Great: Another Socialist on the board...SouthernBelle82

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It's also important to note that the early platform was actually very socialistic. It was pandering and trying to differentiate itself from the other dominate nationalist party of the 20's. This changed over time, and that's why no one ever quotes the 1932 platform or whatnot.

Listen, Hitler was a facist, kind of like Dano, whatever he thinks his cheap tricks prove. All they prove is that he is a sneaky, but predictable guy.
"following planks of the Nationalist Socialist (NAZI) Party of Germany, adopted in Munich on February 24, 1920: "

Yeah, it's the nazi platform SB, I googled it. google everything and anything Dano asks you because his idea of a hot time is to trap someone on something like this.

Dano, I fucking knew it was a nazi thing right off, you are so predictable. How does it feel to be that predictable Dano?
You read a call to Socialism and you knew it was associated with Nazis right away?
Bu-bu-but I thought Hitler was a fascist, not a Socialist! At least that's what you guys tell me.

LOL, why do you feel the need to try and save her? Wouldn't you rather see for yourself her honest answer and see if she really does agree with that?
You read a call to Socialism and you knew it was associated with Nazis right away?
Bu-bu-but I thought Hitler was a fascist, not a Socialist! At least that's what you guys tell me.

LOL, why do you feel the need to try and save her? Wouldn't you rather see for yourself her honest answer and see if she really does agree with that?

Dano you are so pathetic.

I'm sure I could find something Stalin said that you agree with. What would that prove? Absolutely nothing.

Only someone with an intellect as small as yours would think it did.

Grow up Dano.
It's also important to note that the early platform was actually very socialistic. It was pandering and trying to differentiate itself from the other dominate nationalist party of the 20's. This changed over time, and that's why no one ever quotes the 1932 platform or whatnot.

Socialism ALWAYS changes over time, look at Chavez and his rapid move to authoritarian rule and being a dictator.

This is the biggest lesson of the 20th century with so many failed Socialist/Communist regimes that started with supposed great ideals and realized the only means to get there were mass extermination and autocratic dominance.

And yet then you get young college students, oblivious to history or worse indoctrinated in warped history and all of a sudden Socialism is still an idea that can work...
Dano you are so pathetic.

I'm sure I could find something Stalin said that you agree with. What would that prove? Absolutely nothing.

Only someone with an intellect as small as yours would think it did.

Grow up Dano.
Something he said? Sure.
A political platform? Nope.
Socialism ALWAYS changes over time, look at Chavez and his rapid move to authoritarian rule and being a dictator.

This is the biggest lesson of the 20th century with so many failed Socialist/Communist regimes that started with supposed great ideals and realized the only means to get there were mass extermination and autocratic dominance.

And yet then you get young college students, oblivious to history or worse indoctrinated in warped history and all of a sudden Socialism is still an idea that can work...

1. Nazism is not socialism. Big logical leap.
2. MMMkk...
3. Ad hominem
Hitler was a vegetarian too. Therefore, all vegetarians are nazis.

I think Dano is really Jonah Goldberg. Seriously. If not, Dano, you should check outhis new book. It's right up your alley. Chock full o' Danologic.
Actually I think you could probably do the same dishonest thing to Dano by posting something from Pinochet or his government on capitalism and business and then try to paint with a big broad brush there too.
1. Nazism is not socialism. Big logical leap.
2. MMMkk...
3. Ad hominem

BS, the Nazis did plenty of Socialistic policies, including gun control, abolishment of private property rights so they could do what they wanted with Jews and others property, giant government growth, high regulations and more social welfare just for Germans.

"I have learned a great deal from Marxism, and I do not hesitate to admit, that the difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlars and penpushers have timidly begin... National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order." - Hitler

National Socialism is what it is - Socialism that favored the national race of the country - it's still Socialism.
6. We oppose all forms of censorship both legislative and institutional

Do you support that, Dano?


It came straight from the SP website! OH no, no denying it now.
Well you and other lefties here would have a point, except
I didn't post ONE piece of their platform. I posted the entire summary of their platform.

Sorry to ruin your burn...
So if I disagree with the point that must mean I'm not a socialist right? Wrong. There are a few things I disagree with the official party on but that doesn't mean I'm not as much a socialist as they are. As I said in another thread (my original intro thread). The whole point with socialism and corporations etc. is that the people have a say. Look at the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. Check that out for your answer.

Yes you believe in the common good above individuals, old news.
Can I ask you a serious question? What do you think of the Socialists that called for this platform, do you agree with it?

"We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within its confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: … an end to the power of the financial interests. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand … the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our entire system of public education … We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents … The government must undertake the improvement of public health – by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor … by the greatest possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education of youth. We combat the … materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of the common good before the individual good."
Chavez isn't a dictator dumbass. If he was one he would've went a head with his referendum reforms but he didn't did he? Nope. In the last election the people voted him down and he accepted them and now they've moved on. Chavez has followed every rule to a tee since he's been president. Pathetic attempt to smear Chavez. Did you get that from Sean Hannity? Venezuela is still around dumbass. I guess they'd like to know they failed.... Chavez has been president since 1998. Newsflash! Socialism and the idea of it is always going to be around. Did you know it's even in the book of Acts in the Bible Liberano? What the first Christian's did is the socialist platform. IMAGINE THAT!

Socialism ALWAYS changes over time, look at Chavez and his rapid move to authoritarian rule and being a dictator.

This is the biggest lesson of the 20th century with so many failed Socialist/Communist regimes that started with supposed great ideals and realized the only means to get there were mass extermination and autocratic dominance.

And yet then you get young college students, oblivious to history or worse indoctrinated in warped history and all of a sudden Socialism is still an idea that can work...
Eh not really though. I have read that Hitler did like a good stake every once in a while so he was more of a liar than anything. But yeah I've known veggies before and they are nothing a like. It's pathetic. I also have an uncle who a long time ago owned a german sherpard dog. Hitler owned them too so I guess my uncle is a Nazi according to Dano.

Hitler was a vegetarian too. Therefore, all vegetarians are nazis.

I think Dano is really Jonah Goldberg. Seriously. If not, Dano, you should check outhis new book. It's right up your alley. Chock full o' Danologic.
Eh not really though. I have read that Hitler did like a good stake every once in a while so he was more of a liar than anything. But yeah I've known veggies before and they are nothing a like. It's pathetic. I also have an uncle who a long time ago owned a german sherpard dog. Hitler owned them too so I guess my uncle is a Nazi according to Dano.

He was more of a liar than anything? Wow, it's ending up that Hitler and Dano have a lot more in common that I knew. I'm glad Dano posted this.

I think you're doing great, don't let one or two fools get you down, you totally hold your own.
From the official sp website-

Bigotry and discrimination help the ruling class divide, exploit, and abuse workers here and in the Third World. The Socialist Party works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination in all its forms. We recognize the right of self-defense in the face of attacks; we also support non-violent direct action in combating oppression. We fully support strong and expanded affirmative action programs to help combat the entrenched inertia of a racist and sexist system which profits from discrimination and social division.
People of color, lesbians and gays, and other oppressed groups need independent organization to fight oppression. Racism will not be eliminated merely by eliminating capitalism.

Kinda goes against what you said doesn't it?

BS, the Nazis did plenty of Socialistic policies, including gun control, abolishment of private property rights so they could do what they wanted with Jews and others property, giant government growth, high regulations and more social welfare just for Germans.

"I have learned a great deal from Marxism, and I do not hesitate to admit, that the difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlars and penpushers have timidly begin... National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order." - Hitler

National Socialism is what it is - Socialism that favored the national race of the country - it's still Socialism.
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