Governor Christie's idea of less government...

State Police Superintendent Rick Fuentes denied that the trip cost taxpayers anything extra.

"State Police helicopters fly daily homeland security missions and use flight time for training purposes," Fuentes said in a statement. "These are flight hours that would be logged in any event.

"Therefore, there is no additional cost to taxpayers or the State police budget, nor is there any interference with our daily mission," he said.

Fuentes added that Christie has flown in state police helicopters 35 times during his stint as governor.

Maybe they needed to test the chopper's payload capacity...for homeland security reasons...


What is so tough about it Yurt? Are you talking about the President taking his wife to NYC for dinner and a Broadway show?

I think there were probably good shows and restaurants in DC, wouldn't you think so? In any case, yes he had the right. Exactly how was Obama's excursion helpful to the public good? Oh yeah, family. Christie? Hello?
It's a matter of how often and why. Whichever party one is speaking about. Obama used pretty quickly, took heat, has been more circumspect on personal use since. He can't avoid the limo thing though.

Christie is an issue for NJ voters to deal with. If they have a problem with use of baseball helos, they'll let him know.
hello......why are you whining about a copter vs. air force one? do you denounce obama for using air force one?

HELLO...Are you talking about the President taking his wife to NYC for dinner and a Broadway show? A yes or no will do.
It's a matter of how often and why. Whichever party one is speaking about. Obama used pretty quickly, took heat, has been more circumspect on personal use since. He can't avoid the limo thing though. Christie is an issue for NJ voters to deal with. If they have a problem with use of baseball helos, they'll let him know.

So your sole purpose in posting in this thread was to bash Obama, lil' Annie Fannie?

Got it.
My 'silence' says I was watching baseball. I find it interesting that you right wing zealots 'claim' you want less government. You just want less Democrats. You have NO problem with lots and lots of government when your right wing authoritarians are dictating.

My God, the fat fuck couldn't waddle 100 yards, he had to take a limo from the helicopter to the ball field...REALLY. If I were his son I would have looked for a hole to crawl into.
Whats wrong with the hole you came out of ?
Not so much, as the NY Times is later and unless they retracted more current. They nulled that article.

No. The Obamas paid for renovations to the private living quarters. They are upstairs. The NYT article is about renovations to the Oval Office. That is downstairs in the West Wing of the White House
So your sole purpose in posting in this thread was to bash Obama, lil' Annie Fannie?

Got it.

You seem to have an issue with weight, you are perhaps larger than normal? No surprise and wouldn't be a deal if you didn't make it such with others. But you do, so we'll call you Fats. Well Fats, seems you misinterpret all I post for your own amusement. Have at it. I don't have your fat problem. I wish you well in the battle of the pounds, try Weight Watchers, they've a great rep.
You seem to have an issue with weight, you are perhaps larger than normal? No surprise and wouldn't be a deal if you didn't make it such with others. But you do, so we'll call you Fats. Well Fats, seems you misinterpret all I post for your own amusement. Have at it. I don't have your fat problem. I wish you well in the battle of the pounds, try Weight Watchers, they've a great rep.

he is known here as legion troll.
cop out # 2

care to try again bfgrn?

I will try to go slower for you Yurt...
You seem to have an issue with weight, you are perhaps larger than normal? No surprise and wouldn't be a deal if you didn't make it such with others. But you do, so we'll call you Fats. Well Fats, seems you misinterpret all I post for your own amusement. Have at it. I don't have your fat problem. I wish you well in the battle of the pounds, try Weight Watchers, they've a great rep.

So your whole purpose in posting in this thread was to bash Obama, lil' Annie Fannie?

Got it.