APP - great sadness


Great sadness to hear just now, of the Denver shooting.
Watched open mouthed and could only mouth the same question that we have asked so many times.
Why, in god's name, don't you do something about your people who think guns are toys? What is the matter with your people? Dont give me the old shit that peple kill not guns, just come to your senses. There must be SOME Americans who are not fucking stupid!
Great sadness to hear just now, of the Denver shooting.
Watched open mouthed and could only mouth the same question that we have asked so many times.
Why, in god's name, don't you do something about your people who think guns are toys? What is the matter with your people? Dont give me the old shit that peple kill not guns, just come to your senses. There must be SOME Americans who are not fucking stupid!

what is it you're trying to say here?
Great sadness to hear just now, of the Denver shooting.
Watched open mouthed and could only mouth the same question that we have asked so many times.
Why, in god's name, don't you do something about your people who think guns are toys? What is the matter with your people? Dont give me the old shit that peple kill not guns, just come to your senses. There must be SOME Americans who are not fucking stupid!

The Wild Wild West mentality of a certain portion of our citizens as well as the outright ownership of our legislators through the pocketbooks of the NRA and it's crazed followers is the problem.

Until we, as intelligent and compassionate citizens, realize there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner, this will continue.
The Wild Wild West mentality of a certain portion of our citizens as well as the outright ownership of our legislators through the pocketbooks of the NRA and it's crazed followers is the problem.

Until we, as intelligent and compassionate citizens, realize there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner, this will continue.

so the military, police etc....are not responsible?

so the military, police etc....are not responsible?


Do they own their guns? You idiots know exactly what I'm talking about. Joe and Sue Six Pack who claim to be responsible gun owners clutching their NRA registration in their cold hands yet have the gun laying around the house. There's stories every day of their children killing each other.

I guarantee each and every one of these idiots claimed to be responsible.
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Do they own their guns?
some yes. some take home their issued weapons.

You idiots know exactly what I'm talking about. Joe and Sue Six Pack who claim to be responsible gun owners clutching their NRA registration in their cold hands yet have the gun laying around the house. There's stories every day of their children killing each other.

I guarantee each and every one of these idiots claimed to be responsible.
oh blah blah blah. explain how the 3 year old shot his cop father in the back.

admit it, your bias is skewing your objectivity much like it does darla.
some yes. some take home their issued weapons.

Thanks for agree with me.

Guess what? Even police officers lose their guns!

some yes. some take home their issued weapons.

explain how the 3 year old shot his cop father in the back.

admit it, your bias is skewing your objectivity much like it does darla.

Again, I'm not talking about cops. I'm talking about regular folks. Like these:

Police found 53 guns in the home where a 2-year-old accidentally shot and killed his 6-year-old half-sister Sunday morning.

According to police, the toddler found the unsecured gun in the master bedroom of the N. Boyd Avenue home around 11 a.m. on Sunday. He walked with the loaded semi-automatic gun into a bedroom where three of his siblings were playing, including 6-year-old Emily Lavender.

Police said the boy pointed the gun toward Emily and accidentally fired. The bullet hit Emily in the chest.

“The gun accidentally discharged, striking the child,” said Sgt. Stephen Viveros of the Fresno Police Department. “The child was pronounced deceased at the scene.”

Viveros said that Emily’s stepfather was in the living room at the time. The children’s mother was not at home.

After a search of the home, police found the handgun involved in the shooting as well as 52 additional firearms.

I'm sure this guy considered himself a responsible gun owner.
Do they own their guns? You idiots know exactly what I'm talking about. Joe and Sue Six Pack who claim to be responsible gun owners clutching their NRA registration in their cold hands yet have the gun laying around the house. There's stories every day of their children killing each other.

I guarantee each and every one of these idiots claimed to be responsible.

ok...if you want to split hairs....the government owns their work guns. then your claim is - the government is not responsible.

you are right that there are SOME irresponsible people out there. however, the reality is, most gun owners are in fact responsible.

i would love to hear why you think the government is irresponsible giving guns to police and the military, because both branches have accidents just like private parties. my hunch is, you don't hold the government to the same standard. tell i'm wrong and why.
Thanks for agree with me.

Guess what? Even police officers lose their guns!

Again, I'm not talking about cops. I'm talking about regular folks. Like these:

I'm sure this guy considered himself a responsible gun owner.
so you want to take away guns from we the people, but leave them with government folks, even though it's been identified that government folks are just as much, if not more, irresponsible and abusive with weapons than we the people? and you think WE are the dumb ones? LOL
so you want to take away guns from we the people, but leave them with government folks, even though it's been identified that government folks are just as much, if not more, irresponsible and abusive with weapons than we the people? and you think WE are the dumb ones? LOL

this is precisely what the argument boils down to.

those on the far left - no private citizen should own arms

those in the middle - private citizens should own certain arms

those on the far right - all private citizens should own all arms (including nukes)
this is precisely what the argument boils down to.

those on the far left - no private citizen should own arms

those in the middle - private citizens should own certain arms

those on the far right - all private citizens should own all arms (including nukes)

i'm not far right, brother.
this is precisely what the argument boils down to.

those on the far left - no private citizen should own arms

those in the middle - private citizens should own certain arms

those on the far right - all private citizens should own all arms (including nukes)

Show me where I said no private citizens should own guns.

I'm saying guns need to be regulated far more than they are now. I'm saying gun shows need to be shut down. I'm saying our politicians need to quit taking money from the NRA.
Show me where I said no private citizens should own guns.

I'm saying guns need to be regulated far more than they are now. I'm saying gun shows need to be shut down. I'm saying our politicians need to quit taking money from the NRA.

It's black or white to the nuts, Howey. There is no negotiating with them about their gun "rights".

NRA did a damn fine job of indoctrinating, didn't they?
Show me where I said no private citizens should own guns.

I'm saying guns need to be regulated far more than they are now. I'm saying gun shows need to be shut down. I'm saying our politicians need to quit taking money from the NRA.

did i say YOU said no private citizens should own guns? funny how you think my statement about far lefties applies to you.

guns are very regulated now. that is a fact. gun shows have not been proven to contribute to gun deaths. politicians accepting money from the NRA has not been proven to contribute to gun deaths.

what has been proven is:

ILLEGAL gun purchases contribute to the majority of gun deaths in america. thus...your call for more regulation does virtually nothing to stop illegal gun use.