APP - great sadness

Understood, and I agree my hatred of gunz is not all based on rational thought. I'd prefer they were banned, but I know they aren't going to be, and proliferaton not just in the US but worldwide shows more gunz/ gun deaths to come.

Hopefully I'll be dead and off this planet after this life,(nirvannah) but not dead by a gunshot.

ok...i think i see your point....are you basically saying that there would be less deaths without guns?
I have always maintained that the armed insurrection is a viable reason for the 2nd.

There are over 65 million gun owners in the US. Considering the difficulty our military is having in Afganistan and Iraq, with far fewer numbers and fewer firearms, I think we citizens could do some major damage.

The last estimate I saw was that there are rough 240 million firearms in private ownership. If 70% of the private gun owners (45,500,000) were to shoot 5 people, we have the potential to have a body count of over 225 million.

Why would anyone in their right mind even THINK like this?
Why would anyone in their right mind even THINK like this?

Conditioning. It starts very early here.

As to 'armed insurrection against tyranny", yes that was original intent - but it's not anymore. Whom is gonna overthrow the Fed'l gov't by armed insurrection?
You can't even get near the Capitol, or members of Congress -metal detectors. Armed insurrection? puuleees. ain't gonna happen.
this always cracks me up. it shows that some people can't understand numbers at all. what do you think would happen if there were a million gun owner march on DC?