Governor Christie's idea of less government...

It's a matter of how often and why. Whichever party one is speaking about. Obama used pretty quickly, took heat, has been more circumspect on personal use since. He can't avoid the limo thing though. Christie is an issue for NJ voters to deal with. If they have a problem with use of baseball helos, they'll let him know.

Looks like some of 'em are, lil' Annie Fannie.

Call it “Sanctimonious One,” the taxpayer-funded helicopter, which Gov. Chris Christie didn’t hesitate to use at our expense for a joyride (or several).

While everyone else, by the governor’s decree, must tighten belts and do without things — like health care for women and tax rebates for seniors, for example — Christie thought it was okay for taxpayers to cough up a grand or two so he could take the flying limousine to a ballfield.

On Tuesday, New Jersey’s whirlybird-in-chief took a State Police helicopter to (and from) his son’s high school baseball game in Montvale. The kid plays for Delbarton, a mega-expensive prep school.

Maybe the governor is tapped out by the hefty tuition. Maybe the tax break he gave himself (by protecting it with his veto) isn’t enough, so he has to travel on our dime to personal events.

Sorry, but it’s inappropriate. (Even when he’s playing Dad.) He should reimburse the state. Every penny. For every time he has used a state helicopter for personal reasons.

And Christie must come clean and reveal the reasons for each of his 35 helicopter trips.

Maybe taxpayers should start their own lobbying group: Repay Jersey Now.

State Police Superintendent Rick Fuentes insists the flights don’t cost the taxpayers anything because the pilots are training. That doesn’t wash. Christie is still using taxpayer assets for personal use. (Two additional thoughts: There are untrained pilots flying the governor? What’s next, driver’s ed students in the governor’s SUV?)

The Montvale police and fire departments and St. Joseph High School were notified last Friday of the governor’s plans, according to the police chief. The town had to have fire personnel on hand (volunteers, officials said), and supplied police officers (a lieutenant, sergeant and patrolman). Whew, it’s a good thing a cut in state aid didn’t force police layoffs in Montvale.

Democrats have jumped on this. Betrayed conservatives, too. But state Republicans have been quiet. We called Sen. Joseph Kyrillos (R-Monmouth) — though he didn’t immediately respond — because Kyrillos once said this when another governor abused helicopter use:

“The governor has his hands caught in the cookie jar. These are trips that never should have been billed to the taxpayer.”

The governor was James E. McGreevey, a Democrat, who repaid the state. Christie should do the same.

Here’s the clincher: Christie used a state car to ferry him the 100 yards to and from the helicopter.

Now we know why he can’t imagine what it’s like to walk a mile in the shoes of regular New Jerseyans: He doesn’t even walk 100 yards in his own.
Is this Christie's new limo for those long 100 yard trips to and from the Whopper-chopper?

But you see one when Obama plays golf?

Didn't Governor Whirlybird campaign on cutting the budget?

Apropos of nothing, I wonder if the military closes its own golf courses on Memorial Day? I wonder if every golfer in the military who had spare time on Memorial Day chose not to play in solidarity with their brothers?
It's amusing to see the bashing of weight, but no problems of calling others racists when there's absolutely no indication of such. Like your leader, so many on the left are hypocrites.

Bashing of weight by the left?

Michelle Obama's taken plenty of bashing by the right for her weight.
Interesting. According to the State Patrol commander, the helicopter would have flown at that time regardless.

State Police said the governor's trip took one hour, at an estimated cost of about $2,500. But State Police Superintendent Rick Fuentes said Christie's use of the helicopter carried "no additional cost to taxpayers or the State Police budget."

"It is important to understand that State Police helicopters fly daily homeland security missions, and use flight time for training purposes, more so lately as we acclimate our pilots to the new aircraft," Fuentes said in a statement released Wednesday. "These are flight hours that would be logged in any event."

So, basically it appears as if he's killing "two birds with one stone", which actually would save money for the state...
Bullshit, that fat fuck is 200 lbs too heavy to run
Should he run he will rightfully be bashed on it every time he brings up washington spending.
by the fact that you are retarded
the fat fuck is being mocked 24/7 and he hasn't even bought his treadmill yet.

Between Anonymous Guy on the interwebs and the commander of the State Patrol in a liberal state, I tend to believe the commander of the State Patrol. Thanks for your "help"... maybe you can go help Zappa pretend that Weiner didn't "really" send the wiener, and it is only good to be careful when denying you get pictures taken with your tighty whities tenting all out all the time and you just can't be sure whether that is really you or not in the picture....

Between Anonymous Guy on the interwebs and the commander of the State Patrol in a liberal state, I tend to believe the commander of the State Patrol. Thanks for your "help"... maybe you can go help Zappa pretend that Weiner didn't "really" send the wiener, and it is only good to be careful when denying you get pictures taken with your tighty whities tenting all out all the time and you just can't be sure whether that is really you or not in the picture....

If you want to find actual "spin", it's possible you can find it in that thread.
by the fact that you are retarded
the fat fuck is being mocked 24/7 and he hasn't even bought his treadmill yet.
Answer: like always, Top has no evidence and merely attempts to insult because he has no intelligence or debate skill.
Apropos of nothing, I wonder if the military closes its own golf courses on Memorial Day? I wonder if every golfer in the military who had spare time on Memorial Day chose not to play in solidarity with their brothers?
They did close down on Lejeune.
Between Anonymous Guy on the interwebs and the commander of the State Patrol in a liberal state, I tend to believe the commander of the State Patrol. Thanks for your "help"... maybe you can go help Zappa pretend that Weiner didn't "really" send the wiener, and it is only good to be careful when denying you get pictures taken with your tighty whities tenting all out all the time and you just can't be sure whether that is really you or not in the picture....

Spin it anyway you want Damo...I hope the fat fuck keeps it up, I'd love to see his fat ass waddle out the door of the Governor's mansion next election.


Democrats have jumped on this. Betrayed conservatives, too. But state Republicans have been quiet. We called Sen. Joseph Kyrillos (R-Monmouth) — though he didn’t immediately respond — because Kyrillos once said this when another governor abused helicopter use:

“The governor has his hands caught in the cookie jar. These are trips that never should have been billed to the taxpayer.”

The governor was James E. McGreevey, a Democrat, who repaid the state. Christie should do the same.

Here’s the clincher: Christie used a state car to ferry him the 100 yards to and from the helicopter.

Now we know why he can’t imagine what it’s like to walk a mile in the shoes of regular New Jerseyans: He doesn’t even walk 100 yards in his own.
Christie and his wife, Mary Pat, flew in a brand-new $12.5 million state police helicopter Tuesday afternoon from Trenton to North Jersey to see their son play in a high school baseball playoff game.

They took off after the fifth inning and flew on to the governor's mansion in Princeton, where Christie dined with presidential campaign fund-raisers from Iowa.

Christie has built a national profile from an overarching message of fiscal conservatism by slashing funding for education...

Democratic State Committee chairman, John Wisniewski, who is also an assemblyman, said: "New Jersey taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill for Hypocrisy One, the governor's state-funded personal helicopter, as Chris Christie tries to look presidential for his wealthy Iowa contributors."

Wisniewski was referring to the dinner Christie hosted after the ball game for Iowa Republican businessmen, who asked Christie to run for president. The governor declined to run in 2012, according to Bruce Rastetter, a hog-and-ethanol baron who led the delegation.

"We came away with the impression, even more so, that this guy has great leadership skills, is both a quality person and quality governor, and would make a great president," Rastetter said Wednesday. He said he didn't see how Christie arrived for their meeting.

Even those who would be expected to support the governor, such as Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, called out Christie on Wednesday.
She blogged: "Of course the car and even the helicopter are not huge costs compared to the billions the nation and states spend - but it is an example. Examples matter. Is it the example politicians want to be giving?"

Spin it anyway you want Damo...I hope the fat fuck keeps it up, I'd love to see his fat ass waddle out the door of the Governor's mansion next election.


Democrats have jumped on this. Betrayed conservatives, too. But state Republicans have been quiet. We called Sen. Joseph Kyrillos (R-Monmouth) — though he didn’t immediately respond — because Kyrillos once said this when another governor abused helicopter use:

“The governor has his hands caught in the cookie jar. These are trips that never should have been billed to the taxpayer.”

The governor was James E. McGreevey, a Democrat, who repaid the state. Christie should do the same.

Here’s the clincher: Christie used a state car to ferry him the 100 yards to and from the helicopter.

Now we know why he can’t imagine what it’s like to walk a mile in the shoes of regular New Jerseyans: He doesn’t even walk 100 yards in his own.
Again, he probably took the limo because of his security detail. I understand you're entirely ignorant of such things, but it's a pretty realistic concern.