I love that photo!
It's one of their few times not trying to kill each other!
I love that photo!
Yep...and scrap carpet is pretty easy to find. I get a lot from the commercial jobs I do, but they like pile better than berber. Their claws get caught in the loops. Let me dig my Casey kitten/Brian pedestal pix out. I called her velcro kitty.He looks just like one of mine that died a few years ago. And I never thought of building a pedestal, great idea. I have scrap lumber and it would be a whole lot cheaper than buying one of those kitty condos.
Yeah, I get really itchy, and my asthma starts to kick in unfortunately. If I get a little scratch while playing, it's like getting bitten by a dozen mosquitoes, lol. But I love the little buggers.
The enclosure I built is over 500 sq ft of space, with almost half of that completely indoors. It's been challenging this bitter winter to keep them warm, and their water in liquid form, lol. I'm running power out there this summer, so next winter will be much better.
Here's #3, Mosaic. She's the rescue.
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Well...message board etiquette is message board etiquette. Recipes, gardening, pets, etc. We can set our political differences aside, and act like we live in a civilized society.That guy is a dubiously hopeless shitpile in adult, and social skills. Heavens sake, what loser acts like that on such a wonderful issue like pets? Anyone else want to start a gofundme, to bribe his parents to smack him one?
Great doggy name,
I almost felt like punching George Dumbya Bush in the face for naming his dog "Spot". Really so insipid, almost an insult to the dog, actually.
We generally give our pets Russian names. My current cat is named Yasha.
OMG!!!! First, it was freezing out. There was urine under the tree, so she must have been up there all night. Usually, they come down by themselves, but as you can see, she was on some very thin branches. I had to drive 15 miles to borrow a 35' extension ladder. That barely reached the thick part of the branch. I climbed up, but she was so scared, she wouldn't move. I went into the shop, and made a carpeted plank for her to grab onto.Holy crap! How'd you get her down?
I've always been fascinated by birds. It's quite a commitment, though. Have you 'willed' them to somebody? I can watch bird videos for hours. I'm amazed that they can actually dance to the beat of a variety of different types of music.
I've seen a few shows about how parrots are mistreated, and left for dead by owners who simply weren't prepared for the task at hand. In fact, I'm guessing you could fill your house with unwanted birds, without looking too far.
The show I saw was absolutely heartbreaking.
Does Phoenix have a walnut AND a filbert in the mouth?
Eeeeww, USFreedom eats his pets, I knew the guy had issues.
Great doggy name,
I almost felt like punching George Dumbya Bush in the face for naming his dog "Spot". Really so insipid, almost an insult to the dog, actually.
We generally give our pets Russian names. My current cat is named Yasha.
Thank you Owl Woman. My wife and I luvs them. Nappy is more my cat...and Cabot especially loves his Mom.
Cooper's smart enough to cozy up to both of us.
This is Brian. He left us way too soon. He might be one of the most affectionate cats I've ever seen. He had a heart condition that we never knew about. Started out as a feral who came to the neighborhood feeding trough as a kitten. We ended up taking him in, and he/Casey were inseparable. We lost him a little over a year ago.
First thing I do is build a cat pedestal. It keeps them from tearing up the furniture. They all fought for control of the tower.
This sums up everything I've ever learned about them. It takes a special person to put up with them! I understand that they typically bond very strongly with one person, often shunning others?Yes, she has a walnut and a hazelnut in that mongo sized beak! Greedy girl. lol That's my arm in the background holding up Her Divine Majesty for the photo. ;~)
A lot of ppl are amazed and enthralled by parrots and buy them without doing the research. They live a VERY long time -- Harley and Phoenix could very easily live into their 80s and even beyond. We have made provisions for them all in our will. They are also very loud at times, very messy at all times, they are extremely intelligent and do horrible things when bored or even when not bored but not supervised. They come equipped with the same emotions and traits we humans have, which I guess is part of the attraction we have to them.... love, anger, jealousy, devotion, bonding, rage, greed, possessiveness, generosity (a bit of regurgitated food lovingly placed in your mouth when you're not looking is not to be sneered at, lol), etc. They use our language appropriately -- all of them, even the little green Quakers. They tell us "bye! Bye! See you later!" when they notice we're putting on shoes and picking up car keys. They say "HI!!!" when we come home. If we try to sneak chips or other goodies we hear: "Whatcha got?" "Is that good???" "MMMMmmm! Whatcha got?" When you are sad and down, they will cuddle against your body or face (depending on size) and console you with gentle grooming and throat sounds that indicate awareness and empathy. And if you lose your soul mate, his voice will be forever echoed if you have an African Grey, who puts Memorex to shame. Even though it's just his farts and bird-shaming, he's still there with you somehow. lol
I love them. Can you tell? :~)
Brian was a special guy. He really bonded with me. That sucker knew when I was leaving the house. After ignoring me for hours, if I stood to get my shoes, he somehow knew it. He would follow me around the house, looking for attention. I played a game where I would just walk across the room, and he'd chase me from chair to chair, to the pedestal, all over. I never said a word to him. He just knew.Oh no. I'm so sorry.
He's gorgeous, like a miniature panther. You are honored and blessed by Bastet for your devotion to the Cat People.
That's what sucks about animals, you get so attached, you worry about them. We had a rescue we adopted from the humane society not long after we got Simon, and he would stay gone for a couple days at a time, then one day he just never came back.'s tough with indoor/outdoor cats. They want to go out.I'm so sorry.
Not that you asked for a lecture but here comes one anyways. lol Please keep your beloved feline friends from roaming free. Even by day they are susceptible to predation from hawks, foxes, coyotes, eagles(!), and other felines. In return they are consummate predators themselves and will attack snakes, birds, mice, etc. even when they aren't that hungry.
I used to let our cat out to roam the suburban neighborhood we lived in when my kids were little, but brought her in at night. One day I noticed that she didn't run upstairs like she always did when she heard me get up. I went to look for her and finally found her behind the gas water heater. Had to drag her limp body out. She felt like she was on fire. Rushed her to the vet. She had a huge abscess on her flank near her hips, up to the spine. The vet lanced it and had to keep it open for a month till it healed, along with IV antibiotics and then oral antibiotics (imagine the fun of shoving that down a cat's throat!). She said it was from a puncture wound from a fight with another cat, and that if I hadn't brought Muffin in when I did she would have died within hours.
Here's a video I keep bookmarked because it makes me happy to watch her.
This one cracks me up. Heavy metal bird
This seems to be a thing with Cockatoos. They all have rhythm, and they cannot seem to avoid stepping to the beat. I had relatives that had one, and he/she had them chasing imaginary doorbells, telephones, etc.OMG... Umbrella Cockatoo.... and he's so expressive!
Wish I knew how to post a non-Youtube vid here. I have one of our Grey, Koko, dancing and whistling to a musical greeting card that's really cute.
Don't you suspect that they have their own names for themselves, and just tolerate the ones we give them?