooper...with his condo in the background.


What he is missing not being part of the family.

AHHH....A tortie! She looks a lot like my Casey. Do you think they'd take off if you just built them a warm enclosure, but let them come and go?

Yes...I get hives the same way from them just barely piercing my skin. The respiratory issues are manageable, but on rare occasions I use Vicks on my chest. Still works after all these years.
Simon usually roams free, but we started locking him up with the others at night, because we had heard some coyotes in the area. Since it has gotten bitter cold, we've been keeping them all locked up. This spring were going to start letting them all roam free, at least during the day. But I'm scared to death, lol. Don't want anything to happen to the little buggers. That's what sucks about animals, you get so attached, you worry about them. We had a rescue we adopted from the humane society not long after we got Simon, and he would stay gone for a couple days at a time, then one day he just never came back. :(

Here's #4, Hungry Howie Smix (I did not name any of the cats, lol). He's super rambunctious, and super loveable. He was a feral kitten from a local little town. Looks like a tabby/siamese mix (hence his last name of "smix".

Geez, sideways AND upside down. I hate loading pics off the phone.



I couldn't find a thread for pet pix. Althea is one of my cats. She's in my avatar. She literally walked into my house one day. Starving, and afraid of humans.

This is what she looked like a few minutes after invading my privacy. I only decided to keep her because I had a black cat, and I thought they'd make good bookends.

View attachment 5617

She's gorgeous!
Cooper has it a heck of a lot better than he could have had it as a feral.


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Cooper...with his condo in the background.

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What he is missing not being part of the family.

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Agree about Cooper's options otherwise. I'm sure he's very content. But, when you get a cat that just wants to be part of the family, it's hard to look them in the eyes when it's time to shut the door.